Chapter 8: The Truth

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Zoom knew that sooner or later Team Flash would find out about that Barry Allen was still alive, so he set up a trap for the lovely team without anyway to reverse what he had done to poor Barry Allen. When Zoom had Barry while he kept him here he not only tortured Barry and made Barry suffer, but while Barry was on Earth 2 he gave Barry shot Barry a doze of poison from one of the times Barry tried to escape. The poison wouldn't start having any effect until Barry safety arrive on Earth 1 with the rest of Team Flash. Without Caitlin Snow knowing she would be the one to end up killing Barry herself. The trap Zoom set up is to activate as soon as Caitlin tries to treat Barry's injuries giving a doze of medicine that would soon end up killing him. 

(Back at Star Labs) 

"How is Barry doing?" Cisco ask Caitlin who has stayed with Barry since he arrived. "He should be fine, but I gonna give him some medicine to release some of the pain he will feel when he wakes up depending on when." Caitlin told Cisco as she was giving the medicine to Barry through his IV. Cisco started to turn knowing the young doctor liked to do her work alone. Then all of sudden Barry's vitals were all over the place and he's rate was beating way too fast even for the flash himself. Everybody Joe, Iris, and Cisco who remained at Star Labs quickly ran towards the med bay. Caitlin was panicking she had no clue what was happening. She was trying to go through her head of why Barry's body should be reacting in this way. Barry was flat lining. Nobody knew what to do everybody was speechless, while feeling hopeless of how to help Barry. "Stand Back!" Caitlin yelled while trying to stay calm going full doctor mood. She hit him with 100, but Barry's body only jumped he was still flat lining. "200!" She hit Barry again praying Barry wouldn't die. A heart beat appeared on the monitor. Caitlin breathed in a relief looking towards everyone else waiting for an explanation from the doctor. "That should not have happened, I will have to run a few more tests and see if it was something in his blood stream." Cisco nodded his head towards Caitlin trusting his friend to take care of Barry and walked away with the others following. 

Caitlin stayed all night trying to figure out the cause of Barry's recent activity. While still making sure he was stable, because at this point she couldn't be sure. It took a few hours of Caitlin going back and redoing test getting frustrated with all her tests coming up perfectly healthy for Barry. Anger started to fill up in Caitlin spending hours looking at the computer screen not being able to save her friend. She hit the table palms down when one of the test fell on the ground. She took a minute to release her anger and to become her calm self again. As she went to pick up the now ruin sample she took from Barry she noticed it had changed colors. Once the sample hit the ground it exposed its true identity. Caitlin now knew what was wrong with her friend, but what scared her most is she doesn't know if she will be able to save him. As soon as she defined the sample she knew it was from Barry's time spent with Zoom. Zoom had poisoned Barry trying to hide it by making only exposed in warm temperatures for when it enter Barry's body. If it weren't for Caitlin's moment of raged she wouldn't have figured it out, but now it was all about saving Barry and finding the cure before it kills him. 

"I know what is wrong with Barry." Caitlin telling Team Flash what she found out the night before. As she was talking telling her discovery Cisco noticed the hesitate in her voice, "Caitlin what is the bad new news?" Caitlin looked towards Cisco and began telling the one thing she so badly wanted to believe herself wasn't true. "Zoom did this, and I don't know if there is a cure for this." Team Flash looked around again shocked not knowing what to do. "I am more worried right now about Barry's injuries with this in his system he won't be able to recover fast or at all and that might alone kill him." Caitlin told the team holding back her tears. Caitlin looked towards Barry who looked peaceful not being able to feel the pain he would be in if he were to wake up and not knowing what the future lays ahead for him. "We have to save him." Caitlin then said toward Team Flash not knowing herself what they were gonna do. "We won't let Zoom have the last laugh." Cisco then said patting his friend's shoulder on the back knowing how much pain Caitlin must be feeling having losing so many people in her life, but Cisco was gonna make sure Barry was one of those people. 

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