Training and Talk of the Future

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Link's P.O.V.
I woke up to quick knocks on the door. I groaned, I felt like I had only just closed my eyes, and now it's morning.
              Sidon sighed, "I would tell them to come in, but I don't think we are descent," he joked, whispering so he wouldn't be heard.
             I snorted, burying my face in the pillow and pulling the covers over my head, so just my eyes were out, as Sidon got out from under the covers and hopped off of the bed. He pulled on some shorts quickly and walked to the door.
           He opened it to reveal Zelda standing in the dark, shorts and a loose blouse on under a fairly large sweater. Sidon stepped back to let her in, and she nodded as she came through the door.
             "For Hylia's sake, Zelda, it's not sunrise yet," Sidon said, chuckling slightly as he went to start a fire in his fireplace.
            Zelda laughed a little, "sorry I was excited for training, and I wanted to come and make sure you two were awake. It's going to be sunrise in like an hour or so, so we have time to make some breakfast," she said as she plopped a bag next to Sidon.
             He opened it and snorted, "aren't you prepared?" He said jokingly.
            Zelda laughed, "well I had to be, otherwise Link would have starved while traveling," she joked as she came and sat on the bed.
             I furrowed my brow, "Hey, I'm not that bad," I said defensively.
            Zelda snorted, "no I'm just being dramatic," she paused, looking at me under the blankets, "should I pull back the blankets to get you up, or hand you some shorts?" She asked jovially.
             I sighed, smiling wryly, "nothing you haven't seen," I said.
            She blushed red, burying her face in her hands, "for Hylia's sake! Why couldn't you lose that memory for good!" She cried out dramatically.
             Sidon raised an eyebrow, "uh, excuse me?" He asked, obviously confused as to why my best friend has seen me naked.
              Zelda groaned, "I wasn't paying attention and he didn't say that he was changing, so I ran into him, knocking him down. I then proceeded to drop my book on his," she cleared her throat, "privates, then I helped him up. He hasn't let me forget that," she finished off.
             I laughed, "the whole time you were apologizing, but that was after you knocked me down, and we made eye contact for a while, then you dropped you book," I paused, "no you kinda threw the book to be honest," I joked.
            She groaned, then got up and grabbed my shorts from the floor. She threw them at me and walked to her bag.
I chuckled, grabbing the shorts and disappearing under the covers. When I pulled the covers off again I was wearing my shorts. I sat up and stretched, my bones cracking. I yawned wide as I rolled off of the bed and went to grab my hairbrush.
Zelda went and sat on one of the large plush chairs, so I went and handed her my hairbrush. She laughed a little as I sat on the floor in front of her. She started to gently comb the brush through my hair.
Sidon put some eggs into the pot over the fire, then turned towards Zelda and I. He tilted his head to the side, "how do you do that thing with his hair?" He asked, motioning vaguely behind his head.
Zelda laughed lightly, "do you mean a braid?" She asked. Sidon tilted his head and nodded, a little unsure.
She smiled, "well come here I'll show you how to do it," she said as she set the brush aside and started running her fingers through my hair.
"You see, you separate the hair into three, the you just," she said as she started French braiding my hair.
Sidon remained quiet, watching intently as Zelda finished braiding my hair. She then turned to Sidon, "you get it?" She asked. I stood and stretched, running a hand over my braid.
"Thanks Zelda," I said as I went and grabbed some trousers and a short sleeved tunic from my dresser.
She nodded, then sat back in the chair and pulled her knees up to her chest, staring into the fire. I came back after putting on my clothes and sat on the other chair.
Zelda hummed, "Hey, Sidon what happened to your back?" She asked, pointing at the long scratches down Sidon's back.
               I snorted, then buried my face in my hands, trying to make it so Zelda couldn't see me laughing. Sidon tilted his head, then walked over to the mirror hanging on his wall.
              He saw what Zelda was talking about and his face flushed red. He opened his mouth then closed it, and just shook his head. Zelda looked from me, who was still laughing/crying and back to Sidon, who was busying himself with finding a shirt now.
                She came to a realization, the slapped her hand across her face, "I mean I should have guessed. It was your guys' wedding night last night," she said with a sigh.
              Sidon made a surprised noise, then pulled a shirt over his head, "I am deeply sorry princess," he said awkwardly.
               She threw her head back and laughed, "for what? I didn't hear anything, and I slept like a bokoblin. It's none of my business to judge what you two do in your free time," she shrugged, sitting back farther into the plush chair.
My stomach hurt from laughing, and Sidon's disgruntled and confused face only made me laugh harder.
