Chapter 2: Guilty Consciousness

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Currently I was at Star Labs just looking at the suit I was gave to Barry. 2 years ago, it was so long ago but it seems like yesterday training Barry to fight other metahumans protecting the city while I stayed back with the rest of Team Flash in secret. I always loved watching Barry taking down meta after meta with help from the rest of us, but in truth it was Barry who was the real hero. While everyone continued their lives outside of Star Labs, Caitlin working at Mercury Labs to further her medical career, Joe was still a detective for CCPD, and Iris working as a news reporter. Everyone except me continue their lives as if Barry was never in our lives or played such a big part.

I couldn't bring myself to leave Star Labs, I felt guilty as if leaving Barry behind like everyone else did after everything he for Central City was selfish and that after what Barry did to save everyone the least we could do was try to protect the city in his absence. Without Team Flash I was still trying to figure out how I could help in the way Barry once did. I didn't have my powers anymore since my fight with Killer Frost awhile back. I knew Barry blamed himself for what happened, but I knew it wasn't his fault. It was main I couldn't bring myself to kill Killer Frost since to me she was still Caitlin. Barry did end up getting Caitlin back killing Killer Frost, but that's just one example to show how much of a hero Barry really was. Everyday on the news there was a new meta on the rise trying to take control like the Flash did, but not in the heroic way the Flash was. It seemed like all the metas were villains and only had bad intentions. I don't understand how seeing so much of this on the news Iris could still work as a reporter and yet still act like Barry was never a big part of her and Joe's life. Barry was the most important person in my life and I wasn't the one who he grew up with and had loved every since he was little, so could Iris just stay sitting sometimes writing stories about the man she once knew. 

I didn't have the right to judge any of my peers though. It was me who wasn't brave enough to leave Star Labs. After since the funeral I haven't left Star Labs. I still had the suit where it used to be when Barry wasn't on missions and just living his life as Barry Allen the forensic science working at CCPD. I repaired the suit in my free time, I knew I would never see Barry Allen in that suit again, but fixing the suit just felt right and the least I could to for my dear friend. I did feel guilty about what happened to Barry it was my fault, it was everyone's fault we were Team Flash we were not just supposed to help Barry protect the city, but also help protect him. We failed. We lost Barry Allen. As I sat in the chair starring at the Flash suit I kept thinking about that night everything went wrong. 


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