Chapter 14: Snowbarry

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"Barry, are you sure about this?" Asked Caitlin. Barry knew that Iris said was true. He hasn't been much of a hero since he got back. "Iris is right if I am not much of a hero, but I am going to fix that." Barry have told Caitlin before flashing away to take care of another meta. As he was running he noticed a lot of business were closed or destroyed. Barry felt gulity hoping it wasn't his fault, but then he realizes if the Flash wasn't here for 6 months who kept the city save? Caitlin hates using her powers in fear of becoming Killer Frost and Cisco didn't use his powers very often he had always told Barry he didn't think he was much of a hero. "Barry this meta has the power to manipute minds. Please be careful Barry." Barry listened as Caitlin was talking to him through his coms. Barry was going to make sure he made the love of his life proud and fix everything he had broke. 

The Flash captured the meta with no trouble. He didn't waste time talking, he just ran in and ran out handcuffing the meta returning him to Star Labs. Barry returned to Caitlin who welcomed him with a warm hug. "Now that is how a speedster gets things done." Caitlin told Barry. Another moment between them. Caitlin could feel butterfiles in her stomache as she was talking to Barry. Both of them were smiling full of happiness to what seemed to be a great day. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" Iris yelled marching into Star Labs. "You can't run around the city, things have changed. The Flash is no longer Central City's hero Barry!" Barry didn't know how to respond. He thought this is what she wanted to become the hero he once was or better. "I don't understand." Barry had looked at Iris confused. "This city is not fine. business have been forced to close, because metas are taking control and the police won't do anything about it. The police can't do anything against people with these types of powers Iris." Barry had told Iris now convincing himself he could be the hero he once was. Iris left the room without saying another word. 

Barry had convinced her to join Team Flash once again, so they could save the city just like old times. "If we are going to do this we are going to do this right." Iris had told the team standing in the room together. Iris had took the role as team leader, Caitlin as the doctor specialist, and everyone else earning their own part. "Barry, mutiple metas are trying to take over the police station." Iris had told Barry. Barry nodded his head flashed out heading to the metas location. "You have to make sure you get everyone out right now." Iris had said harshly into Barry's coms. "Everyone the scarlet sppedster is here to save the day." Said of the metas in a kind of mocking tone. "Get the officers out of there right now!" Iris screamed into Barry's coms. Barry flashed everyone out of there leaving just him and the metas. "How is he gonna defeat all of those metas? There is at least 4 of them all with different abilities." Caitlin had asked fear in her voice. "Whatever he has to." Iris had said. "Make sure they cause no harm to anyone Barry." Barry being distracted by Iris was hit by a wave of cold knocking him a desk. "Does that include me?" Barry had asked more in annoyance to himself. "It is not the time to be selfish Flash." Iris had told Barry. Ignoring the pain he got up dodging another wave of cold running towards him knocking Captain Cold off his feet. "Okay let's do this." Barry said 

It wasn't long before Barry was in pain in his eyes after Black siren screamed at him. Again and again with each soundwave a higher frequency than the one before. "We have to help him." Said Cisco back at Star Labs. "We can't risk that. Barry can hold them off." Caitlin no longer could hold her anger in she screamed at Iris, "If we wait any longer Barry will die and this time it is on you!" Black Siren had stopped screaming at Barry, mocking the well known hero for being so weak. Black Siren went to go punch Barry, but Barry grabbed her fist tossing her across the room. Barry ran to both Captain Cold and Black Siren handcuffing them. "Two metas down, two to go." Barry said hope in his voice to his team. The whole team at Star Labs breathed a sigh of relief. One of the meta that had been there wasn't much of the fighting type and as soon as she witness Flash handcuffing two of the metas there she tried to teleported out of there, but the Flash knew of her ability. The Flash shattered all of the avaiable source of light in the room. She quickly ran out of there in fear of her own life. It was know just The Flash and another meta. Barry recognized this meta. It was the meta from ealier. "Thanks to my teleporter friend she helped me escape Flash." The meta must have read his mind. That was the meta's power, he was able to read minds, but also do so much more. Before Barry could react to the meta, He put fear inside of Barry very similar to the experience with Grood. Barry couldn't breathe he was paralyzed. Leaning over Barry the meta watching Barry struggling to get up had said, "You see if I just apply a little more pressure right here." The meta pointing to a part on Barry's head. "It would kill you instantly, but what is the fun in that." Barry was laying out the ground feeling a wave of pain surrounded by fer absorbing him. "But what is the fun in that? I have a better idea." The pain Barry was once feeling was gone. Recovering Barry looked up to see the meta walking away from him. Barry was afraid the meta was getting away and Barry knew he would hear about it later from Iris about letting 2 metas get away. 

