Chapter 7: Earth 2

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Cisco was in his vibe happiness and fear overwhelmed him. He was glad to see his best friend was alive, but somewhere trapped and then that is when fear came over him. He knew exactly where Barry was and who took Barry, Zoom. As Cisco came back from his vibe seeing everyone looking at him ready for him to tell them what he saw. "Barry is alive." Cisco said seeing a smile go across Caitlin's face. He loved seeing her smile it was the truth when he said the only person that could really only make her smile was Barry. Everyone was smile starting to his hope except for Iris. "Cisco, what aren't you telling us?" Iris had asked Cisco knowing he was holding something back. Iris was glad to her that Barry was alive. 6 months ago he was the love of her life and she would drop everything to marry him, but something has changed she no longer felt that way. Iris knew the people she worked with as member of Team Flash and knew Cisco was holding something back. "Well he Is alive and I know where he is, but he is not alone." Cisco told the team. They all looked at Cisco confused by his statement. "Zoom has him on Earth 2." Cisco finally said after taking a deep breath. "How can that even be possible, we closed the breach Cisco." Caitlin said with frustration taking over the smile she once had. "The black hole that formed must have allowed Zoom to somehow take advantage of it and get Barry for who knows why." Cisco no longer being able to make eye contact for the once again heart broken Dr. Snow. "What does Zoom want with Barry?" Joe asked. Everyone already knew the answer to that, his speed. 

"We have to go to Earth 2, we have to save Barry." Cisco looking at them all. "We could use help from Harry." Caitlin suggested. The three one them Cisco, Joe, and Caitlin were all gonna go to Earth 2 to try and retrieve their speedster not knowing how much suffer Barry was really in. Iris insisted that she should stay here. Iris had claimed it was to insure the city's safety, but Joe didn't believe that and knew something was off with Iris when Barry was brought up. At first he just thought his daughter was hurting, but to him it seemed much more then that. Cisco opened up a breach and they all followed Cisco to Earth 2 to meet up the so unfriendly Harrison Wells.  

"Barry is here, on this Earth?" Harry asked in shock not knowing for 6 months Zoom had kept Barry. He couldn't believe and how they couldn't even tell him what happened. As far as Harry was concerned Barry was fine and well on Earth 1 as the Flash. Harry was a little confused why Caitlin was here and not Iris, but he just thought it was because she was a doctor. "Well if we are going to get Barry we need to be prepare." Harry said leading the others to a part of his lab to an area of weapons he has been working on to stop Zoom. Ever since his daughter has escaped Zoom's lair, he thought it was still necessary to kill him while his daughter was out being the Flash for his Earth. 

Harry and Cisco lead the way to where Zoom was keeping Barry. They both had to rescue Barry the first time they encounter Zoom on Earth 2, Cisco just hoped it would go a lot smoother than last time. "We are here." Harry said to everyone. Harry then used his cold gun he had brought along with other weapons to use the weapon similar to how Killer Frost had helped them the first time around. As they climbed up to the top of the mountain to Barry's sanctuary they over heard two people talking. They all hid in a corner seeing Zoom and Killer Frost in a heated argument. "How long before do you think his buddies from Earth 1 will come?" Killer Frost the speedster who looked like he was losing his patience. "As far as they are concerned Barry Allen on Earth 1 is dead." Zoom replied in his creepy demonic he always used. It became clear they were talking about Barry. Now they knew Barry was here they just need to find him. 

Blue lighting soon past them in a flash. All their heart beats starting racing, Zoom had left but it was only a matter of time before he came back they needed to hurry. "Barry." Cisco said in a whisper. "Over here." Harry pointed to the others seeing blood on the ground most likely from Barry after an encounter with Zoom. He walked closer hearing the faint slow breathing coming from Barry, He was knocked out and not conscious. "Oh my god." Joe said looking at his son on the ground behind the clear cage covered in ice, The Flash's weakness. They could tell Barry was in pain and they needed to hurry before Zoom came back. Harry took out his other gun he brought, a heat gun and watched as Barry's cage turned into a puddle of water around him. Barry was starting to wake up, but he was in so much pain there was no way he was gonna be able to flash himself out of here. Caitlin and Cisco quickly running towards Barry. "Sorry The Flash isn't allowed to have any visitors." Killer frost said throwing icicles at them. "Get him out of here, I will distract her." Harry said as Cisco and Caitlin picked up Barry having him lean up against their shoulders as they ran out of there hoping Harry would be able to defend for himself. Harry dodge everything Killer Frost had thrown at him and throw a smoke bomb to create a distraction for his escape. "He is not looking so good, Joe." Cisco said looking at Barry. "He will be fine let's just hurry back to Harry's Lab and I can treat him there." Caitlin said hoping she was right. 

Harry met back up with them at his lab. "How is he?" Harry asked Caitlin treating Barry on the bed in his lab. "He is stable and should recover soon." Barry was hooked up to machines similar to what he would be in the med bay at Star Labs. They all began to relax thinking they have saved their friend, but they had no clue how wrong they were. 

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