Traveling and Home

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A/n: okay, so this is the magnificent sequel!*off key air horns*   I wanted to say that the cover will be changed soon as a friend of mine is making one for me! So I hope you enjoy and I hope you guys like the cover while it's here.


Sidon's P.O.V.   
A little bit back:
        "That should do it," I said, bringing my hammer down with a loud clank.
         I have been spending the last three nights making a sword for Laruta. I used the horn from the moblin I killed as the handle. I carved it so it would be easier to hold, but I left the end sharp so it could be used if she got desperate.
         The sword had a long thin blade. It was light, which was good for Laruta. The long blade was silver, and it shone in the moonlight. I smiled, excited to give this to Laruta tomorrow.
         We had gotten back from camping five or six days ago. I got the idea for this sword after I killed the moblin.
           When I was younger I learned how to forge weapons with the domains black smith at the time. The first thing I made was a small blade. I gave that to my sister in hopes it would help her stay safe.
           I shook my head, bringing myself out of my memories. I grabbed a piece of red fabric, I wrapped the sword in it, making sure that you couldn't tell what it was.
         I tucked it under my arm and ducked quietly out of the armoury. I ran into muzu, who was standing just outside the door.
              I stopped, then helped him up, "I must apologize Muzu, my head was elsewhere," I fixed the sword to make it less noticeable.
            He snorted, "yes, I could tell. Your father wants to speak with you," and with that he spun on his heels and walked off.
          I sighed, he seemed more irritable that usual, I wonder why. I turned to see that the lights were still on in the throne room. I walked quickly, my head still down.
           I climbed up the stairs, my footsteps echoing loudly. I ducked into the large door, the lights bright compared to the darkness outside.
           "Son," my father said, relatively quiet compared to how he usually talks.
           I jumped a little, "yes? Did I do something wrong?" I had no idea why I was so jumpy.
My father snorted out a laugh, "well, for one you didn't formally propose to Link," he said jokingly.
I jumped a little, my face starting to burn red, "Well, I- I mean," I started to twist at my sash.
My father started to laugh, "I'm just bugging you son. But I do have something that is for you," he motioned with his hand and Muzu came in with a mahogany box. He pushed it into my hands, then took his place beside my father.
I titled my head, shifting the sword so I could open the box Muzu gave me. I unlatched it and pushed it open. I gasped sharply.
Inside the box was the Zora sapphire. The three sapphires were set into a golden circlet, elaborate designs swirled and spiked around the sapphires.
I looked up to my father in disbelief, "father, you are giving this to me to give to Link?" I asked, dumbstruck.
My father chuckled a little and nodded, "he truly makes you happy, and I think he's the one for you," he bent down to my eye level, placing a large hand on my shoulder. He had a large smile plastered across his face.
I noticed now that he looked older than before. The lines on his face were deeper, and his fin was hanging limply behind his head. His yellow eyes that were usually bright with light were clouded and troubled. He seemed more sluggish too, his movements slower and less energetic.
I closed the box, "father are you okay?" I felt a strange feeling of dread.
He tried to smiled reassuringly, but it made me more concerned, "yes my son, I will be fine for a while yet, but I want you to be ready to become king." His voice was raspy, and it sounded slow. He could see that I wasn't satisfied with that answer, so he sighed, "truthfully I am a little tired. I'm concerned for Link, he is like a son for me too. When you two were little you would play together. You guys were inseparable every time Link came to the Domain," he smiled sadly.
I set my jaw and nodded, "I'll make you proud when the day comes for me to become king,"
My father smiled, "I know you will. Now run off to bed," he made a shooing motion.
I smiled and nodded, holding the box close to my chest. I rushed out, trying to avoid any more awkward confrontations. It didn't work.
A high pitched squeal sounded out behind me. I jumped and turned, a bright pink female Zora stood a little distance behind me. She rushed up to me, "is that the box that holds the Zora sapphire?" She asked, seemingly trying to flirt.
I cleared my throat, "yes, but I'm just holding onto it for a while," for Hylia's sake did I have to be so awkward.
She pushed out her chest and took a step towards me, "is it for a special someone?" She purred out.
I sighed, "yes," I tried to keep my cool, but I knew that I might have to run soon.
"Oh? Do I know her?" She got closer still, reaching out to touch my arm.
I stepped back, "You two have definitely met before." I didn't want to chance a look over my shoulder.
She titled her head, "could you tell me her name?" She didn't seem to get the hint that I didn't want to talk, so I smiled sweetly.
"Yeah, his name is Link," I turned on my heels and walked quickly away before she could do anything.
I ducked into the hallway that leads to my room, then I walked even faster. I heard footsteps behind me. I got to my door, I unlocked it quickly and slipped inside.
I slammed the door shut and leaned against it. I let out a pent up breath, locking the door behind me.
I walked to the door of my bed. I crouched down and pulled up a loose tile, revealing a hidden space. I have been using this for so long to hide things. I quickly put the Zora sapphire into it and replacing the tile. I then sat Laruta's sword on a table, and started to take off my armour and jewelry.
I sighed and flopped into my bed. I wiggled under the blankets and soon I fell into an uneasy sleep.

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