Chapter 10: Explanation

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Everyone remained at Star Labs including Harry. He wanted and knew he had to save Barry Allen the one who saved both his daughter and him. Harry was working trying to figure out where Barry was, and how Zoom was able to get Barry's identity. Cisco was in the room with Harry, "What about Barry's doppleganger from Earth 2?" Cisco suggested for an explanation. "I already checked that and Caitlin said that Zoom had the same frequency as Barry would have on this Earth." In frustation Harry threw on of the marker he was holding to write on the white board. "Wait a minute." Harry said more to himself and looked away from the whiteboard. "What is it Harry?" Cisco asked seeing the expression that now layed on Harry's face showing he thinks he figured out the million dollar question. 

Everyone now in the cortex, "I think I know how Zoom is doing it." The team looked confused as Harry went on, "It is still Barry, but locked away." Everyone looking more confused then before. "How is that even possible?" asked Caitlin. "The Speedforce" Cisco now started to understand where Harry was going with this. "There was a big fight between what was recorded on my earth as two speedsters, and I think that was Barry and Zoom. Both were wounded badly, but I think Barry won and with Zoom dying and Barry extremly weak he was able to contact through the speedforce with Barry and take over him." Harry finished explaining his theory to the team. "Okay so do we get Barry back then?" Caitlin asked Harry. Harry haven't came up with an idea on the plan yet. Cisco just added that they were still thinking of a way to kill Zoom and not Barry. The response that came from Iris shocked everyone. "Just kill them both." Iris said with no emotion in her voice. There was no saddness, no guilt, no anger. "if it's the only way we have to do it, we have lived this long without him the city will be fine." Iris said contuining with her calm voice of deciding the fate of her future husband. 'How could you say that, how dare you he is not just the Central City's Hero, he is just the Flash, he is Barry Allen." Caitlin said with anger taking over her. "You were gonna marry him, Barry is more than just the Flash you of all people should be trying all possibilties to save him." Iris rolled her eyes at Caitlin, she could see the truth behind all these girls lies, it wasn't until in that moment that she knew Caitlin Snow was in love with Barry Allen. "Because I am not selfish and I am putting the people in this city lives before one person, Barry isn't god everyone dies Caitlin." With that Iris walked out of Star Labs. Caitling returned to where Barry once was and fillled with all their memories in the past years. She couldn't help to cry. 

Joe, Harry, and Cisco still remained in the room after the heated argument between Iris and Caitlin. "Cisco and I will go try to figure out a way to save Barry." Harry said as he was leaving the room with Cisco. Joe nodded at them, fearing how much pain she was in and how much truth she was telling through her pain. He needed to talk to his daughter, His daughter couldn't of meant what she said could she? How could you be in love with someone so much and yet still be able to saciface his own life even for a evil villain as Zoom? Joe sat down in the nearest Joe leaning over covering his face in his hands. 

"How can you love someone and still be able to kill them without a second thought?" Cisco asked as him and Harry returned to the lab. "let's just save Barry and we will figure all that out later." Cisco nodded. He thought it was weird that she didn't want to try and bring him back in the first place, but he just thought that she didn't want to have false hope in saving Barry. Could this be false hope? Cisco started thinking to himself. "If Barry is still in there, can't we just bring him out emotionally. "I though about that and it might work, but now the question is who." Harry had tried to do everything they could by science, but with their limited knowlege of the speedforce there was nothing that wouldn't end up killing both Zoom and Barry. "Clearly not Iris." Cisco said throwing a boucy ball against the wall. Remembering the happiness look on Caitlin's face when she told the team Barry was awake and the fear in her eyes when they brought Barry from Earth 2 severly wounded. "I know who." Harry said making Cisco stop boucing the boucy ball and look at Harry with a confused look. "Who was the person who was so scared for Barry when he was Hurt? Who was the person to be happy when Barry woke up? Who was the person that felt the most rage against Iris idea of killing both Zoom and Barry, even if that was to save everyone in Central City?" Harry asked Cisco. "Caitlin" Cisco said with a smile growing on his face as he stood up from his chair. 

Iris went back to her job, she had an idea of a new story to write. She knew as soon as she published everyone apart of the team would hate her for it and her dad would not be too happy about it. She knew she was doing it for the best and to draw someone out of hiding. she began typing her article was titile "No longer our city's hero The Flash" The article included how we could no longer trust Flash to save the citizens and that he was now a superhero that went rogue. The article got a lot of attention and dragged out just the person she was looking for, the person who would help take care of Zoom. She met with this person in Sceret and explained to him what was happening with the Flash and Zoom. "The person who created Flash now wants me to kill me." The guy laughed now realizing she was serious which kind of scarred him. He worked with a person who goes by the Amunet Black, but really they are more like partners. "You do know I have no choice if you want to kill Zoom." She then looked at him and told him, "I want you to not think twice and do whatever you have to, to make sure Zoom is not alive." The guy nodded and got up and left. Iris relaxed in the chair she was sitting in. She did feel a little gulity for what she had to do, she knew if Barry was in her situation he would be too weak to kill her for the sake of Central City. Sometimes it was hard to believe Barry Allen was the "great" hero of Central City. 

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