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It's Fine

Eyes snapping open, Keith jolted up. He lifted his hand to his chest in an attempt to make sure his heart, broken as it was, was beating.

It was. Oh well.

There was a sudden flash of pain in Keith's chest that made him hunch over, squeezing his shirt. He attempted to ignore it but failed miserably as he let out a hoarse cough.

It quickly grabbed the attention of Pidge, who sat at her desk with earbud in. She ripped them out of her ears, not caring if she broke them. "Oh shit, you're up!"

Rushing to the open door, she called out to the living room. "Guys! He's up!" She exclaimed. "He's up!" Keith could sense worry on her voice.

God, he wanted to go back to sleep.

Eyes closing, he slumped back to the floor, purposely this time. He let his arms hang out to his sides as the other three rushed in. He could hear their voices, but didn't care about what they said.

Upon opening his eyes again, he was surrounded by his entire group of friends including Hunk and Lance. Each of them sighed with relief and gave him smiles. He groaned, slowly sitting up.

"..What happened?" He asked with a gruff voice, his eyes staying focused on the floor. He was embarrassed. The fact that he passed out in front of Shiro while they were talking was.. embarrassing.

Shiro cleared his throat, kneeling down beside Keith. "You blacked out. We were talking and you just.. fell." There was a worried tone on his voice, a worried tone that Keith chose to ignore.

Keith nodded and turned away from Shiro to face Pidge, whos expression was horrified. That reaction. She was a true friend. "Maybe we should cancel plans.." She said it mostly to the rest of the group."

"N-no.. it's fine. I'm fine." His voice sounded a bit hoarse. As always, Keith pushed the repeating sick feeling.

He received judgmental looks.

"I'm fine." He repeated, emphasizing his last word. "I don't wanna be the reason we cancel. I was probably just hot." He waved his hand as if blowing off the concern from his friends.

"..If.. if you're sure.." Allura said worriedly.

"B-but..! He passed out!" Pidge retorted, not changing her position on the issue.

"Pidge. I'm fine. I swear." He reached a hand over to rest it gently on her shoulder. "I promise."

She remained silent for a moment before sighing. "We're getting you checked out after. And no drinking a bunch." She ordered, acting more like a mom than a friend.

The genuine concern from Pidge left a small smile on Keith's face. "Yes ma'am." He pushed his way up to a sitting position. "Come on. We're gonna be out all night if we don't go."

The group filed out of the girl's room, some will with worried looks on their faces.

"We'll uh.. meet you guys there." Hunk smiled his usual sweet smile and waved, his other hand laced with Lance's. Keith and Pidge followed after.

"You guys head down first. We'll meet you there." Pidge suggested to the two. Hunk and Lance nodded, waving again before leaving.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Allura asked as she took a few steps towards Keith.

"Yes, Allura. I'm fine." He sighed. "This one will make me get checked out after. So it's fine." He nodded. Keith glanced down at Pidge, who was glaring at Shiro. Shiro was too busy planning with Matt to notice her. Pidge was too busy glaring to notice Keith.

"..We'll get going." Keith shrugged. He pulled on Pidge's jacket before shrugging on his own.

"Alright. We'll see you there." She smiled, watching the two walk out of the door. She closed it after them and the two were left alone walking in the hallway.

"Is something wrong with you and Shiro?" He asked, looking down to his side at Pidge.

"Yeah. It's fine."


Hihi! Skye here!

I kinda took a while to collect myself, but I'm back now~

Also I'm sorry if this chapter was kinda short, it's like a filler chapter before the eventful next chapters. I also really just wanna get to writing that stuff ><

Thanks for reading!


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