A Tiny Miracle

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Link's POV
I couldn't believe that this little bundle of baby in my arms had gills. She had blue scales that wrapped around her neck and up to her ears. Over her brow was specked with the bright blue scales too.
She opened her little eyes to look up at me, and her left eye was blue, and her right eye was golden yellow.
She smiled and laughed when she saw me, waving a fat webbed fist at me. I smiled down at her, holding out my finger to her. She grabbed it and held on tightly.
"Wow! She has multicoloured eyes too," Sidon said quietly, obviously aware that he could come off as terrifying to a small baby.
The child looked over to him next, a wide grin on her fat little face. She let go of my finger to wave her fist at Sidon.
He slowly held out his finger, and she gripped it with both of her little fists.
Sidon started to tear up, "oh my Hylia! Can we keep her? She's so precious!" He said excitedly.
I snorted, "she is very precious. Mm, I think we should keep her. You know that babies are a lot of responsibility, right?" I asked him, trying my best to keep a serious face.
Sidon chuckled, "yes I'm aware. I help sometimes in the hospital remember?" He said.
I started walking back to the Domain, "come on," I turned back to him, "wait, you know how to deliver babies?" I asked in disbelief.
He chuckled and walked up next to me, "a mans gotta have some secrets darling," he said sweetly.
I snorted and rolled my eyes, "take the kid, I need to lean on my cane," I said, holing the baby up for him.
He scooped her up carefully, I could tell he was scared he was going to break her. Babies are very fragile, and Sidon is very big.
I put a reassuring hand on his bicep, "it's alright. You're an amazing dad," I said sweetly.
He smiled gratefully down at me, "thank you Guppy. Now, what should we name her?" He asked.
I hummed, thinking a minute, "what about Rutela?" I asked.
Sidon raised a brow, "like Queen Rutela? The Zora Queen from thousands of years ago?" He asked.
I shrugged, "I don't know. The name kinda popped into my head. Along with a very foggy image. I'm not sure how I know, but I know I have been getting some very foggy memories from my ancestors. I know it sounds strange, but I recall many different princesses and many different Ganons. I recall some others as well, mainly the golden wolf that Zelda calls Hero. I don't know how though," I rambled out.
Sidon nodded, "well I like the name Rutela, and I heard that the original was very kind," he said softly.
I nodded, "she was," I said with certainty.

We made it back to the Domain just as the sun went down. The guards at the gate stopped us, "Princes! Come quick! There's an emergency!" The green Zora said urgently.
Sidon stood up straight, bundling Rutela closer to him, "what is it?" He asked calmly.
The green Zora took a deep breath, "it's Muzu, he's been hurt. Bad. You need to go to the throne room immediately, the king wishes to speak with you," he said, shooing Sidon and I in the direction of the throne room.
Sidon started walking quickly, and soon he was far ahead of me. I groaned internally at my pace, but I couldn't go any faster in risk of hurting myself.
I made it up the stairs to Sidon and his father in the middle of a discussion.
"Are you sure? That's all that happened?" Sidon asked, absentmindedly bouncing Rutela.
Dorephan nodded, "yes, he was hit by a shock arrow when he went with a soldier to check the situation of the Lynnel," he said quietly, his usually booming voice subdued.
Sidon cocked his head to the side, "What soldier went with him?" He asked.
Dorephan sighed, "Gruve. He was only hit slightly. He managed to get Muzu back here. Muzu didn't survive the trip, though. It's hard enough for a healthy Zora to survive a shock arrow, let alone one his age," Dorephan said sombrely.
          Sidon passed Rutela down to me, she was starting to squirm. I started bouncing her slightly, humming while still trying to keep an ear out for Sidon and Dorephan's conversation.
          Sidon hummed, "when will the ceremony for Muzu be?" He asked kindly.
           Dorephan sighed, rubbing his face with one of his giant hands, "next week? I'm not sure son, it's a lot to take in," he said quietly.
            Sidon nodded, "I think next week will be good," he said sombrely.
           Rutela laughed a high pitched squeal of laughter. I hushed her, letting her play with my hand.
           Dorephan blinked confusedly, "what's that little bundle there, Link?" He asked, sitting forward again.
           I swallowed hard, "well, we found her on the side of the road. There was a note with her, basically saying that she was special and that her mother wants Sidon and I to take her," I said.
          Dorephan nodded, "all that is well and good, but, how is she special?" He asked.
          I stepped forward a bit, moving the blanket to reveal her blue scales. Her short golden hair blew in the slight breeze. She opened her multicoloured eyes, looking up to Dorephan and laughing.
           Dorephan smiled sadly down at her, "I see that happiness comes hand in hand with sadness. Take her to the infirmary and they should give you some supplies. Good luck, if she's anything like you were Sidon, you'll need it," he said his dad attempt at a smile pulling at his lips but not reaching his eyes. 
         Sidon smiled sadly back up at him,  "Alright. Thank you father. Best of luck to you as well," he said as he turned back to me, "do you want me to take her?" He asked softly.
         I nodded, passing the squirming bundle up to him. He took her carefully, then motioned with his head for me to follow him.
          We walked out in silence. Sidon lead the way, and I tried to keep up, but my foot started to hurt badly, "Sidon! Can you slow down a bit?" I asked.
He nodded, his pace slowing. I looked up to him, his face was stony and cold.
I put a hand on his arm, he jolted from his thoughts, spooking Rutela slightly, "please don't shut me out like you did when Lari passed," I said pleadingly.
He sighed, readjusting Rutela, "I- but," he shook his head.
I furrowed my brow, "no, there's no but's. You know it doesn't help, and you know you can trust me," I said softly.
Sidon nodded, "y'know why I love you so much?" He asked, turning to me, his eyes swimming with emotion.
I shook my head and shrugged slightly. He stopped and knelt down to my level, "I love you truly as much as I do because I can be myself around you. I don't have to pretend I'm okay when I'm not. I don't have to pretend to be strong. I can be hurt too," he said softly, tears springing to his eyes.
I put a gentle hand on his cheek, "I can go get the supplies for the little minnow if you want. You can just go back to our room and-" he cut me off by shaking his head.
"No, this is our journey. Together," he said, smiling at me.
I snorted, "dork," I said softly as he chuckled and once again stood to his full height.

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