The Royal Wedding

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Link's P.O.V.
           "No! Vekan I'm not taking my shorts off," I said, folding my arms across my bare chest.
             Vekan rolled his eyes, holding out another pair of shorts, "you will put this on after, and I will hem it so it fits you," he pushed the new shorts into my arms, "now we'll turn around, Alright?" He said as he motioned for Nikis and Zelda to turn. They did, so I sighed and hooked my thumbs in the band of my shorts.
           I dropped them to same time the curtain of the dressing room flew open. I cried out in surprise, moving so I was less noticeable. Bolson stood extravagantly in the open doorway.
           "Vekan, get a fucking lockable door!" I called out, looking for the shorts that he gave me and that I flung when I jumped.
              Bolson came in, strutting as usual, "Link! Darling, I see you are in a compromising position. Do you want me to come back later?" He raised an eyebrow, smiling wryly.
              I rolled my eyes, "no, I'm perfectly comfortable completely naked. Why don't you chat for a while?" I said sarcastically.
            Bolson chuckled a little, "wow, I came all this way for your wedding and I get this greeting," he put his hands on his hips.
            Zelda pushed the shorts into my hands, "here," she said as she joined Nikis by the fabric wall.
           I let out a relieved sigh as I got into the shorts, trying not to show too much. I gathered the extra fabric at my waist in my fist and turned back to Bolson.
            "I'm sorry, why don't we try again?" Bolson nodded, so I smiled, "Bolson! I haven't seen you in ages; what brings you to the Domain?" I asked nicely.
            Bolson grinned wide, "I wanted to see if the rumours were true." He waved his hand flippantly as he went and got a chair to sit on.
           I raised an eyebrow, "what rumours?" I asked as Nikis busied herself with my shorts and Vekan started working on what looked like pants.
            Bolson threw his head back and laughed, "the one about the hero of Hyrule and the prince of the Zoras. A touching love story really, two star crossed lovers struggling to show their love when the hero is destined to go to what might be a death sentence," he looked at me with an eyebrow raised, "and now they are getting married. Quite the controversy as well because you are both men," Bolson sat back, looking at me through hooded lids.
             I snorted, "well, I guess all of that is true," I sighed, "although I was hoping that there wouldn't be that many people upset by Sidon and I,"
          Bolson waved dismissively, "it's a little shocking that's all. Anyways, I should run off to greet some other people that showed up. There's quite the turnout for your little wedding," he stood and walked quickly from the room, the curtain swishing shut behind him.
            I felt myself relax when he was gone, "well it's safe to say that I wasn't expecting that," I said, laughing a little.
            Zelda snorted, "yeah, he had fabulous timing," I made an upset noise, which only caused Zelda to laugh. I rolled my eyes, a goofy grin across my face.
            Vekan and Nikis stepped back from me. They started to chatter back and forth, but I zoned out. I was brought rudely back when Vekan wrapped another piece of fabric around my hips. He draped the dark blue fabric loosely around my slender hips, pinning it with a silver clip on my left side.
He stepped back a little, "Alright, that should be it for the pants. Do you want to see what I have done so far?" He looked up to my eyes.
I shrugged, "no, let's make it a big reveal. I trust you two, and I trust that Zelda would say that it looked bad if it did," I chuckled a little.
Zelda snorted, "you look good so far," she said quickly, going back to admiring some fabric on the wall. I rolled my eyes.
Vekan shrugged, "Alright, Nikis, it's time for you to take over," Nikis nodded and stepped forward, a large bag slung over her shoulder. She first pulled a slender brush and a jar from her bag. I saw that the paint was silver, and it shone in the jar it was kept in. Nikis busied herself with painting designs on my chest and arm. It seemed like it took forever, but that was mostly because I had to stand still for that long.
Nikis finished with a swirl over the dip of my collar bones, "Alright, that should do for the paint. Remember don't touch it until it's dry," she returned the paint and brush to her bag, then she pulled out a comb.
Great, time for my hair. She went behind me, but Zelda walked over and put a small hand on Nikis' arm, "actually, could I do his hair? I always did when I was younger," she asked shyly.
Nikis smiled widely, "of course princess," she bowed her head a little and passed her bag to Zelda. Zelda pushed my shoulder gently and I sat down on the floor. She kneeled behind me, gently pulling my hair from its elastic. She then gently ran the comb through my hair.
I had missed this so much, because I honestly did enjoy it a great deal when Zelda did my hair.
"For Hylia's sake Link, your hair has gotten so long," she said jokingly. I laughed a little, but stopped when I realized that I was moving.
Zelda addressed Vekan while still messing with my hair, "if you don't mind me asking, is it like a thing to not wear shirts? I mean Link looks good but I was a little surprised to see that you are only giving him bottoms," she seemed to want to say more, but held back.
Vekan chuckled a little, "yes, it is more of a traditional thing." He sat back on the plush couch beside the fabric wall.
Zelda hummed a little, sticking pins into my hair to keep it in place. She soon finished, and she sat back on her heals to admire her work, "not bad if I do say so myself," she said quietly.
