A Little Proposal

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Sidon's P.O.V.
I followed link slowly up the winding path. I had went to grab my cane and my bag that contained the Zora sapphire. He walked ahead, his hips swinging slightly and his steps were light. He was content, I could tell that much. I sighed heavily, getting increasingly more nervous about what I'm about to do.
          We soon made it to the top of the hill, link stretched wide and turned to me with a goofy grin. I snorted and walked over to him. I lifted him easily and laid him over my shoulder.
            He squeaked out a protest, "Hey!" I smiled and remained silent. I took him to a particularly lush looking patch of grass and a large boulder. I set him down gently and then sat beside him. I sighed as I leaned back against the boulder. Link followed suit, and I wrapped a protective arm around him. He leaned against me, his warmth leaking into my side.
            I looked out to the sunset, then I looked back to Link. He was smiling a little as he looked out at the sunset. His eyes were sparkling with the colours of the sunset, and his soft hair blew a little in the soft breeze. His soft lips curled slightly, and a slight blush was over his freckled cheeks.
            He looked up at me, smiling wide, "what?" He asked softly. I took a deep breath and smiled back, "actually, I wanted to ask you something," I said sweetly as I pulled my bag over. I grabbed the mahogany box with one hand.
           "You looked so little and, admittedly, cute, when you came to the Domain for the first time. You were soaked all the way through your clothes and you were shivering a little. You started to light up the more I encouraged you and so I decided to keep doing it," he laughed a little awkwardly, "I just wanted to keep you safe, so I helped you to fight Ruta, and I was so worried when you disappeared into the creature that was the final resting place of my sister. I lost a lot of sleep I must be honest. When you got hurt, I felt like I had to keep you safe, so I took your healing process into my own hands. When you are upset and hurt it makes my heart ache so badly, so I want to keep you happy, so I guess what I want to say is: will you marry me?" I pulled the box over and put it gently on link's lap.
            He gasped, his hands flying to his mouth. Tears sprung to his eyes as he nodded quickly. He reached shaky hands towards the box and unclasped it, slowly opening it. He inhaled sharply when he saw the Zora sapphire.
           He turned to me, "Are you sure?" Was all he said. I snorted and nodded as I kissed him passionately, all the emotions I couldn't say being shown with this. He wrapped his arms around my neck, his fingers playing with my fin. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer.
           "So is that a yes?" I whispered against his lips. He pulled back and laughed, "of course you dork," I smiled and pulled him close. He then started to sob into my shoulder.
           "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked into his soft hair. He laughed in between sobs, "I'm just so happy! I never thought this would happen to me," he pulled himself closer still.
           We stayed like that for a while, then he pulled back slowly. Link looked back into the box with the Zora sapphire. He picked it up gingerly, and looked at me. I smiled warmly and grabbed it, putting it gently on his golden hair. He touched it lightly, a goofy grin on his face.
             "I wish I had my sheikah slate so I could take a photo," he sighed, but he kept on smiling.
             I grabbed my bag, and handed it to him. Inside was his sheikah slate and some paints. "I already thought of that," I said wryly.
            "You are the best," he said as he took out his sheikah slate. He moved it so we were both in frame. He smiled wide and took the photo. He then sighed deeply and leaned against me, smiling still.
           "Your cheeks are going to start to hurt if you keep smiling you dork," I said quietly. He snorted and elbowed me jokingly. I sighed, "okay, but we should go because we have to get back for dinner," I said.
             Link looked up to me, "Alright," he then got up and I followed. I put the empty box into my bag and slung it over my shoulder. I then scooped Link up bridal style, he squeaked then laughed. I made sure I had everything and I limped down the path we came. I made it down to where we put our clothes. I set him down gently, then I went and pulled on my trousers. I looked around for my sweater, but I guessed where it went when I heard a slight chuckled to my left. I looked over to see Link in his trousers and my sweater. I was down past his knees and the sleeves were rolled up many times.
            I smiled, "so that's where my sweater went," I joked to him. He smiled and nodded.
             "Let's go," he said as he started to walk towards the forest. I rolled my eyes and followed him.

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