A Slow Day

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Link's POV
We have been traveling for about three days. It's slow going, but we have managed to avoid all the major delays on the way.
Yesterday it has started to get cool, so I knew that we were nearing the Rito Village.
The day before Sidon found me some paint and paper, and I have been spending whatever free time I have painting. That is, whenever I'm not sleeping.
The carriage pitched and swayed as we bounced down the uneven trail. Zelda stood from her seated position and went up to relieve Sidon from driving.
He came back inside, flopping down dramatically in front of me, "what're you painting, my little artist?" He purred, a wry smile on his face.
I snorted, pulling my page closer so he couldn't see, "I'm almost done, then you can see," I said, smiling down at him.
He smiled wide, then rolled to his back so he could stare at the canopy above. I returned to my painting.
I carefully drew my paintbrush across the page, adding small details into the almost complete painting. I dipped the brush in some silver paint, then I made a wave like pattern on the page. I finished it with a flick, then I sat back to admire my work.
I had been painting a portrait of Sidon from our wedding night. I had taken a few photos on my sheikah slate during the time, and so had Zelda.
Well, no, saying that Zelda only took a few would be the understatement of the century.
It was a simple painting of him standing at the alter. The photo was taken right when I walked in, so I replicated his goofy grin in the paints.
I smiled down at him, and he smiled questioningly, "is it finished?" He asked.
I nodded, "I just have to sign it," I said as I got more silver paint. I made a quick L on the page.
Sidon hummed, "don't you Hylians typically have last names?" He asked, kinda out of the blue.
I raised an eyebrow, "yes, but I do not like to go by mine. It reminds me too much of my father," I said, a bitter taste rising to my mouth.
Sidon nodded, "I understand. It is a foreign concept for me. Don't wives take the names of the husbands as well?" He asked.
I shrugged, "I mean there's a whole lot of different ways to go about last names," I said nonchalantly.
Sidon sat up, "isn't it weird though? Like having a last name?" He asked, seemingly very interested in this topic.
I chuckled, "I don't know, why don't you try and have one?" I joked.
He smiled at me, "I would say that I could take your last name, but you don't enjoy it," he said.
I was taken aback, "I didn't know you would want to do that," I said dumbly.
He put a gentle hand on my cheek, "of course. I love you my Guppy, and it would be an honour to share your name," he said, smiling sweetly.
            I chuckled, "my last name is Rhett," I said softly.
           Sidon smiled wide, "Link Rhett. My husband," he said softly.
          I rolled my eyes, still smiling, "Sidon Rhett. My husband," I said.
            Sidon laughed a little. It was light and sweet, full of joy. He kissed me gently, and when he pulled back he was still smiling; and I was too.
            "Now can I see your painting?" He asked jovially.
            I held up a finger to say 'one minute please,' as I put a little R beside the L. My initials.
             I flipped it around, "it's not the best I've done, but I'm proud of it," I said, a little sheepishly.
               Sidon shook his head, "Link, it's really good. For a second I thought I was looking in a mirror," he said extravagantly.
              I snorted, closing my book. He laughed, which caused me to lose my composure and chuckle a little as well.
             He pulled me close, "I win," he said, his voice a low purr.
          I rolled my eyes again, "I guess you did," I said, closing the gap between our lips.
           We both jumped apart when the carriage stopped. Zelda pulled open the curtain and peeked inside.
             She raised an eyebrow, "what-" she shook her head, "you know what? Never mind. We're here," she said as she disappeared back outside.
            I sighed, standing and going over to my bag. I grabbed my snowquill armour and pulled it on as fast as I could.
            After I was finished I turned to Sidon, "how do I look?" I asked jokingly.
            He snorted, "your sash is loose," he said as he stood and walked to the back.
            I quickly fixed it, then followed him quickly outside.
            I saw that he was stretching his arms above his head, and Zelda was talking to a person at the stable.
           I walked over to Sidon, punching him in the stomach as he had his arms up.
            He doubled over, then started laughing. He looked up at me, "do you want to  start this mister Link Rhett?"  He said menacingly. 
            I smirked, "yeah. Let's go," I said as I danced just out of his reach.
            He shook his head, "no, I'm going to get you when you don't expect it," he said, standing up straight.
