Chapter 5: Barry Allen

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Barry grunts opening his eyes to an unfamilar place where he was currently laying on the cold hard floor. He was no longer in his Flash suit. "Where the hell am I?" Barry ask more to himself than anyone else. He looked around and saw glass surrounding him. "A cage, what the hell?" As Barry tried to stand up he felt a shot of pain, there was an icle in his leg. Barry couldn't but to scream, just then realizing how much pain he was actually in. "Hello there Flash." Killer Frost said standing in front of Barry's cage laughing at Barry struggle to stand up. "How's the leg?" Killer Frost asked not helping letting out one of her evil laughs. Barry didn't respond he couldn't believe Caitlin's doppleganger was a villain, Barry always was afraid of Caitlin getting powers and becoming her. "What do you want from me?" Barry screamed towards Killer Frost not realizing how much anger he was really feeling. "your not here for her, your here for me." Someone said in a deep voice from the shadows, Barry couldn't quite make out who was talking to him. In a blink there was Blue Lightning inside his cell emitting all around this dark figure, Zoom. "How, How are you alive?" Barry asked with panic and fear in his voice. Zoom then threw Barry against the wall and held Barry in a choke hold. "my friends will come for me." Barry said. Zoom and both Killer Frost began to laugh. "They think you died in that lightning storm, they won't be coming this time and you won't be escaping this time." Zoom said in his demonic voice. Zoom slammed Barry against the wall mutiple times and stabbed Barry with some type of sygringe weakening Barry's speed. 

Barry tried over and over to escape, but it was no use without his speed he couldn't phase. Whatever was weakening Barry's speed also didn't let him to heal fast. Barry pulled the icicle out of his leg screaming from astonishing pain. Barry felt hopeless. Without his friends by his side, he wasn't sure if he was gonna be able to escape this time just like Zoom said. Barry just hoped his friends were doing okay in his absence. He kept thinking about Caitlin and hoped she was holding okay, Caitlin always seemed to be losing someone close to her. First it was Ronnie, jay who was actually zoom, and now him. Barry couldn't feeling gulity about the whole thing and knew if anything were to happen to his friends or Central City would be his fault. Barry tried to think how he let this happen. The last thing he remembers is trying to save the city from a lightning storm.  Was this all set up by Zoom? What did Zoom want? How was Barry gonna escape Zoom this time without the help from his friends? 

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