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Link's P.O.V.
       The next few days passed in an uneventful blur. Sidon was making a point to be nicer, but I found that I was always oddly jumpy and odd when he was around. I'm not entirely sure what's going on myself, but I'm just uneasy almost.
              We stopped the carriage just inside of the gates of Kakariko. It was early morning, and I had been driving.
           A villager welcomed me warmly, "Master Link! Good to see you," he said, coming up to me.
              I smiled, "hello. Could you please take care of Epona here? It's been a while since she got a good sleep. We are going to see lady impa," I said as I hopped down from the carriage.
             The man tilted his head, "we?" But he stopped and sat with his mouth agape as he stared at the back of the carriage.
               I looked back and saw that Zelda was standing and stretching, her short shirt lifting to reveal her abs. She ran a hand through her golden hair as she yawned widely. She turned to me, "oh? We're here?" She asked as she walked over.
               The villager bowed deeply, "princess Zelda! Welcome to Kakariko," he said loudly.
            She seemed a little taken aback, but cleared her throat and straightened her back, "yes, uh, it's a joy to be here once again," she said, then she looked to me, her eyes wide.
                I sighed, "Sidon! Come on!" I called. He called back a yep and then climbed down from the carriage. His chest was bare and he was wearing simple shorts. He stretched wide, it was obvious that he just woke up.
The villager gawked at Sidon, then extended his hand to him, "I'm sorry for my outburst, but I have never seen a Zora before," he said quickly.
Sidon chuckled a little, "I'm Sidon. Nice to meet you," he said and shook the mans hand.
I rolled my eyes, "Alright, now that we are done with interruptions, we must speak with Impa immediately," I said impatiently.
               Sidon nodded, so I grabbed Zelda's elbow and lead her gently towards Lady Impa's house. She followed, looking wide eyed at everything.
                "Things haven't changed much in a hundred years," she said quietly, seemingly in awe.
                 I chuckled a little, giving Zelda a playful shove, "god, you make us all sound old," I said jokingly.
                 She snorted, "Link, we're both one hundred and seventeen," she said, then she laughed a little, "wow, that's a lot to process," she said, shaking her head.
              We soon made it to Impa's door. I knocked lightly, then pushed open the heavy wooden doors. Paya jumped and turned to see us in the doorway.
She bowed deeply, "hello master Link, Master Sidon. Who is this?" She asked, nodding to Zelda.
Zelda smiled brightly, "I'm Zelda, and you?" She said, stepping forward to shake hands with Paya.
Paya squeaked, then bowed deeply, "I-I'm P-Paya, forgive me princess," she said quickly.
Zelda smiled, "Paya, that's a pretty name. Do you know where Impa is?" She asked kindly.
Paya stood, but kept her eyes downturned, "grandmother is upstairs," Paya said, pointing towards the stairs.
Zelda took a step back, shocked, "grandmother! Holy-" but she cut herself off. She bowed her head slightly to Paya, "pardon my outburst. Could you take us to Impa please?" She asked.
Paya nodded and started towards the stairs. She climbed up them, and I lead the way after her. Sidon came up after me and then Zelda.
"Hello Link. Sidon, nice to see you two. Who is it that you have with y-" Impa's eyes grew wide, "princess! Aren't you a sight for sore eyes," she smiled wide.
Zelda smiled back at her, familiarity sparkling in her eyes, "Impa! It's been way too long," she said, going and sitting before Impa at her desk.
I followed and kneeled behind Zelda, fitting back into my old role of silent knight. Impa smiled, obviously nostalgic.
"It's nice to see you two again. Now, what do you two need," Impa asked, smiling wide.
Zelda thought for a second, "well, I would like to rise to power again," she started, "almost all the royal guards were killed when Ganon struck, and almost everyone inside the castle too. We need help to rebuild the castle and get everything back in order," she finished, still inside her own head.
Impa nodded, "well I can provide you with about a hundred men to help take back the castle," Impa started, "I am assuming that you will be travelling to all the major cities in Hyrule to speak with the leaders, so I will send the men immediately so that they can get a start on fixing your home," she said.
Zelda smiled wide, bowing her head slightly, "thank you Impa," she said simply.
Impa nodded, "Paya, take Zelda to the inn and get her a room. Also set up a room for Link and Sidon. I wish to speak with them alone for a moment, then they will join you at the inn," she said.
I jumped slightly at my name, and turned to her with an eyebrow raised. She smiled a little sadly down at me as Zelda followed Paya a little skeptically.
Impa sighed, "I sense that you two have experienced great sadness recently," she stated simply.