            We walked over to Zelda, both of us still laughing. She looked at us and rolled her eyes, "aren't you two such a married couple?" She said jokingly.
            I smiled at her, and she just shook her head, "alright. We're going to go and greet the elder. The nice people here are going to take care of our horse and a Rito soldier is sending to get us a room and someone to carry our luggage. Now, let's go," she said, turning and walking briskly away.
             We followed, and she pulled out a worn notebook and started writing quickly. She wasn't watching where she was going because she tripped over a rock. I sprung ahead, grabbing her before she fell.
            She sighed, "thank you again," she said tiredly.
             I smiled wryly, "what's that now? One hundred and two?" I asked.
              She sighed, and nodded. She righted herself and started off again, paying more attention to where she was going.
              Sidon nudged me, drawing my attention to him, "what do you mean by a hundred and two?" He asked.
            I snorted, "that's the amount of times she's tripped and I've caught her before she falls. We've had this going for a while," I said, smiling fondly at the memory.
            He hummed, then we fell back into silence. We made it to the first rope bridge between the main land and the village. Sidon was gawking silently, his eyes wide and filled with awe.
          I chuckled a little, smiling fondly at him. He smiled down at me, then he grabbed my hand, entwining our fingers.
We made it up to the last island before a little Rito stopped us. Her feathers were white, and she had large blue eyes. She gawked up at us, "what are you?" She asked Sidon.
Sidon chuckled a little, "oh, I'm a Zora," he said, letting go of my hand and kneeling down to her level.
She gasped slightly, "I've heard of Zoras once! I've never seen one before!" She said, jumping excitedly.
Sidon smiled fondly, extending his hand for her to shake, "well I am Sidon of the Zoras, nice to meet you. What's your name?" He asked
She shook his hand, "I'm Verla! It's nice to meet you too!" She said loudly.
I kneeled down to her level as well, "Verla? Could you go and tell the elder Kaneli that princess Zelda, Prince Sidon and the knight Link are here to speak with him? I'll give you a treat after if you do," I said, smiling warmly at her.
She smiled, "of course I will Link!" She said as she ran off over the last bridge.
Zelda snorted, "you two really have a thing with kids," she said, smiling.
I stood again and shrugged, "eh, what can I say? I'm just nice and I have a huge shark as a husband," I said, as we started off again.
Sidon snorted, then started laughing. He grabbed my hand again and we walked on in silence.
We made it up to the hut that Kaneli sat within. Zelda took a deep breath, standing up straight, then she walked inside.
            The large Rito perked up when we entered, "Well, I thought that maybe little Verla was playing a trick on me. It really is you Princess!" He bowed the best he could without standing from his chair, "it is a pleasure to meet you," he said, straightening up.
           Zelda nodded her head, "it is lovely to meet you too. If I am not mistaken, your name is Kaneli, correct?" She asked respectfully.
          The Rito nodded, "yes that is me," he said, turning to me, "I apologize for my incompetence. You truly are the champion from one hundred years ago," he said, bowing his head slightly.
I smiled, "it's quite alright Kaneli," I said, nodding my head to him as well.
He then jumped as if he just remembered something, and his feathers ruffled up, "did I hear Verla say that you have a Prince Sidon with you?" He asked.
Sidon smiled and stepped slightly ahead, "that's me elder Kaneli," he nodded his head, "I am Prince Sidon Rhett of the Zoras," he said.
Kaneli smiled, "well I'm assuming you three will all need a room. I'll get the guards on that, and I will give you all the most private rooms we have," he said, waving a guard in.
I stepped forward a little, "actually, Sidon and I will room together if that's okay?" I asked.
Kaneli tilted his head, then I rushed to squash any suspicions, "no, we're married," I said quickly.
Kaneli threw his head back and laughed, "I just thought you two were friends," he joked.
Sidon chuckled, "well Zoras don't typically have last names, so," he said.
Kaneli nodded, "yes, that's right but forgive me for not knowing. Link never told me his full name," he said.
"To be fair, I didn't tell most people I met of my last name," I said.
Kaneli nodded, "yes I understand," he then nodded towards the door, "go and rest up in your rooms and at sunset there will be a dinner. Princess, we can speak plans then," he said.
Zelda nodded, then followed the guards out the door. I grabbed Sidon's hand and pulled him along quickly after me.
