A Somber Night

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Sidon's POV
Zelda held Link's head in her lap. Silent sobs were racking her body as she stared down at him.
Her golden hair had started coming from its braid, and the free strands blew in the soft breeze.
I stared down at Link. His face was peaceful under all the dried blood. I felt all my anger wash away, and it was replaced by an empty ache.
I could feel tears washing down my face as I grabbed Link's left hand.
I noticed it was wounded, and I wished to Hylia I could be angry for him, but I couldn't.
I held it tight, and I felt a slight movement under my fingers. I stoped a second and felt to make sure I had felt what I thought I did.
My heart skipped a beat, "Zelda!" I said loudly.
Her red, sorrow filled eyes met mine, and I couldn't help but to smile, "he has a pulse," I said quickly.
Her eyes widened, and she looked down to where her hands still held Link's bleeding neck.
She looked back at me, shaking her head, "how'd I know to-" she stopped and turned to Hero, who was sitting beside her, blood splattering his golden fur.
"You?" She seemed to ask the wolf. It just looked at her with calm ruby eyes and he seemed to smile.
Barta limped over to us, "we are sorry- wait, princess, why are you smiling?" She asked, concern barely hidden in her voice.
Link chose that time to cough, his eyes fluttering open. Link's eyes darted around like a caged animal.
Barta gasped, "we must get him back to Gerudo Town so he can be treated!" She exclaimed.
I looked up, "but I thought men weren't allowed in Gerudo Town?" I said in disbelief.
Barta shook her head, "his life is in danger. We can let you all in this once,"she said, turning to her group.
"Carry Konora back. Her family will want to send her off properly," Barta said, sadness hidden behind her words.
Zelda turned to me, "you will have to carry him. Just let me tie this shirt around his neck," she said softly.
I nodded, only now noticing that Zelda was only in a bra. Strange how we don't notice things directly in front of you.
"Done," she said quickly.
I nodded, scooping Link up into my arms as carefully as I could.
He seemed awake, as his eyes were darting around, looking at his surroundings.
Zelda turned to Teba, who was standing slightly to the side, a slow stream of blood weeping from his left hip.
"Fly ahead. Say it was a success with only one casualty. Send for a cart or something," she said, her voice sounding brittle and tired.
               Teba nodded, but before he could take off Zelda held out a hand, "thank you Teba," she said softly.
                Teba smiled and nodded again, this time taking off.
              Zelda watched him fly off, but I couldn't take my eyes off of Link.
               That's sick bastard that captured him left Link a bloodied and shaking mess.
                Him, and his followers, were the first Hylians I have killed. Yet, I don't think of them as Hylians, I think of them as monsters.
              Link's confuses eyes met mine, and his right hand raised weakly. He pressed his palm against my cheek weakly, and I leaned into the hand, smiling warmly down at him.
                He opened his mouth to speak, but he grimaced and closed it. I shook my head, "don't hurt yourself please Guppy," I said softly.
                He nodded, and placed his hand back on his stomach gingerly.
               "I want you to stay awake okay? Do whatever you have to," I said to him, fearing that if he went asleep again he wouldn't wake up. And I don't know what I would do without him.
                Link nodded slowly, then opened his mouth again, "I.... i-arck" he coughed slightly, "I.. lo-love.... you" he managed to get out, his neck clearly hurting badly.
                Tears came to my eyes and I smiled widely, "I love you too. And with every beat of my heart my love for you grows," I said softly.
                He smiled lopsidedly, "dork," he got out before coughing again.
               "Prince Sidon! Come on!" Barta called from a little ways away.
               I felt Link flinch at the noise, then he tried to move closer. I looked down to see his eyes were darting around.
               "Hey, it's alright. It's just Barta. She's a Gerudo captain, and she's taking us back so we can get you healed up, okay?" I said softly to him.
              His breathing slowed down to a normal rate and he locked eyes with me again. He nodded slightly to me, and I looked up to see everyone else waiting a little bit ahead.
              I caught up, "could we keep voices down maybe?" I said as nicely as I could.
              Barta nodded, "yes, sorry prince," she said meekly.
               I smiled tiredly at her, "please just Sidon. We are comrades now," I said, laughing a little.
Barta smiled a little bit and nodded.