I turned my face away from both Sidon and Impa, and I heard Sidon shift his weight from foot to foot.
Impa shook her head, the pendants hanging from her hat chiming slightly, "there is a great tension between you. It is not healthy for a marriage to be tried like this. Speak to each other," she tried, she seemed genuinely concerned about us.
I looked up to her, "we already have," my voice came out too sharp, and I flinched at myself.
She shook her head, seemingly unfazed by my outburst, "there is more to say," she said simply.
I sighed, standing and turning quickly to Sidon, "why the fuck did you have to shut me out? It made me feel even more horrible that I already did, and that's saying something! You were so kind and sweet and just not like you are now! Please can you try? Can you fucking try to be nice again? Can you try to be my fucking husband like you were before? I miss my Songbird," I said, suddenly fuming.
Sidon seemed taken aback, but he furrowed his brow and stepped forward, "I have been trying for fuck sakes! I have been trying for so fucking long to keep it all together, and the second I show any sign of weakness, then I'm immediately blamed!" He shouted back.
             I exhaled sharply, "no, don't you start playing the victim. We are both to blame here. There is nothing wrong with being angry, just don't fucking take it out on the people that love you! If you do that then you are no better than people like my father!" I yelled, clenching my fists tightly at my sides.
           "Stop drawing parallels to me and your father! I'm sorry that I got angry, but I was really just angry with myself! It could have as easily been you too, and that fact has been killing me. I didn't help you bring down the moblin, and when you ran off alone it could have stuck you down as well. I don't know what I would have done if I lost every fucking person I loved that night!" He yelled, his voice cracking slightly at the end. His eyes were clouded with emotion.
            I felt my anger wash to sadness, "I had been wishing it was me. I thought that if it was me that took that arrow then you could just move on to someone who deserves your attention and love. I-" I stopped when I heard Sidon sniffle slightly.
            I looked up and saw tears streaming down his cheeks, "Link, don't you dare say that you don't deserve my attention. You-" he choked on his words, and he raised a fist to his mouth as he breathed deeply.
             He shook his head, kneeling awkwardly in front of me, "I'm so sorry. It isn't enough, and I know. I will try as hard as I can to be better," he said, pausing.
           I put a hand on his cheek, he flinched slightly at my touch but didn't pull away, "just don't freeze me out again. I'm here to help you, I swore it the day that we were married, and I will keep that promise until the day I die. Now don't let your light flicker out" I said, referring to our vows at our wedding. I now noticed how my voice shook as I spoke.
            Sidon smiled through his tears, "you can somehow make me still a little jittery when you smile at me," he said.
I snorted out a laugh, shoving him playfully, "you dork," I said while laughing.
"Well that went better than I thought. I was worried that I might have had to get out the boxing gloves to solve that one," Impa said jokingly.
I started a little, having almost entirely forgotten she was there, "sorry Impa. Did you say that we were to meet Zelda and Paya down at the Inn?" I asked, itching to get out of the house.
She chuckled a little and nodded, "I will have the kitchen cook up a dinner. Come up here at sunset and we will all eat together. That goes for Zelda too," she said.
Sidon bowed to her, "thank you Lady Impa," he said. Impa just smiled and shook her head, shooing us from the room.
Sidon grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. Once we were out on the deck he fell into type beside me.
"I am really, truly sorry Guppy," he said quietly, emotion choking his voice.
"I know. I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have yelled," I mumbled, keeping my eyes trained on the ground.
Sidon bumped my shoulder slightly, "no, it kicked some sense into me. Thank you for speaking up," he said.
I hummed and nodded, and we walked in comfortable silence until we got to the steps of the inn. I looked up at him, "stop apologizing," I said, a wry smile on my lips.
Sidon snorted, "I'm s- I mean, alright," he said, starting to pull me up the stairs.
"I hope they don't remember us," I said, my face burning red.
Sidon snorted, "Link, we don't exactly blend in with a crowd," he said quietly as we walked through the sliding door.
We found Paya standing at the front desk, and she waved us over, "I will show you two to your room. The princess is already inside her own room," she said as she set off down the hall.
I smiled and waved at the man behind the counter, and he looked apprehensive as he waved back. Fuck. Sidon seemed to notice too, and he muffled his laughter by putting a hand over his mouth.
