Chapter 13: Realtionships

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It has been only a few days since he woke up, but he noticed things were different. It wasn't like he woke up from his coma, things were know more tense between the team and espically with Iris. He could tell something was up with her. Iris was not more distant and that was not like Iris at all. "Iris are you gonna tell me what is brothering you?" Iris didn't even look at him before she responded and said, "Nothing." Barry knew he probably should of backed off, but couldn't help himself, it was always like Barry to try and fix things it was just his nature. "C'mon Iris I know things are differnt since I have been back." Barry looked this time coming in eye contact with Iris, but just the look in her eyes didn't make him feel like he used to. he couldn't explain it, but it was somehow different then how he remebered. "Listen I got to go, I have an artcile to write." Iris had said leaving a kiss on Barry's cheek. 

No one wanted to tell Barry about the article she had written about him. Iris had made it pretty clear she didn't want him to know either. "Hey, man how about we try another mission out there in public." This made a smile appear on Barry's face. Caitlin and the team convinced it was a good idea for him to hung low for awhile. While Barry was out there trying to get another metahuman robbing the Central City's bank, things didn't go really as planned. The meta got away with also shooting Barry in the leg with a cold gun. "I don't want happen I didn't see him, and then I couldn't move." Barry had said with disapointment in his voice. Iris was know what seemed like the team leader. What she said next though did not make Barry feel any better. "Barry you have been gone for 6 months, the world moved on. Central City no longer needs the Flash. People are able to stop metahumans without created chaos or getting injured in the process. Nobody needs the Flash anymore. Your job is now being done by someone with much more experience and a person much smarter than you. Face it the world doesn't need Barry Allen anymore." Iris had said not leaving eye contact with Barry. Barry couldn't beileve she was saying this, even if it was true he had found it hard to beileve the old Iris he knew would ever say something like this to him. Iris had always gave him hope and a reason to be the city's hero. "Iris!" Joe had yelled at his daughter. Iris just ignored him and returned her focus to her computter. Barry looked at Caitlin making sure he was free to go, and said to everyone, "I will see you guys later." 

Barry went to Jitters to clear his thoughts with a cup of coffee. He used to always come here with Iris, she was always a good distraction, but lately he couldn't say that was true. As Barry was looking down at his coffee thinking about what Iris had said he saw Caitlin walk in. Caitlin sat in front of Barry asking the waitress for just a cup of tea. "Iris didn't mean what she said Barry, you are amazing hero Central City wouldn't be the same without you." Barry couldn't shake off Iris words from his head. "But she is right, I have been gone for 6 months and Central City looks to be in better shape than I left it." Caitlin could see how much Iris's words have made an affect on Barry. She hated her for this, Barry returned to them after all the pain he has been through and she treats him like this. "Barry I don't care if Central CIty needs the FLash or not, Iris was wrong about you. I need Barry Allen, I am not whole if you are not here." Caitlin could tell he was not convinced. "You are the reason I smile, anyone would be lucky to have you in their lives, you bring so much joy and happiness into people's lives and you have a family here that loves you. Don't let Iris blind you from that." Hearing this from Caitlin really helped Barry. He took a drink from his coffee and whispered, "Thank you once again Cait." With a smile coming from both of them. 

(West house) 

"Sit down Iris, we need to talk." Joe had told his daughter when she dropped by. "What is this about Dad?" Iris had asked with zero patience in her voice. "Its about Barry. " Iris was now sitting on the couch with her dad. "I don't understand what is going on with you. Barry is here, he is alive Iris. The way you talked to him earlier is not acceptable." Iris began feeling anger inside of her, "I am looking at for this team, Barry is not. He is the reason for everything that something bad happens. I am taking control and that starts with barry." Joe could see that Iris was serious. "How are you blaming Barry?" Iris sighed before she left she said, "I wish he died that day or Zoom took over his body." Those words shocked him to his core, he didn't understand why heis daughter felt this way about Barry? Iris was really mad at Barry, but the one thing he didn't understand is why he still acts like she is in love with him when clearly she has moved on. 

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