Vekan clapped, standing up, "Alright, time for you to see. And then we have to get you out of here, it's almost time for your wedding," he said as he went over to the mirror.
Wait a minute, "uh, did you say it is almost time for my wedding? When I came in here it was late morning, and my wedding isn't until Twilight," I said, a little confused.
Nikis called my name, pointing out a newly opened window. The sky was a bright orange, and the sun was no longer visible behind the mountains ringing the Domain.
I turned to Zelda, "good grief that took a hideously long time," I said in disbelief. Zelda laughed, nodding slightly.
Vekan cleared his throat, drawing my attention back to the covered mirror, "you ready?" He asked.
I smiled wide, nodding quickly. He nodded as well, pulling the curtain back to reveal the floor to ceiling mirror. Who stood in the mirror before me was a beautiful stranger.
I had simple silver sandals on my feet, some blue stones embedded into into the leather of the straps. My pants were fairly tight, and they were the same blue as my eyes, and when I moved wave designs sparkled silver in the light. The pants were stitched together with silver thread, and the bottom of the pants stopped mid shin. The dark blue strip around my waist complimented my hip shape and butt, and the silver pendant that held it together was in the shape of a little shark. Different swirls and loops were painted on me, but all of them seemed to highlight my worst scars. The paint ended like a crashing wave on my collar bones. Half of my hair was down, but the top half was tied up in an elaborate knot on the back of my head. Holding it all together was a little triforce pin that I recognized as one of Zelda's favourites. She told me that she got it from her mom, and she had held it dear for years. She didn't trust herself so she didn't wear it in her hair, but instead kept it in a small pouch she always wore around her neck that held keepsakes.
           There was a wave like pattern painted above my eyebrows in the silver paint. The waves looked down around the outside of my eyes, looking and curling to a stop on my cheekbones. I reached up towards my face, but stopped midway.
             I turned to Zelda and the two Zora stylists with my eyes wide and a look of awe on my face, "for Hylia's sake, I didn't know you could turn someone into a whole different person!" I laughed, "well this will make everyday me look bad," I couldn't help the wide grin across my face.
             Zelda came up to me, "Are you ready to go?" She asked, holding her arm out.
            I smiled, "of course," I said, linking my arm with hers. We always used to walk like this when we were younger, it was so we wouldn't lose each other in the busy streets of Hyrule Castle Town.
           I stopped her, "wait, thank you guys," I said, addressing Vekan and Nikis, "you two are truly amazing," I smiled at them warmly.
           Vekan rolled his eyes, "yes we know, now get before you are late for your own wedding," he shooed Zelda and I out of the styling room and out of their building.
Zelda and I walked slowly towards the main hall. She took a deep breath, "well, I never thought that you would get hitched and settle down before me," she chuckled.
I sighed, laughing a little too, "well, I wouldn't call me really settled down. Zelda, remember that in like a year we are roaming around Hyrule," I said.
She smiled, bumping my shoulder with hers, "Linny, Sidon's coming with us, remember?" I rolled my eyes and nodded, this causing her to throw her head back and laugh.
Her golden hair washed over her shoulders in a thick curtain. She had her hair down, and her formal blue dress on. Her boots clicked on the stone floors, and she had a goofy grin on her face. She caught me staring, and she stopped me at the bottom of the stairs leading to the main hall where faint music was drifting down.
"What?" She asked playfully. I smiled wide, "I just missed my best friend," I said.
She smiled warmly, "I missed you too," she sighed, "Alright let's do this," she linked arms with me again and lead me up the stairs. An elder Zora saw us coming and he waved to us.
"You're almost late," he said quickly. I started to apologize but he shook his head to stop me, "no need, just wait here, then when the doors open walk in. Got it?" He asked.
Zelda and I nodded in unison and he nodded, slipping through a little door to the side of the large blue stone ones in front of us.
Zelda smiled at me, and I bumped her with my shoulder. I could now feel the nerves coming on. Am I too exposed? Has my paint smeared? Oh Hylia I can feel myself sweating, will the paint run? What if we don't walk on right? What if Sidon decides he doesn't want to marry me?
Zelda poked me in the ribs, "stop worrying you'll give yourself wrinkles," she said.
I took a deep breath, nodding and focusing on relaxing. I jumped when I heard the doors starting to creak open. I felt Zelda straighten up beside me so i followed suit. I put a bright smile on my face as the doors swung open to reveal the well lit room.
I have never seen this many people in one room before. No, wait, that's not true; I've seen this many people while I was guarding Zelda and she had to go to a banquet or a meeting in the castle. I immediately noticed Yunobo and Bludo, two gorons I met during my travels. They stuck out like sore thumbs among the other guests.
I noticed that Teba and his family were in attendance, as well as Harth and his family. The elder of the Rito village was seated near the back. Beside him was Riju and her guard Buliara. Paya and Lady Impa were seated near the front of the room and Bolson sat comfortably beside Paya. The rest of the seats were filled with other Gerudo and Rito that I have brushed paths with and what seemed to be all of Zoras Domain was gathered in this room.
