* Hiatus *

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Ooh boy. That last chapter.

Purple Flowers is going to be on hiatus for a few-ish weeks!

I just have some things to deal with..

School, sports, Steel band.. it's a lot ;;

Ah! Bear with me here, I'm changing a few things. Instead of Shiro and Keith first meeting at college, ima have them be childhood friends. Sorry for the change, I know I'm not professional..

I'm gonna be writing a few fics! They're called "Aloha 'Oe", "And You Shined Brighter Than The Stars", and "The Pain of Trying". Yeah.. they're angsty. ;~;
I'm also going to be working on The Space Between Us. It's basically a fic that's gonna be mostly focus on Shiro and Keith's garrison days. It'll be lighthearted, I swear!~

I'm also gonna work on a story called There Isn't Always a Happy Ending. It's a story about a guy named Milo has a pretty deep secret..

Well anyways, thanks for reading the first few chapters of my crappy fic!

Stay tuned!


Autumn Crocus // SheithWhere stories live. Discover now