The Reception

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Link's P.O.V.
"Sidon, I love you dearly, but if another member of your extended fucking family comes up and talks to us for like five minutes I'm going to jump off of the Domain," I said quietly, while keeping a smile on my face.
Sidon threw his head back and laughed, "relax love, it's time for dinner so they should be busy gossiping amongst themselves," he kissed my cheek, then lead me a little away from a pair of his aunts.
After dinner we stood off to the side, and no one seemed to notice. At least for a while. 
"I really do like the sunsets better with oranges and pinks," I said.
Sidon chuckled a little, "yes, I have to admit they are pretty, but the purples and yellows are much better," he argued.
"Link!" A voice called from the crowd. I flinched at the unexpected noise but calmed when I saw that it was Yunobo.
"Hyah Yunobo, how are you tonight?" I asked politely.
He laughed a little nervously, "I'm okay, it was a long journey here," he was cut off but Teba and Harth coming over.
They were just teeming with loud energy, "I still can't believe it! Link, how in Hylia's name did you manage to get, well, him," Teba said, motioning extravagantly towards Sidon.
Sidon chuckled, "I ask myself the same thing about Link," he paused slightly, then smiled brightly down at Teba, "it's Teba right?" He asked.
Teba clicked his beak shut, "uh, yeah." But he was saved from awkwardness when Zelda came over and hugged me tight.
             "Oh, Link I'm so happy for you! I'm so glad I'm back to see this," she pulled back, tears starting to brim in her eyes.
             Teba cleared his throat, this causing Zelda to jump slightly, "oh, I'm sorry. I hope I wasn't interrupting anything," she turned so she could face the group we stood in, "Link, could you introduce me to your friends?" She asked politely.
              I noticed that she seemed to have two separate voices, and I must admit, the one where she is talking to Sidon and I sounds the happiest. "Well this is Yunobo, he is a descendant of Daruk," I said pointing to everyone as I went, "and this is Teba, he helped me reclaim Medoh. And that is Harth, he is Teba's friend," I said.
            Zelda smiled and shook everyone's hands, then she went back to Yunobo, "what's your relation to Daruk?" She asked kindly.
            Yunobo seemed slightly flustered, "u-uh, he-es my grandfather," he stuttered out.
             Zelda tilted her head, a kind smile across her full lips, "well he was a truly amazing goron. I am going to take this opportunity now to formally apologize," she said as she bowed low, "for I am truly, and deeply sorry, for taking him away from his family. I hope that, even if all the gorons cannot forgive me, then at least you can?" She remained bowed down, and her voice shook.
She is truly upset about this. I took a step forward, bowing as well, "I am to blame for this as well. So, I beg for your forgiveness along with Zelda," Zelda made a small noise, but because of her hair I couldn't see her face.
I saw Yunobo shift on his feet, "I-uh, j-just get up p-please. I forgive you guys. Link, you helped reclaim Rudiana and bring peace back to my village, a-and princess Zelda, y-you had the g-guts to apologize, s-so that's enough f-for me," he managed to say.
Zelda and I straightened, she had a sad smile on her face but she seemed okay. Yunobo looked around, "I should go. Have fun," he said as he walked quickly away.
Harth laughed a little awkwardly, "Well you two sure know how to make a scene. Anyways, Teba and I should get back to our rooms, the kids will be getting pretty tired. Goodnight Princess, and congrats again Link," he and Teba waved as they wove threw the crowd to find their families.
Zelda wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "thank you for having my back there," she said appreciatively.
I snorted, wiggling from her grasp and punching her playfully on the arm, "you were floundering pretty bad there," I joked.
It was her turn to snort at me. She then threw her head back and started laughing. Her laughter was contagious, for I started to laugh as well. Sidon started to chuckle, and when I looked over at him he had his arms crossed over his muscular chest, and he was shaking his head slightly.
I wiped the tears from my eyes, "what?" I asked him, my voice still light and breathless from laughing.
He shook his head, "oh, you two are just too cute," he said jovially.
I feigned hurt, "I am the mighty Hylian champions, and the Princess' appointed knight! I am not cute, sir," I said extravagantly.
Sidon smiled wryly, "oh, you're calling me sir now? I shouldn't be surprised, given what you've called me in the past," he said, a devilish tone in his voice.