"Iris we have to do something right now!" Cisco said no longer asking. "Fine, but if Caitlin can't control herself just know it wasn't my fault." Iris said losing her focus on the computter of Barry's fight against the metahuman. Iris could see Barry was in trouble and for the first time in awhile she began feeling gulity. Cisco vibed him and Caitlin to the police station across the room from where Barry was slowly getting up from the ground. The meta that walked away had picked up one of the guns on the desk that was left behind. "Goodbye Flash." The meta had said holding the gun towards Barry. Barry didn't have time to react to the meta trying to kill him. "NO!" Caitlin yelled throwing ice to knock the meta off his feet leaving him unconscious. Cisco attention didn't leave the meta now laying on the ground. Caitlin ran towards Barry who now was on the ground bleeding out. "Cisco, Barry needs to get to Star Labs right now." Panic was filling inside of Caitlin. If they would have just came earlier then maybe Barry wouldn't have been shot. 

(Star Labs) 

"How is he doing?" Iris asked Caitlin. She knew Caitlin was mad at her for early, but in all honesty Iris was just trying to keep her Caitlin save. Iris knew how much Barry worried about Caitlin becoming Killer Frost. "He is stable, he is healing and will wake up soon. That is no thanks to you Iris." Before Iris could respond she saw Barry starting to wake up. "Barry, hey." Caitlin said now returning to her calm voice. "Hey." Barry responded just like he always did after being in the med bay seeing Caitlin. "Once again my savior." Barry had said joking with Caitlin. Caitlin smile and left the room letting him and Iris talk. "Barry I am sorry." Iris sighed. "The months you were gone.. I met someone else and I am married to him." Iris said rising her hand that had a ring on her left hand. 

*Later the day*

Caitlin was the only one who remained at Star Labs. "Hey Cait." Barry said knocking on the door to approach Caitlin's study. "Hey, I'm just looking over some test samples I took." Caitlin had said. "Always the doctor." Barry said smiling toawrds Caitlin. "So how are you and Iris." Caitlin asked. "Turns out she is married and not to me." Barry said with a small laugh. "Barry I am sorry, I swear I didn't know." Barry could see Caitlin actually did mean it. "I mean I can't be mad I was basically dead right?" Caitlin noticed there was still this light inside of Barry, she loved how he was always able to look on the bright side of things no matter the circumstances. "I think it is about time for me to be crazy about someone else." There was a moment of silence as Caitlin felt the same butterfly feeling in her stomache as before. "Anyway I better go, good night Caitlin." Something got into Barry full of confidence her voice he asked Caitlin, "you know we shouldn't waste this night lets go to a bar downtown. You know for experimental purposes." Caitlin smiled with her beautiful smile as always. "Okay let me just grab my jacket." 


That was the beginning of a beauitful realtionship between two people who worked together. Caitlin and Barry had saved so many lives thanks to each other being by their side. It was a long journey with a lot of tough obstacles to get across, but because they had each other they got through it. With heartache, pain, and suffering Caitlin and Barry finally found the person they were destined to be with forever with better or for worse. Barry fell didn't fall in love with the girl he grew up with, but with the girl who always cared for him and would sarciface her own her for his. There was no doubt in either of their minds, they were grateful for each other and i was destiny that brought them together. Barry being struck by Lightning and Caitlin staying at Star Labs after the explosion killing her late husband. Somethings were just meant to be. 


I hope you enjoyed this. It was my first book ever, I really liked making this part. I also would like to say I have nothing against the character Iris West. I am 100% a snowbarry shipper, but don't get me wrong I love westallan too. They are both amazing characters in the Flash. Anyway hoped you enjoyed and will be making another book soon.

(Probs Snowbarry) 

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