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Sidon's POV
        "I can't believe you," Link's words broke my heart.
          I looked down to my boots, my throat suddenly burning with unshed tears, "why is that?" I asked, masking my emotion with a steely tone.
         Link sighed, "because, who could truly feel that way about me. It's okay, you can leave if you want to, everyone I love leaves me sooner or later," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
          I shook my head, "why do you keeps saying that? Honestly Link, I don't know what to do to convince you anymore!" I said, realizing after that my voice had risen slightly.
          Link flinched, "don't be angry," he whispered, his body curling in on itself and he started furiously pulling at the fabric of his shirt.
          I sat up, "I have every right to be angry! Link, how do I get it into your head that I love you more than you could ever know?" I didn't try to hold back my tears anymore, and they ran freely down my cheeks, "Link, please! I married you for a reason. You are my sun on a cloudy day. You are my light," I said, choking over the words.
          Tears were running down Link's face, he nodded a little. He smiled as wide as he could with the wound on his right cheek, and held his arms out.
         I embraced him as gently as I could, and he held me tightly around the neck, "promise to never let me go?" he asked quietly into my shoulder.
          I buried my face in his hair, "I promise. You're my Guppy, now and always," I whispered into his soft hair.

          It was just after nightfall. Link was wearing one of my sweaters and a pair of loose Gerudo trousers. His feet were bare and his hair was pulled back in a braid, curtesy of Zelda.
          He stood to my left, leaning heavily onto me. He was shaking slightly, but he was silent and his face was blank.
           We stood inside the room we had been sharing for the time that we had been here. Zelda had run out to make it look like she was getting us dinner, but she would be back with some supplies for our ride home.
            Link sat in scared silence, and I could tell that a thousand questions were going through his head. He had slowly descended into silence as the day continued, and now he hadn't uttered a word for hours.
          "Where do you think Zelda is sending me?" He asked suddenly, scaring me slightly.
           I turned and met his scared eyes with my own, "I'm not sure Guppy. I have my speculations, but I don't believe I'm supposed to guess aloud," I said softly.
           He hummed and nodded. He then rested his head against my shoulder, and his gaze returned to the door.
          A few more moments passed in silence before Zelda walked in quickly. She closed and locked the door behind her.
          She let out a these breath, then tossed down a bag, "Alright, that'll do us for a while Sidon. Link, you ready?" She asked softly, here green eyes clouded with worry.
           Link nodded, his jaw set. He leaned heavily on my cane as he walked over to where Zelda was. Without words they seemed to communicate, link's face lit up with relief, and he nodded quickly to Zelda. He smiled and pulled out the sheikah slate.
           Zelda hugged him gently, then she stepped back as like selected a destination. He started to glow with a brilliant blue light, then he was gone.
           Zelda turned to me, smiling sadly, "now for our long trip," she said.
           I sighed, "I'm assuming there's no way for you to tell me where we are going?" I asked tiredly.
           She sighed and shook her head, "nope. We're also taking a fun route, so be ready for that," she said as she slipped on a jacket she pulled from her bag.
         I groaned slightly, causing her to chuckle. She then walked to the door, a bag slung over her shoulder, "don't bring too much. We'll send for the rest once we get where we're going," and with that she disappeared into the street.

          We had snuck out and bought sand seals so we could travel fast through the desert.
           No words passed between us as we rode through the sand.
           We made it to the stable in the Gerudo canyon, there we swapped our seals for our horses.
            We rode fast, not as fast as when we were coming here, but definitely faster than normal travelers.
           We continued on until we got to the first sable on the route. We hopped off our horses, and Zelda led the way inside. She bought room, then lead me to the dark space. Two beds were pushed up against opposite walls, and there wasn't much else in there.
           She turned to me, "sleep while you can, we're traveling a lot more tomorrow," and with that she pulled off her jacket and fell into bed.
          I sighed, then I followed suit.

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