I felt my face burn red, "asshole," was all I could manage.
He snorted, "dick. Do you see the relation here?" He said.
Zelda was giggling, but trying to hide it. I felt like my face was actually on fire. "What has gotten into you tonight?" I asked. He got like this sometimes, but why Hylia did it have to be now?
"Well I know what will be getting into you," he said wryly. He was now laughing at his own jokes, wow that's a whole new level of low.
I threw up my hands, "for Hylia's sake, Sidon!" I paused, then realized that he might use that, "Don't you dare," I said, waving a finger at him.
He started laughing, "Alright, I'm sorry love," he said, he kneeled down to my level, "do you forgive me?" He asked jokingly.
I grabbed his face, "you are sleeping on the couch tonight," I said, smiling a little.
He snorted, "sure I will," I rolled my eyes, and let go of his face. Zelda was still giggling, but she had stopped trying to hide it.
She then pulled both Sidon and I into a bear hug, "for Hylia's sake did I miss being free!" She said, then let us go. I opened my mouth to say something but I was distracted my Laruta running up and jumping at Sidon. He caught her, but he stumbled back a little.
"Woah, hi there Lari," he said, holding her on his hip. She giggled, then grabbed his face with her little hands, "would you sing with me again? We haven't done lessons in a while, which is fine because I know you were busy," she asked.
Sidon smiled at her, "of course. You know one of these times I'll have to see if Link can sing, then he can sing with us too," he said wryly.
I snorted a little, and Laruta seemed to remember something, "oh! I wanted to give you and Link these. I made them, and they all match! I grabbed these shells when we went down to the beach together!" She said as she pulled a bundle of string from the bag around her hip. She pulled them apart, handing the one with a longer string to Sidon and the smaller one to me.
The necklaces were the same as the one she wore around her neck, although I notice now that all the shells look like fragments of the same shell.
I turned mine over, "is this from a conch shell?" I asked Laruta.
She lit up with a wide smile, "yeah! I can't believe you could tell!" She said, she then seemed to notice Zelda, who was trying to stand quietly and unnoticed, "hyah! Who are you?" She asked innocently.
               Zelda smiled, "I'm Zelda, nice to meet you," she extended her hand for Laruta to shake it.
                Lari lit up again and shook Zelda's hand quickly, "oh, I made extra necklaces just in case, so you can have one! If Linny likes you then you must be good!" She said as she dug another necklace from her pouch.
                  Zelda took it, gasping slightly, "thank you Lari! It's beautiful. I lost all my jewelry when the castle was destroyed, so I'm so glad to have this amazing necklace," she said, smiling as she put it around her neck, then fluffed her hair out from under the rope.
             Lari tilted her head, "you lived in a castle? Where you a princess?" She asked excitedly.
             Sidon chuckled, "now lari, why don't you go and tell the band that you want to preform after their song. I'll be up in a minute, I just want to talk to Link for a second," he said as he put her down.
              Lari smiled and nodded, then she bounced off towards the stage where a Zora band was playing a happy tune.
            Sidon sighed, smiling warmly, "she's definitely something," he mumbled, before turning to me, "I've been thinking that we should adopt her," he said quietly.
           Zelda smiled, fiddling with the shell around her neck, "I think she's a good match for you two. She's energetic and spunky," she said.
            I laughed a little, "Zelda is right about her being energetic, but do you think we are ready?" I asked, suddenly nervous.
             Sidon placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, causing me to relax slightly, "Guppy, we don't have to take her in now, you can have time to think. Also I've been meaning to ask if she could join us in training tomorrow?" He said the last bit almost shyly.
             I smiled, "of course she can, but I think you better get going because you are needed on the stage," I joked, shooing him slightly.
            Sidon snorted, then kissed me quick and disappeared through the crowd.
              Zelda came over and elbowed me softly, "you're grinning like an idiot," she said jokingly.
           I pushed her a little, "What I can't be happy on my wedding day," I laughed.
            She started to laugh, and soon I followed. A hush came over the crowd around us, so we had to try to muffle our laughter. We got a lot of dirty looks from Zora standing around.
Sidon walked up onto the stage, and he waved a little awkwardly. I whistled, which earned me more scowls and more giggles from Zelda.
