Chapter 12: Earth 1 Killer Frost

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Caitlin had powers that she did not like to use, Barry helped her control them. I knew if we wanted to get Barry back we would need some help from Killer Frost. It was too much of a risk to send just Caitlin to Zoom/Barry without getting Caitlin killed in the process. "Caitlin just hear me out, we need Killer Frost in order to save Barry." Cisco told Caitlin. "Cisco I can control her for now, but I don't know as soon as I start using my powers." Caitlin told Cisco worried she could end up during more harm then done. "This is Barry's only chance, please Caitlin." Cisco begged his friend. "If we are trying to get Barry back by appealing to his emotions, why don't we have Iris do it?" Caitlin asked Cisco with annoyance in her voice. "You saw the way Iris was talking about Barry she would rather kill both, then try this attempt even if it meant saving barry's life. Caitlin you are our last chance." Caitlin nodded knowing she would literally do anything for Barry, even if that meant Killer Frost taking over. She just hoped she would strong enough to save Barry before that happens. 

"Okay since Zoom is wearing Allen's suit we are still able to track his location." Harry said looking over the computter. Caitlin put on the outfit Cisco made for her, it was similar to the one Killer Frost was wearing on Earth 2. He avoided telling Caitlin that though, he just liked he style of the outfit. With a sigh under her breath Caitlin took off her necklace she just wore to control her powers, but mostly because it gave her comfort. Barry gave the necklace to her, so she didn't have to live in fear about becoming her everyday for the rest of her life. She was still Caitlin and would remain that way until she came face to face with Zoom in order to get her Barry back. Harry told them the location and Cisco vibed Caitlin there. 

Caitlin was in the middle of some street downtown. She created cold mist forming from her hands still in control in cause Zoom wanted to attack her at any moment. "Well well if it isn't me from Earth 1, you know I wasn't sure if you would have powers like me or not, but I am so glad you do now your death will be so much more fun." Said Killer Frost from Earth 2. Killer Frost was throwing icles at Caitlin, but Caitlin dodged everyone of them. "I am not here to fight you, I just want Barry back." Caitlin said rising her hands up showing she means no harm. "I meant be from a different Earth, but I know you and what you don't know is that Zoom and I have been watching your team for quite some time now. You are not getting Barry back sweetheart." Killer Frost no longer attacking Caitlin. Killer Frost could see herself in Caitlin, Caitlin reminded her a lot about herself before she became Killer Frost on her Earth. "I know you are in love with Barry, honestly he is probably in love with you, but is to blind to see it because of Iris." Killer Frost laughed. "Who know someone could be more colder than us combined." Caitlin could tell they might be from different Earth's, but they were very similar which scarred Caitlin. "Barry will be dead soon and there is nothing you can do." Killer Frost gave her a evil smile, then getting knocked off her feet and in a lot of pain. Killer Frost could not get up she was too wounded to move, but still alive. "Don't talk about Barry like that and for your information Zoom will be the one dead soon." Caitlin had turned into Killer Frost, but instead of Killer Frost taking over she was still in compete control just using her powers to save Barry. 

"Frost where have you been?" Zoom had asked feeling the room soon becoming colder. With no response he turned around and noticed this wasn't Killer Frost from Earth 2. "Aw Caitlin, see I knew there was a darkness inside of you." Zoom had said with some what pleasure in his emotions. Caitlin turned back into her usual self going back to being a brunette and no longer using her powers of Killer Frost. "I am here for Barry." Zoom looked confused for a second and remembered how smart Caitlin was. Caitlin knew that Barry was still there and that any other way would end killing them both. "Barry listen to me I am here for you, but you have to fight him. I know how strong you are, I know how much of a fighter you are. Don't let Zoom control you. I am here for you and so is everyone else." Zoom couldn't move during the moments Caitlin was talking, he could feel Barry getting stronger. As much as Zoom hated he had to kill Caitlin. Zoom pinned Caitlin against the wall making it hard to breathe. "Barry...please.. I .. believe in you." Caitlin breathed out while being pinned against the wall by Zoom. Caitlin knew Barry was still in there or she would have been dead by now or battling against Zoom. Caitlin knew what she had to do to finally bring him back. "Barry listen to my voice its Caitlin, I need you, the whole team needs you." The next part is what pained Caitlin the best, but it is what Barry wanted to hear. She just wished it was the truth for his sake. "Barry, Iris needs you. She is the love of your life she can not live without you." Zoom was getting stronger fighting against Barry. "Barry I need you." I started seeing black spots, it was hard to breathe. I told myself, "You have to hold on for Barry." As I was about to close my eyes, It started to becoe easier to breathe. There was less pressure against my neck. 

