Dinner with Impa

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Link's POV
            We climbed the stairs leading to the dining hall. We were all silent, and Paya seemed troubled. Paya pushes open the doors, and all the conversations inside halted.
          Impa cleared her throat, "please welcome Princess Zelda and her knight," she paused as mumbled broke out through the crowd, "and also welcome prince Sidon of the Zoras and the husband of knight Link," well she obviously didn't want the crowd to quiet this time.
           Many conversations were going on at once, and somehow they were all directed at Sidon and I. Paya waved us over to a place beside Impa. We made our way over, Zelda sat beside her, then Paya took the spot beside Zelda. Sidon and I went around to the other side. I sat to Impa's side.
           "I'm glad you all could join us tonight," Impa said so only we could hear.
           Zelda nodded, "thank you for having us," she said in the same tone.
          Impa sighed, "I suppose we should talk logistics and about your plans," she said.
          I zoned out after this, I'm not really interested in that stuff. I started to shove some food in my mouth, enjoying that it was warm.
          We haven't been able to cook because of needing to travel quickly. I only caught bits of everyone's conversations, most whispered about Sidon and I, others were whispering about Zelda, and the odd few of people were simply talking of the food or other things like that.
            Sidon chuckled, "you're gonna give yourself hiccups," he joked.
I swallowed a large mouthful, "I-" but I was interrupted when Zelda called my name. I looked over to see Impa, Zelda and Paya staring at Sidon and I.
Zelda cleared her throat, "Impa was wondering what you were planning to do. You are married now so I said that you would not be returning with me to Hyrule castle when I return to power," she said.
"Oh fuck, oh for Hylia's sake, sorry. I mean, I'm not sure what I will do. I am married, but I'm her appointed knight, I haven't really thought about this until now," I said, keeping my eyes trained down at the table.
Zelda sighed, "it's alright Link, I understand. You stay back at the Domain and live your life. You have dedicated enough to me already, and I owe my life and thousands more to you, so the least I could do is to let you live with your husband," she laughed a little sadly.
I smiled reassuringly, "hey, I'll still visit for sleepovers, don't worry," I said, laughing a little.
All the worry washed from her face, "you better," she laughed.
She turned back to Impa and their conversation resumed. I sat, only contributing to conversations every so often, but mostly remaining silent. Eventually everyone was finished their dinner, so Sidon and I excused ourselves from the table.
We fell into step beside each other while walking to the inn. Sidon put a gentle arm around my shoulders, "I really missed you," he said quietly.
I sighed, "I missed you too," I said.
We climbed the steps into the inn and slipped up to our room quietly. I unlocked the door, letting Sidon in before me. I slid the door closed behind us, then I locked it again.
I pulled off my tunic, and threw it over by my bag. I then pulled off my trousers so I only stood in my shorts. I shivered a little, so Sidon chuckled and grabbed a sweater from his bag. He threw it to me, and I caught it, putting it on quickly.
I went over to the bed and flopped down. Sidon changed then put out the lights around the room. He stumbled over to the bed and got under the blankets with me. He lay on his back and sighed. I rolled over and cuddled up to Sidon's side, and he wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer.
I missed this so much, I'm glad that Impa made us talk today. I sighed deeply, resting my head on Sidon's chest. His heart beat steadily, and soon I fell asleep to the steady drum.

Zelda's POV
"Thank you for the amazing meal, but I should head off to bed so we can set out again tomorrow," I said as I stood from the wooden table.
Impa nodded, "well if I don't see you tomorrow, then I wish you luck in your travels," she said.
I smiled and nodded, "it was good seeing you again," I said, turning to leave.
She smiled, "it was good to see you too. Now go and regain Hyrule, but after you have a good nights rest," she said, chuckling slightly.
I laughed a little, waving as I walked out of the room. I walked quickly back to the inn, the night air cool as it nipped at my nose and ears.
I slipped into the inn's door, sliding it shut quietly behind me. The inn keeper bowed slightly as I passed, and I nodded to them.
I climbed the squeaky steps that lead to my room. I came into the hallway, and it was silent.
I sighed, "I suppose it makes sense that they went to sleep," I mumbled to myself as I went and unlocked my door.
I walked into the dark room, making sure that I locked the door behind me. I quickly changed into a night gown, then I climbed into the large bed.
I sighed deeply, taking in the scent of the bedding. It was much too quiet, and I feel that I will have trouble falling asleep.
I was right. I sat staring up at the ceiling for far too long, but eventually I fell into an uneasy sleep.

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