We silently followed the Rito up two flights of stairs. He motioned to two huts, fairly far apart, "these will be your sleeping quarters for as long as you stay here," he said.
Zelda nodded, "thank you," she said, starting off towards the nearest hut.
I nodded to the guard, then walked off to the other room. Sidon followed closely behind. I pulled open the curtain that was the door, then I stepped inside. The walls were open, which I didn't really like. I sighed deeply, throwing down the bag I had over my shoulder. The rest of our bags were already in here.
             Sidon walked to a window, then pulled on a string. A thick curtain unfurled and covered one of the gaps. He then went and put down the rest of them.
              I snorted, then went and lay inside the hammock draped from the ceiling, "you want privacy?" I asked wryly.
              He turned around and gave me a devilish grin, "Well, we have some time to kill," he said, walking over to me after finishing all the curtains.
             I stood from the hammock, "isn't it a little risky because we only have curtains as doors and windows?" I asked, stepping closer.
              Sidon smirked, "then it's a challenge to be extra quiet," he said.
             I snorted, then reached up and kissed Sidon passionately. He melted into the kiss, grabbing me and pulling me even closer.
              We pulled back, breathing hard. I stepped back a little, and I pulled off my layers on my torso. I then slowly pulled off my trousers, so I was just in my shorts.
             Sidon whistled as I walked back over to him. I tugged at his shirt, and he obliged by pulling it off over his head.
           I pressed my palms over his chest, his heart beating hard, "it's a little cold. Could you keep me warm?" I asked as my hands ran down his chest and stomach, then they disappeared into his pants.
             He exhaled, then smirked down at me, "of course," he said.
            I smiled wryly, then I pulled my hands from his pants and I moved to undo them.
I got his pants off, so that he was just in his shorts like me. He then scooped me up bridal style, then carried me to a blanket that lay, spread out on the floor.
He set me down gently, then supported himself over me as he kissed me again. He pulled back, his fins falling in his face, and he had a huge grin on his face.
I rolled my eyes, "you're a dork," I said as I ran my hands back down into his shorts.
              He moaned slightly, bending and biting my ear. He then sat back, and in one fluid motion, he pulled off my shorts, leaving me naked.
               I smirked up at him, "you're overdressed," I said as I sat up and pulled off his shorts as well.
              He chuckled, then pushed me back down. He lined himself up with my entrance. He kissed me deeply as he pushed his length inside me.
             I moaned into his lips, arching my back slightly. It hurt a little, but I knew that it would soon pass.
             He moved his hips some, and I had to bury my face in the crook of his neck to stop myself from being too loud.
             Sidon chuckled, kissing me, then his lips trailed down to my neck. He kept moving his hips, each movement creating more pleasure.
            He then trailed a hand from my chest, down my stomach, then he stopped just above my waist. He then reached down fully and started to run his hand along my member.
              I moaned into his shoulder, biting my lip to keep from being too loud. Sidon kept moving his hands and his hips, dissolving me into a mess, all the while trying to be quiet.
               We were both breathing heavily. I let my head fall back, and Sidon kissed and sucked my neck and shoulder.
                I made a small noise, which turned into a breathy moan. Sidon chuckled a little, kissing my lips deeply.
               I wrapped my arms around Sidon's neck, bringing him in closer to deepen the kiss more.
              I soon felt the familiar pit forming in my stomach. I groaned, "I'm close," I whispered, all too aware of my volume.
              Sidon let out a quiet, breathy moan, "me too," he said simply.
             Soon I couldn't hold it in any longer, and I released. Sidon soon followed me, and then he lay down next to me.
               I sat slowly and grabbed my shorts. I pulled them on, then grabbed Sidon's shorts and threw them to him.
             He raised an eyebrow and I sighed, "there is next to no privacy here. Just put on the shorts," I said, smiling a little.
                He snorted, "what if I don't want to?" He asked, a devilish glint in his eyes.
               I went over to him, leaning over him, "well then I won't be the one taking them off again for a long time," I said, smirking.
              He narrowed his eyes at me, then sighed, "Alright, fine. But this is only because I love you," he said, standing and pulling on his shorts.
               I rolled my eyes, smiling slightly as I went and peeked out one of the windows that looked out over the cliffs of the village.
              The sun looked as if it was at least another hour from setting. I sighed, then closed the blind and stretched.