Zoom could feel the strength Barry now had. Zoom thought he knew Barry's weakness, Iris. He could not have been more wrong. Even if Barry didn't know it, Barry's true weakness was Caitlin. A love that was unbreakable, a love that no one could come between. Zoom felt how much weaker he was, he was still trying to hold onto the connection he had with the speedforce, but it wouldn't be much longer before Zoom was truly dead. "Caitlin." Barry said weakness in his voice, Barry was kneeling on the ground still fighting off Zoom. Barry knew he was finally winning and that was thanks to Caitlin. If it wasn't for Caitlin he would be dead. As Zoom felt last few seconds as he was slipping away he vibrated his hand into his stomache wounded Barry. Zoom was far to weak to take control, but at least this way he was taking Barry along with him. "Zoom is gone." Barry told Caitlin as he was looking down where Zoom had vibrated his missing his heart and hitting his stoamahce instead. Caitlin couldn't help to smile, Barry fought and won against the evil speedster. Barry was just a little wounded, but he would heal quick. She tore off a piece of her long sleeve and told Barry to add pressure to his wound. "Barry is fine and Zoom is dead." She said into her coms. "We are on our way to Star Labs, Barry is just a little wounded but fine." 

Cisco and Joe both breathed a sigh of relif. Cisco was glad he would finally be able to see his best friend again. He thought for a long time he wouldn't ever see the smile of Barry Allen again, but that soon seemed like it would indeed happen in the near future. "Caitlin step away from him." Iris said with some person standing next to her with some type of gun. "Iris, look Barry is back its okay you don't have to do this." Caitlin tried to tell Iris, but it was pointless, because someone hit Caitlin on the head knocking her off her feet, but still concousious. Barry's wound was already particly healed, but Barry was lying on the ground from passing out. "I don't know about this Iris." Said the man who iris had brought with her. "That lady said that Zoom is no longer a threat, and that is the Flash." He walked away, knowing how crazy this woman had to be on trying so hard to make sure this person dies. Iris yelled at him as he was leaving the scene, "You are a coward, you here me coward." Iris picked up the gun he was holding thinking to herslef, "Noone understood what she had to do, no one understood what needed to be done. Everyone was too blinded to see that Barry Allen was dead and that they need to kill Zoom. Zoom could be playing another trick on the team again and they would be too blind to see it." Caitlin saw Iris walking closer to Barry ready to shoot to kill him. She couldn't believe her eyes. Caitlin was filled with so much anger and rage, she used her cold powers to freeze the gun she was holding. "Stop! This is Barry, Iris I am taking him to Star Labs like a good friend." 

Barry was started to wake up both Iris and Caitlin were in the med bay. Caitlin was checking up on Barry as he started to wake up , "Hey" Caitlin had say to Barry in her friendly sweet voice. Barry responded back. "Caitlin, can you give me and Barry a minute." Iris had asked Caitlin looking more like a demand. Caitlin walked out as they contuined to talk in the med bay. "How can she act like nothing happened, she tried to kill him Cisco."Caitlin had Cisco being only them in the Cortex. "Caitlin I know much you love Barry, but he is with Iris." Caitlin looked at him with an annoyed look, "It's not just about that, but I am just worried about Barry. I know how much Barry loves Iris, but I don't think Iris returns the amount of love." Cisco couldn't help but to agree. Nothing in the past months had showed that Iris still had feelings for Barry, to be honest she didn't even treat him like a good friend would. 

Iris walked out of the bed bay and looked directly at me. "As far as Barry is concerned nothing happened. We can not risk telling him anything. Trust me it is for the best." Iris had said to Caitlin before walking out of Star Labs. "Great, now we have to lie to Barry?" Caitlin asked Cisco not really looking for an answer. Caitlin walked back into the med bay, Barry was beginning to sit up. "Cait, thank you." Caitlin loved when Barry called her Cait. She was confused, "For what?" Barry had a smile on his face it was the cutest thing ever, "for saving my life Cait." Barry could see she didn't know how much it meant to him of what she did. "Cait I know you risked becoming Killer Frost, I meant have been preocciuped with dying and all, but thank you if it wasn't for you I would be dead, so thank you." Barry said before leaning back and drifting into sleep. Caitlin smiled at this, she loved these between her and Barry, she loved how Barry could make it seem like it was just her and Barry like the rest of the world doesn't even exist. 

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