A Hasty Plan

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Zelda's POV
Sidon pursed his lips, seemingly a little concerned. I knew I had to seem confident to convince him of anything, so I stood straight and looked him in the eye. Hero huffed and sat down beside me.
"Are you willing to hear my plan, then?" I asked, trying to keep my unease hidden.
Sidon sighed, "yeah, alright," he said defeatedly.
I nodded, "well I'm going to be honest. What the Yiga Clan are doing is deeply disturbing me, but I have a slightly ridiculous plan that might work. The only problem is is that you have to follow my direct orders with no questions. Do you understand?" I asked, searching his eyes for the understanding I need.
The puzzle pieces seemed to click in his brain, "oh! Yes, I understand. I will follow your commands, whatever it may be," he said, smiling slightly down at me.
I let out a relieved sigh, "thank you. Now, tonight you have to sneak out and go home. Follow me for a second," I said, still slightly unsure about this plan.
I turned on my heels, walking off through the streets. I heard Sidon and Hero following behind me, and I made sure to walk with a straight back to seem confident.
I lead Sidon down another road, I grabbed his arm as I pulled him behind a stack of boxes. He didn't call out, thank Hylia, but he gave me a nasty look.
I smiled apologetically, then I turned to the wall in front of me. I walked up to it, a drape hanging from the top of the building and down to the ground.
I stopped in front of it, "golden sun, rise again," I whispered to the drape in front of me.
I then reached up and pulled the drape back. Behind it now stood a wooden door marked with a triforce.
I took a deep breath and pushed the door open, a cloud of dust blowing out at us.
Sidon coughed slightly, his gills glaring slightly, "what are you doing?" He asked.
I just raised a finger in a shushing motion as I motioned for him to go inside with my other hand.
He sighed, then obliged and ducked through the wooden door. I whistled slightly and nodded my head to the door, and Hero trotted in happily.
I looked around, and after I saw no one I slipped inside myself, making sure the drape swung back into place.
I closed the door with a soft click, and the room was enveloped in darkness. I locked the door, then I pulled out Link's sheikah slate.
Riju had given me it while Link was healing so that it was safe. She also didn't think it was best for him to have it immediately.
I used the light from the screen as a beacon as I went and lit some gas lamps around the room.
I flicked the last light on, and I turned to see the familiar room once more.
The room was fairly small and it had no windows. The walls were thick and the door had a good seal, allowing people to speak inside this room and not be overheard.
There was a large wooden table in the centre, and wooden chairs scattered around it. There was a large map of Hyrule stretched over the surface of the table, and a small dagger sat, stabbed through the table over Hyrule Castle Town.
Drapes hung from the wall, all with different stories to tell. Oh, this room filled me with nostalgia.
Sidon looked around with wide eyes, then he turned back to me, "what in Hylia's name is this place? And why did you whisper to the drapes before you came in?" He asked hurriedly.
I sighed, rubbing my eyes, "this was the meeting place of the Champions one hundred years ago. And the words I said were to make the door appear," I said simply.
Sidon opened his mouth, then closed it, "okay, I'm just going to pretend that all makes sense. What is your plan?" He asked, leaning his hands on the dusty table.
I walked up to the table, "well, tonight we are going to send Link off with the sheikah slate. I will not say where because I have to still be cautious, even if it is impossible to hear us in here. After we send Link off, we are going to slip out of the city. Then you will follow me and we will ride back to a undisclosed destination. Understand?" I asked, leaning on the table as well.
Sidon sighed, "y'know that it's a real pain following these terribly vague instructions?" He asked, smiling slightly.
I laughed, "yeah. Alright, we are going to wait here for a little bit, but first," I turned to Hero, "Hero, go get Riju. Make sure that you aren't followed. Oh, wait! I'll write a letter so she knows it's me," I said quickly.
I walked over to a desk. I pulled open draws at random until I found a piece of parchment and a quill and ink pot.
I rolled the parchment out over the map. I dipped the quill into the ink then I wrote a quick message to Riju.
I then grabbed a small bag, looping it loosely around Hero's neck. I then rolled the parchment and slipped it into the bag.
I rubbed Hero's head, "Alright, I'll open the door for you. Take this to Riju, and remember to make sure you aren't followed," I said to the golden wolf.
Hero seemed to nod, he then stood up and walked with me to the door. I opened it with a click, then I pushed back the drape carefully. Hero slipped out through the crack, then he disappeared down the alleyway.
I closed the door, then turned back to Sidon, "well, now we wait."

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