Chapter 6: The Plan

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Cisco had thought long and hard about how to get Barry back. With the help of his fellow friend Doctor Snow he had faith they would bring Barry home. He looked at everyone and started to explain his pln. Him and Caitlin were going to use Barry's specific DNA to track him down locating wherever he is and should hopefully bring him home. "This should work no matter where Barry is, even if that means Earth 2." Caitlin said holding back her tears that were starting to form. It was because of Caitlin that Barry almost died when Zoom came to their Earth and now she still couldn't help feeling guilty about Barry's absence. "When do we start?" Joe asked. That's when everyone looked at Cisco and for the first time with all seriousness in his face, he said "right now." 

They all drove to where they used to help Barry train to better understand his abilities. It was where Caitlin and Barry really first talked to each other. Caitlin starred off into space remembering the first she was here with Barry seeing the impossible right in front of her eyes. This was where Barry severely injured his arm. A tear appeared on Caitlin's face she was quick to wipe it away before anyone had noticed. "How are we going to again get Barry back with a ball?" Iris asked still not seeing all on board with this whole idea. "This ball has Barry's DNA and will allow Cisco to vibe Barry and then we will go get our Barry back." Caitlin responded to Iris with positively filling in her voice. "Do you mind?" She gestured towards Iris handing her the ball with Barry's DNA to put in the middle. 

Caitlin walked back towards her computer similar to the setup to check on Barry's vitals while he runs. Caitlin clicked something on the computer to activate hers and Cisco's device. Wind was not blowing hard a portal was starting to form in the center of the field where the ball was. Really only Caitlin and Cisco knew what was happening they were after all the scientists of the group. Cisco the whispered under his breath, "Let's bring our boy home." Cisco began to put on his glasses he uses to vibe. Caitlin not leaving her eyes off the computer she was monitoring yelled, "I've got something!" Everyone hoped that any moment that would see their speedster return to them just like he had left. They all looked towards Cisco who was in his vibe leaving everyone else to wonder what he was seeing. 

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