Paya turned around, "is everything okay?" She asked sweetly.
I sighed and nodded as Sidon continued to try and control his laughter.
Paya lead us to a tall sliding door with gold numbers on it. She turned to us and handed us a key, "this is your room. Zelda is just across the hall. For privacy we gave your group the royal suites. There are no rooms beside these ones," She said.
This sent Sidon into a fit of laughter again. I sighed, "thank you Paya," I said as I took the key from her.
She nodded and left. I turned to Sidon and punched him lightly on the arm, "fuck sakes. Well, I guess they remember us," I said as I unlocked the door.
I opened the door to see that our luggage was already inside. There was a large bed against the far wall. There was a wooden desk and a dining area in opposite corners. I went around and lit the torches that illuminated the room. Sidon went and flopped onto the bed, sighing deeply.
"It will be nice to sleep in an actual bed again," Sidon joked from where he lay on the bed.
I hummed in agreement, opening my bag and gathering the dirty clothes from it. I jumped and dropped my clothes as someone knocked on our door.
"It's alright if you guys don't wanna talk to me right now, but I think I'll go crazy if I sit and stare at the wall more," Zelda said through the door.
I looked over to Sidon who just nodded, "yeah com in Zelda," I said, gathering my clothes again and tossing them in a pile by the desk.
Zelda came in, her hair whipped around as she quickly closed the door behind her. She turned to me and then just started crying.
I rushed over to her, pulling her into an embrace, "it's okay," I said lamely.
She shook her head against my chest, clinging to me for dear life, "no it isn't. Seeing all of this again, everything is so different. People have been living in fear for a hundred years all because we failed them. I don't know how I expect to rise to power again! I'm a horrible leader," she sobbed.
I ran a gentle hand through her hair, "no, you singlehandedly held back Ganon for a hundred years while I took a nap. It was me who failed, not you. You stood strong and true, you are an amazing leader," I said.
She sniffled, staying quiet. She eventually stopped crying and pulled back, whipping her eyes. She looked down at the ground, her eyes red and her cheeks pink. She then turned to Sidon.
She walked over to him, "I'm so deeply sorry. It was my fault that Mipha was killed. If I had studied harder or-" Sidon cut her off by putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Zelda, there was nothing you could have done. Please don't hold responsibility for Mipha. She was loved by many and will be missed by all, but she died a noble death," he said simply.
Zelda smiled sadly, nodding slightly. Sidon surprised us both by bringing Zelda into a hug, "thank you anyways, for apologizing I mean," he said.
She hugged him tightly, then let go, "it's the least I could do," she said.
Sidon smiled down at her, then he turned to me, "here, I'll take some of the laundry to do. I'll meet you back here before sunset," he said, standing from the bed and gathering some clothes.
I stopped him at the door, "thank you, that's very sweet of you," I said, reaching up so I could pull him down. I kissed him quickly on the lips, causing him to beam widely.
"Alright, get going," I showed him out of the door before he could protest. I slid the door shut behind him.
Zelda tilted her head, you two made up? She signed to me. I smiled, "yeah. That's what Impa wanted to talk to us about. We started yelling, then crying, now it's okay," I said, looking back towards the door.
Zelda stood and walked over to me, she grabbed my face, "Are you sure you are okay?" She asked.
I smiled the best I could with her hands squeezing my face, "yes. He won't act like that anymore, I promise," I said simply.
Zelda nodded, letting me go, "well I'm glad that is settled. For Hylia's sake was that awkward for a while," she said, laughing a little.
It was nice to hear her laugh again. I hadn't heard her laugh genuinely since Lari was killed, and I'm glad that I can hear it now.
"Oh, Impa wants us back so we can speak over dinner. We are supposed to be there at like sunset," I said.
Zelda went over to the window, pulling open the blinds. She cracked it open, then turned back, "we have like an hour then," she said.
I nodded, walking to the bed and flopping down. I buried my face in the pillow. It smelled of lavender and earth, it was oddly soothing. Zelda flopped down onto the bed as well, resting her head on the small of my back.
She sighed deeply, and I turned my head so I could see her. She was staring up at the ceiling. Her face was tanned, and her blonde eyebrows were scrunched up in thought. She had her lips pursed, and one hand was absently pulling at a strand of her hair.
"Hey, you'll give yourself wrinkles," I said jokingly. She snorted, shaking her head.
I put my head back down and closed my eyes. I don't know when but I dozed off into a light sleep.

