Chapter 11: The inside

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all I see is Blackness. I don't know where I am. I can't remember anything. I know something is wrong. I stand in the middle of only blackness surrounding me, and then I feel something or more like nothing at all. I then realized I am in control. I try to remember what last happened. The accident, Zoom, our fight. Everything went wrong. I was trying to get back to my friends, my family, the love of my life Iris. The fight against Zoom I was weak, but he was weaker. I beat him at his own game. I killed him, I didn't see any other choice. I knew my family would never look at me the same, and I wish I didn't have to kill Zoom. I will from this day have regret in my life knowing I am no longer the hero of Central City they thought I was. I now looked at myself as the villain. 

(Flashback to fight of Flash Vs. Zoom) 

I was escaped where Zoom was keeping me. I knew it was just a matter of time before he found me. I needed to get to Harry, he would know what to do. I saw the building where his lab was located before I could make another step something hit me hard winding me from the impact. I was on the ground in pain, fear now taking over after being face to face with Zoom. "Thought you could run away, Flash." If I was gonna die by the hands of Zoom I wasn't going to go down without a fight. I ran in a circle creating a lightning bolt to hit in the back, so this time he wouldn't see it coming. It hit him wounding him, I went in for a punch but he dodged it. Zoom grabbed my hand and twisted my arm breaking shattering it. I screamed in pain. He then bolted towards pinning me against a building. He was choking me, it was hard for me to breathe. With all the energy I had I phased out of his grip. I ran to the opposite side of the street of screaming civilians filling up the street as they ran away along with police sirens. Earth 2 police were no help, they were just as scared and as helpful as the civilians on this Earth. Even with Zoom's mask on, I could see the rage and anger he had inside of him. It was ready to kill me. I didn't have Cisco or Caitlin to help come up with a way to defeat my enemy this time. I didn't have the positive voice of Iris to keep me going either. I was on my own. I took a breath and started to run towards him as he did the same. It was in the middle of the street both of us running at full speed towards each other. That is when I finally defeated Zoom. "Element of surprise." the voice of Harry came in my head seconds before to the first time I went up against Zoom. Zoom couldn't stop something he didn't see. I stabbed in the thigh of mixture of poison and cold to defeat and kill him instantly. Zoom was already a sick speedster and this would finish him off. I stopped, standing there in the middle of the street as I watch Zoom fall, I hated the idea of killing Zoom. It didn't matter how evil or what he did, it didn't change the fact I had just killed someone. I hope my family will forgive me. Zoom still had fight left in him, the injection I gave him was working but slowly. Zoom ran towards me picking up a gun an officer had dropped before he ran away. Zoom had put me in another choke hold shooting my left leg three times, so I was unable to phase or run away. It was hard to breath, but I could see that the injection was affecting him as I saw him vibrate his hand just a few inches from my heart everything went black. 

"I killed Zoom" I told myself realizing what I did, but knowing Zoom had used our speedforce connection to take over me. I was too weak myself to stop it. My weakness allowed Zoom to live. "What am I gonna do?" I asked myself. I knew it was no longer up to me, but now up to my team to save me. I just hoped they could save me before it was too late. I don't how much longer I can hold on. I was exhausted and tired, it wouldn't be long before Zoom took over completely and Zoom finally won despite all of my efforts. 

 "This Earth is nice, but what exactly is your plan?" Killer Frost had asked Zoom. "They know the truth now, it seems to me your plan is falling apart." Zoom looked at her annoyed by her remarks. "It doesn't matter what plan they will soon come up with, I can feel Barry becoming weaker by the second it won't be long before he is dead, and then I can take over this world." Zoom went over to look at the cameras he hacked in at Star Labs. Killer frost slowly step closer to Zoom, "Just wondering my doppelgänger, Caitlin Snow does she possess special powers?" Killer said lifting her hands showing off her cold powers. Zoom didn't respond but laughed. The truth was he did not know, if Caitlin did have powers she clearly didn't know it yet. 

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