After that we walked in silence, it felt like an eternity, but every ten seconds or so I would check on Link quickly.
We eventually made it to the mouth of the canyon. Waiting for us there was another Gerudo woman and a large sled like thing attached to two large seal like creatures.
The new Gerudo stepped towards us, "get on quick. No time to waste," she spoke quickly and with a no-nonsense tone.
The Gerudo warriors climbed onto the covered sled first. Then Zelda and then I followed carefully.
I sat beside Zelda, and the Gerudo busied themselves with Teba, who was already waiting inside.
Zelda leaned over to Link, smiling widely at him, "heyah. How're you holding up?" She asked in a soft voice.
Link squinted at her, "I- I feel... like.... pa-passing out...." he said slowly and deliberately.
Zelda nodded, "keep breathing. Why don't you tell me about the first time you and Sidon met?" She asked him kindly.
Link was playing with a hem of my shirt, his eyes unfocused, "it was raining.... ever-everything was s-s-slippery. He was was up t-tall, and jumped from th-the tower. He did flips, for no reason really," he smiled a little drowsily, his speech broken and hazy, "then he smiled at me and I felt my heart go all 'oh hylia,' y'know? Then he told me to meet back at Zora Domain, then he flipped into the water and swam away," his voice got weaker and weaker as he spoke, but he seemed more awake.
"Don't strain your voice too much, okay?" I said calmly.
He looked up to me, smiling slightly and giving me a weak thumbs up.
I hummed slightly, then I saw his face light up with something, he pointed to me, then motioned away from his mouth with his hand. Hylia above, he wants me to sing.
"You want me to sing?" I asked skeptically.
He smiled and gave me another thumbs up.
I sighed, "fine. Just because you asked Guppy," I said jokingly.
I started to hum a tune, then I decided on the song that I sung at the feast.
I noticed when I finished the song, that we were stopped and everyone was quiet.
Link was crying silently, tears cutting tracks in the blood on his cheeks. Zelda was shaking her head and smiling slightly as she looked down at her hands. All the Gerudo women were looking at me with strange looks, and Teba was laughing slightly.
"Oh, we're stopped," I said dumbly.
Zelda rolled her eyes, "yes. We have been for a few moments, but none of us wanted to disturb you. You both looked too happy, and in truth it's been too long," she said softly.
I nodded, blushing slightly as I turned away to look back to Link. He was smiling up at me, his eyes soft.
Barta stood and walked past us, and the rest of her group followed, carrying a body wrapped in fabric past us.
Teba followed, then Zelda, then it was my turn. I managed to get out without hurting myself of Link.
It was thankfully still night, so the air was not hot. We walked up to the gates as a group, and the guards let us in after a single glance.
They seemed hesitant to let Link, Teba, and I in, but they didn't stop us.
We walked quickly to what I was guessing to be the throne room. On the throne sat what appeared to be a Gerudo child.
              She sat forward quickly, "take them to the infirmary. Take Konora to the morgue and tell her mother of the situation. Barta take care of your group," she commanded.
               Barta nodded, then lead her women out of the room. The leader turned to us, "I'm assuming you are the princess? Forgive me for not being sure. I do recognize the champion in the Zoras arms," she said calmly.
             Zelda nodded, "yes. I am princess Zelda. Although, I think we could discuss this further once we get Sidon and Link medical care. Link is in a critical condition," she said urgently.
             The chief nodded, "Buliara, take the Zora, Sidon, and the knight to the infirmary," she said, looking to a tall, serious looking Gerudo beside her.
Buliara nodded, then walked forward. She went past me and motioned for me to follow. I noticed that she was about the same height as me.
As I followed I started to notice all the aches and pains from the fight we were just in. I will be glad to know that Link is safe so I can have an actual night of sleep again.
Buliara lead us into a cool stone building. She walked up to the Gerudo behind the desk, they exchanged hasty whispers, then doctors were swarming me.
Someone grabbed Link, who was staring drowsily at the ceiling. I was uneasy letting him from my sight, but I was reassured that I would be able to see him later tonight.
               I was herded off into a room of my own. Two Gerudo women started wrapping my wounds.
                Once they were finished I had a heavy bandage around my right forearm, a thin bandage wrapped around the nick in my fin, and random bandages wrapped around me.