              Sidon came up behind me and scooped me up easily. I let out an alarmed noise, "what are you doing?" I said, slightly louder than anticipated.
             He shushed me, "I'm tired, and I want to lie down," he said as he climbed a little shakily into the hammock.
              I lay on top of his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart beat. I sighed deeply, snuggling closer to him.
He chuckled a little, running a gentle hand through my hair. I slowly felt the gentle hum of sleep washing over me.

Sidon's POV
Link's breathing soon deepened, and he fell into a deep sleep. I continued to ran my hand through his soft hair.
I soon fell asleep as well.

"Link? Sidon?" Zelda called through the curtain.
I looked down at link to see his nose scrunched, but he was still sleeping.
I pulled the blanket over him, "come in," I whisper yelled at Zelda.
She pulled back the curtain, then stepped in. She was wearing a simple white dress, and she was wearing the necklace that Lari gave her. Around her neck also hung a pendant of a wolf.
She snorted, "do you two do anything but sleep?" She asked jovially.
I chuckled, "yes, but I'm going to take any chance I can to have a nap in a decent bed," I said, still whispering as to not wake the sleeping hylian on my chest.
             Zelda chuckled a little, "that's fair. But get up because it's almost sunset," she said, as she went outside the door.
              I sighed. I brushed link's hair from his face, smiling down at his sleeping face. He stirred, then opened his eyes slightly. He scrunched up his nose, this causing me to laugh warmly.
            He smiled at the sound of my laugh, then buried his face in my chest. I sighed a little, "Come on my Guppy. It's almost dinner time," I said softly.
           He groaned, "can't we just skip it?" He said into my chest, his voice muffled.
             I chuckled, "no, we have to go," I said as I sat up.
             Link sat up as well, his nose scrunched up, and the last grogginess of sleep was washing from his eyes.
He sighed, then got up ungracefully, "fine," he said as he quickly got dressed. He had on a simple blue tunic and some brown pants.
             He opened the curtain and looked around, then pulling his head back inside, "huh, I guess Zelda already went. Also there's maybe like half an hour until dinner, so I'm gonna go for a walk to wake up," he said.
            I stood, "do you want me to go?" I asked.
           Link hummed, "no, I'm alright on my own," he said as he walked over to me.
            He wrapped his arms around my neck, kissing me quickly. He then turned and walked out, waving and smiling at me as he left.
             I shivered, a strange feeling of dread settling over me, clenching my chest. I shook my head, then I got dressed slowly, my tail swinging slightly as I tried to push out all my negative thoughts.
               It's too quiet without Link here.

Link's POV
              I let the curtain flap shut behind me. I walked quickly down a flight of stairs, then I slowed a little.
             I made it down to the bottom of the Village, the cold wind was whipping through my hair and tugging on my clothing.
             I shivered, a strange feeling prickling at the back of my neck. I shrugged it away, walking across the first bridge.
               Maybe I could go and say hello to Epona. I decided that that was a decent idea, so I started off with a purpose.
              I made it to the first island, the grass was swaying, and the wind was slightly louder here. Both of my feet were on the dirt, but I heard a fairly loud creak of the wooden bridge behind me.
             I shrugged, it was most likely the settling of the wood. So, I kept walking. There was a hard thump of the dirt, so this time I spun around.
           Three Yiga Clan stood behind me. I reached for my sword, then I realized that I didn't bring it.
            "Fuck," I said under my breath. I brought my hands up, my fingers curling into right fists.
             The middle one, who had curled horns on the sides of its mask, laughed at my feeble attempt to protect myself without my sword.
               "Come at me, then you won't be laughing," I said, my voice hard and cold. Thank Hylia that my voice didn't shake.
              The middle one shook their head, stepping towards me slowly, "oh no hylian knight, we don't want you dead. You won't be any use to me like that," he said.
                Then without any warning he shot towards me. I raised my arms to block my face.
              I felt a sharp prick in my side, then my knees buckled and I fell into the soft grass. I couldn't move as I stated up into the stars.
               The Yiga member came and stood over me, blocking out the stars with their horrible mask, "now, let's go," he said, my vision slowly fading to black.
               The last thing I felt as I faded off was a tear sliding down my cheek as I thought of Sidon.

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