Sidon chuckled a little, "well, backed by popular demand, lari and I are going to sing a song for everyone," he said, he was shifting nervously, and looking nowhere in particular. I caught his eyes, and gave him a thumbs up, trying to tell him that it's okay with my eyes.
He smiled and seemed more comfortable. What a dork, the future king of the Domain, and he has a little bit of stage fright.
             The band started playing, Sidon started off, his voice ringing low and clear. Lari soon joined in, her voice a nice contrast to Sidon's.
            Zelda pointed to some chairs and we ducked through the crowd to them. We sat down, and we remained in silence for a while.
             Zelda then sighed and put her head on my shoulder, "I'm so happy for you," she said quietly.
             I chuckled a little, "I'm happy as well. I never thought this would happen to me, my father made a point the I wouldn't be happy like this ever," I said bitterly.
              Zelda sighed deeply, "I do hope you forgive me for saying this but, your father was a horrible man. He instilled all these anxieties and self loathing in you, and it is not fair," she said, lifting her head to look into my eyes. Her blue-green eyes starting to gather tears.
I smiled sadly down at her, "I forgive you because it is true," I said simply, then returned my attention to Sidon and Laruta.
They finished their song to an eruption of applause. I clapped loudly, as Sidon and Lari bowed and hopped off of the stage. They found their way back to Zelda and I.
I clapped when they rejoined us, "that was so good Lari! Good job, and I can't wait to see how you do at lessons," I said sweetly to Lari.
She lit up at my praise, "you're gonna come to lessons?" She asked excitedly.
I smiled warmly, "of course! I want to support you, and I know that Sidon here wants to hear me sing," I said jovially.
Zelda snorted, "he's actually really good. When I was sick I would have him sing so I could fall asleep, and it always helped me a lot," she said to Laruta.
Lari giggled a little, Sidon snorted, then kneeled down to Lari's level, "Alright Lari, you should head off to bed. Meet Link, Zelda and I by the statue of Mipha tomorrow at sunrise for training," he said gently.
Lari sighed, "Alright fine. If you guys aren't awake I'm gonna come and get you," she said. She hugged Sidon around his neck, then hugged me and Zelda around our waists. She then waved as she ran out of the room.
I smiled, then turned to Sidon, "I think I do want to adopt her. Can we tell her tomorrow after training?" I asked.
Sidon smiled a wide toothy grin, he then scooped me up in his arms, "of course! Oh for Hylia's sake if I get any happier then my heart may explode!" He said happily, kissing me gently.
I laughed into his lips, "well I hope it doesn't because I've taken a liking to you," I joked.
Sidon laughed, shaking his head as he put me down, "Alright, we should go tell my father of our plans, and wish him a good night," he said.
I smiled and nodded. Zelda cleared her throat, "Alright, I'm going to head off to bed. Have a good night, and try to keep it down," she said jokingly, "oh, and say goodnight and congrats to your father for me," she called as she made her way through the crowd.
               I waved after her, then turned to Sidon, still smiling. He chuckled, then grabbed my hand and lead me through the crowd to where his father was sitting.
            He saw us and smiled wide, "how are the little love birds tonight?" He said. 
              Sidon smiled down at me then up at his father, "Well my face hurts from smiling, but I mean thats a good thing," he said.
             Dorephan chuckled, "yes it is. Now what did you want?" He asked, sitting forward.
             Sidon chuckled a little, "well, I realize this is a little fast, but we want to adopt Laruta," he said a little nervously.
              "Well, it was fairly fast but I support you. When are you thinking about taking her in?" Dorephan chuckled.
             Sidon hummed, "we are going to tell her either tomorrow or the day after," he said simply.
             His father nodded, "Alright, anything else?" He asked.
             "Actually, Zelda said goodnight," I said quickly. This caused Dorephan to laugh.
             Sidon chuckled, "well we wish you a good night as well. We have a busy morning tomorrow," he said, bowing his head slightly.
            Dorephan chuckled, "and a busy night tonight," he said wryly.
             Sidon sighed, "it is our wedding night after all," he said a little defeatedly.
               Dorephan laughed triumphantly, "finally you join in on the joke," he said.
              Sidon chuckled a little, "yeah well," he shrugged, grabbing my hand and starting to turn away. He waved with his free hand.
                Dorephan chuckled, "have a good night!" He called after us. Sidon shook his head, smiling down at the floor as he lead me quickly through the crowd.

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