Chapter 9: Return to Earth 2

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We were going back to Earth 2, Joe, Iris, and me. Caitlin would stay and keep Barry stable while we were gone. We all knew if anybody was going to know how to save Barry from Zoom it would be the one man who has been hunting Zoom for the last 2 years. "Ready?" I looked to both Joe and Iris scared of what the outcomes will be for Barry on what we find or don't find on Earth 2. I hated the idea of talking to Harry, It might be just because he wears the face of Harrison Wells on our Earth that was really just Eobard thawne so he could kill Barry's mother. I took a deep breath and opened a portal for us to drop through to Earth 2. 

(Star Labs) 

Caitlin was sitting next to Barry taking care of Barry while the others went to go search for the cure on Earth 2. Caitlin was sitting next to Barry knowing there was nothing else she could do for him as Dr. Snow. "I'm sorry I wish I could do more for you, please Barry hold on I can't live without you." Caitlin feeling guilty, because after everything Barry did for her no matter how big or small she couldn't help feeling hopeless to help her friend. Barry was the Centrals city's hero as The Flash, but to her Barry was so much more, he was her hero. She looked at Barry and how peace he looked just laying there. Barry has been in the med bay quite a few times after dealing with metahumans he had to go up against, but this time was different. This time Caitlin wasn't sure if he would ever open he's eyes again and that scared her. 

(Earth 2) 

"Knock Knock" Cisco said walking into Harry's lab along with everyone else. Harry did not look pleased and took off his glasses sighed and finally asked, "What do you need Ramon?" There was a chair next to where Harry sat working on yet another device to most likely go against Zoom. "It's about Barry, Zoom injected him with something, but we.." Before Cisco could finish Harry held up his hands to stop him. "I know what Zoom did to Barry." He then put back on his glasses leaving the rest of the team speechless. "You need to help us!" Cisco demanded of the Scientists. "You were there to help Barry, you know more about Zoom than anyone standing in this room!" Cisco started screaming at Harry. Harry was hesitated opened his mouth, but nothing came out. "Why won't you help Barry?" Cisco noticed the hesitation towards the idea of helping Barry. "Because Ramon that isn't Barry!" Harry stood up and screamed at Cisco. No longer able to hold his tongue, "Barry is still missing, and I don't know where he could be." Guilt started feeling inside Harry after all the time he spent with Team Flash and Barry himself, he began to look at Barry as a son. Cisco was confused trying to understand what he was saying. "What are you saying?" Harry leaned against his table trying to figure out how to explain this to the people standing in his lab. "Barry is at Star Labs right now, Caitlin is keeping him stable while we find the cure for him." Joe said finally something since they arrived. "You don't understand that is not Barry, it was a trap Zoom is sick and has been sick. Zoom is using you and still has Barry." Harry said directing his anger towards Joe now. "Like Reverse Flash" Cisco said under his breath putting all the pieces together, Harry nodded. "We have to go" Iris will panic in her voice realizing they left Zoom with Caitlin with Zoom at Star Labs.

(Star Labs)

Caitlin left the room after receiving a call from her mother. She returned to Barry sitting up looking around confused. "Barry, oh my god!" Caitlin rushed towards Barry noticing something seemed off with Barry, but she ignored it. After checking everything seemed fine and his injuries was already healed from his source of his speed. Caitlin gently pushed Barry back for him to relax and stay put for now. Caitlin started asking questions, but just the way he was responded gave her a bad feeling, she knew something was definitely off with Barry. An alarm wen off in the cortex. "Barry, they are back." Barry looked at Caitlin confused and with a weird stare returning from Caitlin he said, "Oh joe and the others." The tone in his voice sent a shiver running down her spine, it was like she recognized it, but it wasn't Barry. Caitlin ran downstairs to where the portal with Joe, Iris, and Cisco standing their. "Guys, Barry is awake and fine." Caitlin said with happiness beaming from her voice. "Listen to me Caitlin, that isn't Allen." Harry said trying to keep his voice calm knowing Zoom was here. "What are you talking about?" Then there was a flash of blue light with Barry standing in front of him. "Of course Wells has to ruin all of my plans." Barry rolled his eyes with anger showing on his face. "Where is my son?" Joe asked to the person who looks like his son, but is now clearly not him. "Dead, well hopefully soon." A evil laugh emitting from the Barry standing in front of them. Then as quickly as he showed he was gone. On the edge of tears Caitlin stood getting a nice warm comforting hug from Cisco. It was up to the team to find Barry and now stop Zoom. 

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