Chapter 3: Flashback

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(Before the Incident) 

"Good job man, you saved the day again." Cisco told Barry giving him a high wave with a grin knowing his friend saved the day once again. The pure happiness everyone apart of Team Flash was feeling of finally taken down what they thought was their greatest threat of all time didn't last long once the ground started shaking with a loud Bang! Knocking everyone off their feet, they all rushed outside to see what was happening. They couldn't believe their eyes, everyone fill of fear watching what looked the worst tornado they all have ever seen coming from the sky a black hole, shooting lightning and causing buildings to tear completing off the ground. They needed to do something or the whole city would be gone without a trace. "We have to do something!" Iris trying to scream over the loud noises happening all around them. Barry turned his head to look over at Cisco nodding his head just like he always did when he went off to save the world, but this time Cisco knew it was different. This wasn't just another metahuman mission. Barry had to run towards the black hole creating all of this major destruction, and run it a circle to close it. Cisco only understand the basic stuff, this was way beyond Cisco's knowledge when it came to superspeed and everything from there on. He knew the black hole formed from Barry going back into time and not saving his mother while also having something to do with the speedforce. The speedforce was the source of a speedsters power. "I have to go." Barry turned to everyone before flashing off into what would be the last time anybody ever saw the flash.

"Wait." Iris yelled before Barry could ran off holding his hand and then she kissed him. Barry told her goodbye and that he had to go. Barry whispered something into her ear that only she could hear. As soon as Barry let go of Iris's hand leaving a spark to appear from where he was holding her hand. Iris couldn't help but to start crying walking towards her dad hugging him. Barry ran up a building that was beginning to fall and dropped on a few of pieces of who knows what floating in the air being dragged towards the black hole. Barry took one last drop before being a the black hole taking his training he did by using his speed to run in the air by reaching enough speed to run in a circle around the center of the black hole. Barry went as fast as he could ignoring all the pain and fear he was feeling in order to save his family and people of Central City. "Keep going Barry." Cisco screamed into his phone that was hooked up to Barry's coms. "I don't know how much longer I can." Barry replied back. Cisco heart dropped a few beats after hearing this praying for his friend to not only save the day, but to also come back.

There was an explosion. The black hole was close. The lightning coming from the speedforce was gone. Everything that wasn't sucked by the black hole came crashing down. As everyone stood there watching everything unfold in front of them, they wanted until it was nothing but silent. Everyone looked at one another only one thought crossing their minds, "Where is Barry?" Iris started shouting his name over and over. Caitlin then couldn't help but to start balling her eyes knowing even if he survived the explosion from the black hole would of killed him by how close he was giving him not enough time to run away. Joe hugged Iris telling her he was gone, while trying to comfort him and his daughter over the death of Barry.

Cisco then noticed a piece of red fabric like a few feet away, he walked to lifting it up. That is when Cisco lost his last piece of hope that his friend could of survived the explosion. The fabric was the suit Cisco made for Barry to become the Flash. He shed one tear over his dear friend blaming himself for everything. He noticed how ripped up and torn the suit was, he hoped it was from the explosion and not from when he was alive. He hoped Barry didn't suffer slowly believe he took his last breath. Cisco was over welled with emotions he didn't what to think. "Cisco?" Caitlin trying to stop herself from crying, looked over at Cisco holding something. Cisco turned around holding what was left of the Flash's suit in his bare hands now no longer caring about the tears running down his face in grief for his friend. That was the last time any of them were all together and ever spoke to each other since that incident. Even at the funeral Caitlin couldn't bring herself to show up to Barry's funeral. It was that day everything fell apart. Without Barry Allen it was hard to imagine for any of them to be whole again.  

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