I woke up with a start as Sidon came back into the room. I groaned as I buried my face back into the bed, "Sidon? Is it sunset yet?" I said.
He hummed, "no. There's maybe half an hour before that. We should get ready for the dinner," he said.
I sighed, "you're right," I said, wiggling my way off of the bed. Zelda groaned a protest, but eventually stood and stretched as well.
           "I'm gonna go change, then I'll be back," Zelda said as she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.
           Sidon dug through his bag to find something suitable. I went up behind him and wrapped my arms around his torso, "how'd the washing go?" I asked.
            He turned and smiled at me, "Well, Paya came and helped for a while, and she let me hang the clothes out on the line at lady Impa's house," he said.
             I smiled, then went and grabbed clothes from my bag. I grabbed my champions tunic and some simple trousers. I changed quickly, then I pulled on my nicer pair of boots. Sidon had on a simple pair of black trousers and a white tunic.
             "Should I bring any weapons?" He asked, looking at his bow and swords on the table.
             I hummed, "I have my knife inside my boot, but I seriously doubt that anything will happen. We're inside the village," I said, grabbing my hairbrush and running it through my hair.
            Sidon perked up, "can I try and braid your hair? Zelda showed me how to a while ago and I never got a chance to try," he said excitedly.
           I chuckled, "yeah, of course," I motioned for him to follow me as I walked to the bed. I sat down, turning my back to him.
           He ran his fingers through my hair lightly, "your hair is so soft," he whispered in awe.
           I laughed, "fuck me, you are too cute sometimes," I said. He just chuckled and started braiding my hair.
          He managed to get through, and he raised his arms in triumph. I laughed, "you did it, good job Songbird," I said, running a hand over my braid.
          Sidon's smile changed into one of pure joy, "you called me Songbird again," he whispered softly.
          I hadn't realized really, it had just slipped out. I nodded, "yes I did," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him in to a kiss.
          We were interrupted by a knock at the door, I sighed, "come in," I said as I detangled myself from Sidon.
           Zelda came in in a blue floor length dress. It was simple, a light blue with a white trimming. She had a cropped knitted sweater on over it.
           I whistled, "I haven't seen you in a dress in a while," I joked.
          She looked down at herself, "is it too much? Should I change?" She asked nervously.
          I shook my head, "Zelda, stop, you look fine," I said.
           She sighed, "you know, you should wear the Zora sapphire tonight," she said to me.
          I hummed, "yeah I will," I said, digging through my bag to find the box I put it in.
           I found it, and I put it on carefully. Sidon came over and straightened it, "you have to get better at that Guppy," he joked.
          I snorted, "why? I have you to fix it for me," I said, poking him in the side.
           He snorted, and shook his head. I reached up, pulling his necklaces from his shirt. He wore the one I gave him and the one that Lari have him around his neck. I smiled, running a finger over the broken shell, "show them off," I said as I pulled my own necklace from my shirt.
            Zelda unbuttoned her sweater to reveal the low neck of her dress. Her own necklace flashed in the light.
           We stood in silence until there was another knock on the door. Sidon went and opened it to reveal Paya. She bowed quickly, "it's time for dinner. We are going to the main hall for it is a meal for all the villagers."
            I looked to Zelda who looked a little nervous, then over to Sidon who was smiling back at me. I took a deep breath, "Alright, let's go," I said.
           We followed Paya from the room and out of the inn, into the cool air.


Okay, jeez I'm sorry for the gap in chapters

I don't really know what happened but I lost a lot of motivation for a while

I hope everyone enjoyed, and if you have any concerns then let me know

If you want to see anything specific in the future, then let me know

Alright, see you in the next chapter!

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