                The Gerudo doctor with her hair in a bun looked up at me after writing some things down on her clipboard, "Alright, you should be fine, just don't overwork yourself," her voice was soft and kind.
               I shrugged, "yeah, alright, can I go see Link?" I asked, standing up. 
               She raised her eyebrows, "mr. Rhett? He's resting and only family can visit him right now," she said.
               I shook my head, "I'm Sidon Rhett. I'm his husband," I said, stumbling over my words a little.
               The nurse raised her eyebrow, "Alright. Then follow me," she said, turning to leave.
               I followed her through the clean halls. She came to a red door, a little board read 'Link Rhett'. She turned to me, "he has stitches on his throat, so he probably shouldn't be speaking. He is hurt and very skittish so be careful," she said.
              I nodded and she opened the door. Link jumped, tensing up. He saw me, then he smiled as wide as the bandages on his cheeks would let him. He tried to sit up, then sighed and motioned me to come closer.
             The nurse tilted her head to the side, "he's never been this friendly. He actually bit one of the nurses," she said quietly.
              I laughed, "Link, you bit one of them?" I said, walking over to him.
              He smiled a little sheepishly, then nodded. I chuckled and sat down on a chair beside his bed.
             Link held out a bandaged hand, and I grabbed it gently. He smiled up at me and I heard the click of the door closing as the nurse left.
            Link tensed up again, his eyes darting around the room. He locked onto the closed door, and I could tell that he was hiding tears.
                I put a gentle hand on his cheek, and he flinched hard, "shh, Link, it's alright. You're safe my little Guppy," I said softly, keeping my voice low.
               Link's eyes shot quickly to me, and he locked eyes with me for a moment. He then relaxed, a deep sigh blowing from him.
I kept his cold little hand in my own, "were the nurses nice?" I asked calmly, keeping my voice even.
He smiled at me and nodded. He looked around, then chuckled slightly. I tilted my head, and he just shook his head in answer.
We stayed like that for a while. I asked him yes or no questions, just keeping smalltalk.
It seemed like all too soon that a nurse knocked, then walked in, "Prince Sidon? Princess Zelda and our Chief Riju has requested to speak with you," she said softly.
I turned to Link, "Are you alright to stay on your own?" I asked quietly.
"He won't have to," came a familiar voice from behind the nurse.
Teba walked in, a slight limp faltering his step and thick bandages covering his right wing. He smiled a little, then limped over to the chair beside me.
He flopped down heavily, "I'll keep him company. Now don't leave those chicks waiting," he said, his voice slightly scratchy.
I nodded. I kissed link's forehead quickly before getting up, "I'll try and get back as fast as I can," I said as I stepped quickly into the doorway.
Link made a little heart out of his hands, and I returned the gesture. After that I turned and closed the door behind me.
I sighed deeply, then I walked quickly out of the infirmary. Many Gerudo gawked at me as I walked quickly by. Either the fact of me being male, or me being a Zora, was strange to them. It was probably both, honestly.
              I came to the stairs of the throne room. I took a deep breath, stealing my confidence.
              I climbed the stairs quickly, walking into the room to silence. They must have noticed that I was there because Riju and Zelda were staring at me intently.
              Zelda ran up to me, dread in her eyes, "Link?" She asked hesitantly.
               I smiled wide, "he's awake and stabilized. Teba is in with him right now," I said, happily.
             Zelda smiled wide, wrapping her arms around my torso and squeezing. She stepped back, happy tears running down her face, "sorry," she said quickly.
            I laughed and shook my head, "it's alright. What did you two call me in for?" I asked, anxious to get this over with and to get back to Link.
              Riju laughed a little, "we wanted to know how the hylian champion is doing," she said simply.
               I hummed, "ah, well he is doing quite well. Could I return to my husband now?" I asked.
                Zelda nodded, shooing me with her hands. I bowed slightly then walked out and down the stairs quickly.
                  It was now mid morning, and all the shops were open and the streets were bustling. Many more Gerudo stared.
               I stopped quickly when I saw a store that was bright and colourful. I turned quickly and stepped inside.
              The store was cool and shady, and every wall was covered in different paints and painting materials.
              I smiled wide, deciding that Link deserves a little surprise.

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