He snorted and came over to me, and pushed me a little playfully, "yeah, alright but you did this to me you dick," he said jovially, shaking his head.
I managed to get myself under control. I sighed, turning to Zelda, "so, since we are going to train today, what weapon are you going to specialize in?" I asked, leaning towards her.
She tilted her head, "I'm not sure, what do you think?" She asked me, seemingly lost in her own thoughts.
I thought for a second, "Well we will try a broadsword and a spear, and maybe Sidon will show you how to use a bow," I said absentmindedly.
Zelda snapped back, smiling, "Alright! I like the idea of a spear," she said. Sidon put some eggs on three plates and handed one each to Zelda and I.
                "Thanks," I said as I took the plate and started shoving food in my mouth. Zelda nodded, already eating as well.
              We all sat in silence for a while until Zelda spoke up, "what's the plan for going around Hyrule and speaking to all the leaders?" She asked a little shyly.
              I swallowed a mouthful of eggs, "we'll train you to fight, and we will gather materials, then we will leave. I'm estimating about half a year or so," I said, setting aside my plate.
            She sighed and nodded, "what will you guys do about Lari?" She asked carefully.
               Sidon sat down his plate, "well, she already enjoys being on her own a fair amount. I know she will want some company, so I'll get my father to watch her sometimes and keep her company," he said, his tail swinging from side to side.
              I nodded, "well he'll be her grandfather at that point so I'm sure she'll like hanging around him," I said chuckling a little.
              Zelda sat forward, "but won't you guys miss her?" She asked, her voice soft and kind.
             Sidon looked over at me, then back at Zelda, "of course, but we can handle it," he said.
               I nodded, sighing slightly. Zelda nodded, the stood and stretched wide. There was a soft knock at the door, so Zelda went and opened the door. Laruta skipped into the room, humming a tune.
              "Morning!" She said cheerfully, "I walked by and heard some voices so I thought I would check here first," she said as she came over to me, climbing onto my lap.
             I chuckled a little warmly, hugging her, "good morning little Lari," I said sweetly.
             Sidon came over and flicked her tail playfully, "Are you ready for training?" He asked. She lit up, nodding quickly and climbing off of me ungracefully.
             I raised a fist above my head, "woo, let's go!" I said excitedly, ready to start up training again.
           Sidon chuckled and mimicked my action, and Zelda and Lari soon did it as well. "Alright, let's go," Sidon said, opening the door.
            I ran and grabbed my sword then grabbed Sidon's swords and his bow. I passed his weapons to him as I passed by him.
             He nodded a thanks, smiling sweetly. He closed the door behind us all, then took the lead with me towards the entrance to the Domain. The training grounds for the soldiers are down on the beach, a large stone building stands beside a large pit. The sand is hard packed and around it is a solid, faded wood fence. A couple of benches sat around the outside of the pit on the opposite side of the building.
            We soon made it down to pit, Laruta ran ahead and slipped through the wooden fence. She pulled out Silver, and started practicing some basic moves on one of the straw and fabric sparring dummies.
              "Alright, we should get a weapon for you Zelda," Sidon said, then he came to a realization, "I think that you would do well with a trident. Let's see here," he said as he limped quickly to the small stone building.
              Zelda and I followed behind, and we entered the the small building behind him. It was cool and dark inside the building. The walls were lined with weapons and shields of all kinds.
            Sidon turned to show Zelda an elaborate silver trident. The end had a stone set into it, the stone glowed a little in the low light. There were elaborate swirls curving up the long handle, and ending before the sharp point of the prongs.
                Zelda gasped loudly, and grabbed the trident from his hands. It was a little taller than her when it sat on the ground, but she handled it well. It was light, so she could wield it easily with minimal effort.
              "Alright, let's get started," I said, leading Zelda and Sidon from the weaponry. I vaulted over the wooden fence, landing with a soft thump in the hard packed sand.
              I took my sheath from my back and hung it over one pole of the fence. I then pulled my shirt over my head, letting the warm morning light hit my back and shoulders.
              Sidon whistled, "showoff," he said as he climbed over the fence, then helped Zelda over. Zelda tied her hair up in a ponytail, as she walked over to where I stood.
               "Alright, so Sidon, I think you should spar with Lari for today. I'm going to handle main training with Zelda," I said, tossing my sword back and forth in my hands.
               Sidon kissed my cheek, "of course love," he said as he turned and walked across the large pit to help Laruta. 
               I turned back to Zelda, "Alright. Let's start with the basics."

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