King Dorephan sat in an extravagant throne at the end of the isle, an elder Zora stood in front of the king, and beside the elder was Sidon. He had on loose silver pants, and a sash of dark blue, the same colour as mine, hung loosely around his waist. He had elaborate swirls and markings painted on his chest and tail as well, and the same marking across his crest and down his fins as I have on my forehead.
He saw me and smiled wide, his face softening almost when he saw me. Laruta waved to me from her place just behind Sidon. She has a pretty little silver dress on, and she held a little basket of flowers. She was wearing a silver shell on a dark rope around her neck. I gave her a small wave and a smile before Zelda tugged me a little down the isle.
            I managed to follow without stumbling, and Zelda and I walked slowly as a loud organ played. I smiled and waved at people as we walked down. Teba gave me thumbs up and Harth was shaking his head and laughing. We soon made it to the altar, where Sidon extended his hand to me. I smiled to Zelda and then took Sidon's hand as I climbed the few stairs up to the altar.
             He smiled warmly down at me, "you look amazing my darling Guppy," he said quietly.
             I smiled and blushed, "so do you my Songbird," this caused us both to laugh a little. The elder behind us glared at us a little, then cleared his throat.
              He began droning about holy marriage and all that jazz. I looked up at Sidon and raised an eyebrow. He snorted and rolled his eyes.
             "Now, Prince Sidon, will you please say your vows?" The elder said, a little tiredly. 
           He smiled down at me, "well, first let me say that's it's nice to come first for a change," he smirked down at me.
          I made a choking noise as my face burned red. I turned my face away from the crowd, as Sidon's father chuckled a little. The elder just shook his head as murmurs ran through the assembled crowd.
              Sidon laughed, "I'm sorry, I had to. But in all seriousness, and in the danger of sounding cheesy, I want to say that you have made me the happiest man in Hyrule. When I first saw you, rain soaked and shivering, I didn't know why but I wanted to help you and make sure that you found your way. So I helped you through, and I tried my best to make you feel welcome. I assisted you in retaking Ruta, and I must have done a good job with making you feel at home because you came back. When you were injured your first thought was to come back here, and I'm glad that you did. Those days I spent with you were some of the best of my life, and everyday I spend with you is in the running for being the best day ever. I love you Link. From the bottom of my heart, I love you and I will forever love you," he emphasized the end by touching my cheek gently. I leaned into his hand, and I couldn't help the huge smile across my face.
            The elder smiled, "Alright, Master Link, will you please recite your vows?" He asked calmly.
           I nodded, taking a deep breath, "you are amazing. There's no other way that I can really phrase that because you are beyond words. You stick with me even when I'm having stupid mood swings and you can help me through almost anything. Your voice alone makes my heart light up a little, but your whole personality is bright. You shine your light on all the people of Zoras Domain, and I have to say that I am so glad that you chose me as the one that gets to stay in that light. You are kind and patient, and never in all my life did I think I could find someone like you. I always expected to fall in battle, leaving this world with a noble death, but now I truly believe that I have a life outside of my sword and shield. You, Sidon, you are my light, and I'm so glad that I love you. Now until the end of my days, and with every beat of my heart my love for you grows," I don't remember when but Sidon and I had joined hands.
               I was staring up into his golden eyes as they swelled with emotions he can't express. I heard a couple sniffles from the others sitting in the hall, and it was weird because I had almost forgotten that all those people were there.
             "Now, do you Prince Sidon of the Zora, take Master Link, the Hylian champion as your lawful wedded husband?" The elder asked, looking up at Sidon.
           Sidon chuckled low, "of course I do," he smiled warmly down at me. 
            "And do you Master Link, Hylian Champion take Prince Sidon of the Zora to be your lawful wedded husband?" He asked, now turning to me.
             I smiled widely up at Sidon, "yes, I do," Sidon met my gaze, silently showing all his love through his gaze.
             The elder cleared his throat, "now, as long as no one has any objections?" He paused slightly but was only met with silence and a slight grumbling for Muzu, "I now pronounce, in the name of the goddess Hylia, you two are now wed. You may kiss to seal the bond," he ducked his head slightly, almost in a very slight bow.
         Sidon picked me up easily, and I grabbed his face, kissing him gently. I was all too aware of all the eyes on me, especially my new father in law. I pulled back, smiling wide, my tongue poking out from between my teeth.
Sidon snorted, "dork," he mumbled low so only I could hear. I snorted and rolled my eyes.


I hope that everyone likes this chapter and I hope that everyone is excited for the reception! Sorry I didn't put it all in one chapter, because I tried, and it was WAY too long.

I hope that everyone is excited because this one book will be longer that the first. I already have what's going to happen planned out so I hope that it'll be good!

Alright, thank you for whoever actually read my rambling, and thank you to all who have been reading this. I promise the next chapter will be extra long for you guys!

Okay, peace out! -Olivia

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