Chapter 4: Team Flash Back

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I knew I need to bring Team Flash back together, but I just didn't know how. Barry was always the type of person to do these type of things. I couldn't think of a good way to bring the team back together all at once. I thought to myself what would Barry do and did exactly that. I knew Barry would have went to every single person that was apart of Team Flash and told them how much the city needs them and mostly important how much he needed them. I talked to Caitlin first and went along from there. For the most part it was pretty easy to convince everyone to come back to Star Labs, except for Iris. I knew how hard everything was, but the truth is we needed Iris. Without Barry we didn't have a leader and there was no way in hell I was gonna be that, so we really needed Iris to make this team come back together as one whole. 

"Caitlin, can you please talk to Iris we need her, Barry would want her to be apart of the team." I told Caitlin hoping she could get through to her. I noticed from when Barry was here and the Flash Team was all together how close of a bond her and Iris had, it was almost as good of a bond as Barry and I. Caitlin was nervous about meeting up with Iris, they haven't talked since Barry's absence. She walked into Jitters catching Iris's attention, Iris set down her tray of a person order on their table and walked towards Caitlin with an unpleasant look on her face. "Is this about what Cisco tried to talk to me about early, because I am not coming back I'm sorry." Caitlin somehow didn't believe she was sorry, but still continue to persuade this stubborn person. "Iris we need you, Barry would of want you to not avoid what is happening around you. Iris we need to be our team leader, please." Iris began to roll her eyes, and told Caitlin she would think about it and said she should really get back to work. Caitlin nodded and got up from where they were sitting and walked out praying to herself Iris would come back to Star Labs. Caitlin missed Barry so much she just wanted to see him one more time. Sometimes it felt like she was taken Barry's death the hardest, even Iris to Caitlin it didn't seem like she wanted Barry back as much as she did. That part confused her, Iris and Barry grew up together they were like brother and sister, so why wouldn't she drop everything for Barry doing what he risk his life for, saving Central City. It was obvious how much of an effect Barry made on the city, without Barry Central City was a disaster a=constantly being overtaken by multiple metas that without a doubt Barry could of defeated. 

"Team Flash is back!" Cisco started to cheer as soon as he the elevator open with both Caitlin and Iris walking out. Cisco could tell Iris was still her stubborn self ever since the incident. "So what is exactly your plan Cisco?" Iris asked with zero patience in her voice. Cisco looked at her confused, he then knew if Iris wanted a full out plan of how they were going to save the city just like Barry used to do as being the Flash. "Honesty I don't know, but us being together is a start we just gotta figure out how." Iris did not look please with this answer. "Honey, this is what Barry would have wanted all of us working together to insure the city's safety just like he did." Joe told his daughter who look like she was about to leave. "How do you plan on doing that? Look around no one here has powers, the only person we knew who has powers is dead, so how exactly are we gonna save Central City." Iris said with anger in her voice rising with every word. Everyone shocked by Iris's response didn't know what to say. Silence filled the room. "I don't think he is dead." Cisco said under his breath. Everyone turned towards him in that instant still not knowing what to say. "What did you just say?" Iris asked looking directly at Cisco. "I think he is alive." Cisco said with more reassurance in his voice. "You and I and everyone here all saw what happened that day, how could you said something as stupid as that?" Iris demading Cisco to answer her question. Joe walked over to Iris trying to get her to relax not knowing how angry his daughter really was. "Is there a chance that Barry is alive Cisco?" Caitlin finally asked Cisco wondering if her prayers have finally been answered. "Look I am not 100% sure, but Iris when I touch his suit I felt something different like something I have never felt before. I don't know where he is, but he is not dead." Cisco said with believing himself more with every word. "Why didn't you say anything before?" Iris asked Cisco still not lowering her anger. Joe finally spoke and asked, "How can we get him back?" Now with the whole FLash Team on Cisco side and everyone willing to do whatever it takes to get Barry back. Before responding to Joe's question, Cisco looked towards Iris and asked,"Are you willing to try and get Barry back?" There was hesitation comign from Iris as she turns to look towards everyone and finally nodds her head in agreement and said,"Let's bring him home." Everyone feeling an instant of relieve and Joe hugging his daughter with a kiss on her forehand. it was the first time I have seen Iris smile in a long time. "Okay I have a Plan." Cisco said also smile for himself. 

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