X - Memories

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Disclaimer: As of this chapter, Keith is a minor. Shiro and Keith are not in a relationship.

"Keith. There's... no easy way to put this." Spoke the voice on the other line. It was low and raspy, traces of exhaustion, sleep deprivation, and pure unadulterated dejection. Keith's hands clutched his phone as he continued. "I'm... well.." The voice struggled to continue. It couldn't be that bad, could it? Keith took a deep breath before responding. Hoping to get him to essentially spill.

"..Please, Takashi. Just tell me already.." He sighed.

He heard a sigh from the other side of the phone. "I'm joining the military. And.. there's a chance I could go to war."

Keith Kogane, 15, was simply in love with Takashi Shirogane, 19. However, in love doesn't mean in a relationship, nor does it mean Takashi, better known as Shiro, felt the same. Why would he? He was already engaged. Emphasis on was.

Keith said nothing. He didn't want to say anything. He wished he felt nothing. But he did feel. He felt everything. He felt heartache. He felt tears behind his eyes. God, get a grip, Kogane. He thought to himself, letting his eyes close.

Memories flooded his mind. The day they met. The day they became best friends. The day they swore they'd be together forever. The day Takashi met Adam. The day they started dating. The day Takashi proposed. Keith's hands shakily clutched the phone as those hot tears pooled over his cheeks. It burned.

"..Military?" Keith finally croaked. His head hung. Of course, there was no guarantee that he'd get injured. Or.. worse. He could come home just fine. Keith shook his head, wiping his eyes. "W-when?" Shit. He stuttered. Now he was bound to know that Keith was crying. He brought his sleeve up to wipe his face. ..Technically it wasn't his sleeve. It was Takashi's sleeve. Takashi had given Keith one of his jackets one night that they hung out.

Keith remembered that night too.

Keith could hear Takashi sniff faintly. Is.. is he crying too? He can't be. Keith squeezed his eyes shut as tears silently seeped out of them. "Yeah. It'll help me pay for college. Plus it's always been a dream of mine." Takashi sighed softly as Keith wiped his head, yet another time. A dream. I can't hold him back from his dream.

"When do you leave?" Keith's voice trembled just as much as his hands did. Calm down, fucks sake... It's not a death sentence. You'll be there when he gets out. He'll come back. He has to.

"A week," Takashi muttered. That wasn't enough time. Really.. their entire lifetimes wasn't enough time, to Keith at least.

"..I'm gonna miss you. And... I'll be here when you get back." Keith blurted, essentially having a severe form of mouth runs. At least he didn't say 'I love you' or something like that. But this was close enough.

"Yeah... I'm gonna miss you too, buddy." Buddy. He repeated the word to himself in his mind. Keith could hear that small, breathless laugh that he always did when he wasn't truly laughing.

After that night, Keith left Shiro alone to pack and talk to his friends and family and such. It was difficult to not talk to him, especially if he won't be there after that week.

Keith found himself laying on his bed two days later, staring at the ceiling. There's not much to do without Takashi. He thought to himself. He let his eyes close, mind drifting.

Takashi... He shouldn't mean so much to me. He's just a friend. More like a brother. And nothing more. Nothing.

Then why does my heart beat so fucking much around him?

Keith let himself drift deeper, his mind unable to shake the captivating thought of Takashi. Thankfully, he felt the vibrations of his phone laying next to his head. Lazily opening his eyes, he lifted his hand to look at it. Squinting from the blinding light, he finally read the name. 'Taka' with a black heart next to it. I.. I should change that. He thought to himself. Without hesitation, he pressed the green button and pressed the phone to his ear, body shooting up to a sitting position.

"Hey Taka." He answered, deciding to use the nickname he had so proudly come up with. Keith's voice was gentle and quiet as he crossed his legs. He... always felt so comfortable when he was on the phone with him. Something was just... enticing about his voice. But this time it wasn't. It was.. pained?

"Uh.. hey Keith." His voice was groggy, lifeless and dull. Something was wrong. Really wrong.

"Is.. is everything okay?" Keith was filled with worry. He clutched the phone with both of his hands. It can't be too bad, right? He could feel his own heart pounding in his chest as he listened for Shiro's every breath.

"Kinda? I just need someone to talk to..." Takashi's voice trailed off, filling Keith with more and more fear. "...face to face. Meet at the usual spot?"

The usual spot. Keith loved those words more than he loved himself. The words resonated within a different part of him than any other combination of letters.

* * *

Before long, Keith and Shiro found themselves sitting across from each other in the back of Shiro's pickup truck. The usual spot was a not very well known hill that overlooked the small city that the two lived in. It was perfect. Fireflies and distant city lights slowly flickered as time went on.

"So.. Shiro," Keith said softly, eyes focused on the bottom of the truck bed. "What was so... urgent?" Keith didn't know why talking hat suddenly become too difficult. Seeing as they were essentially best friends, regardless of their blatant age gap.

"It's.. well.." Shiro sighed, appearing pained. With his elbows resting on his knees. His head was practically hanging between his shoulders.

"You can tell me, Shiro," Keith spoke quietly in an attempt to reassure his friend.

"It's... Adam."


Adam. Shiro's fiancé. Keith didn't have a problem with Adam, except the whole he's-dating-Keith's-longtime-crush aspect. With a soft sigh, Keith mustered the courage to continue.

"What.." Keith cleared his throat. "What about Adam?" Keith proceeded cautiously.

"Um.. he called it off," Shiro said through a laugh. Well, a fake laugh, it sounded more like. Soon enough, Shiro had his face in his hand as his shoulders shook spastically. Laughing? No. Crying.

Shiro was crying.

Keith couldn't fathom the last time he'd seen Shiro show any type of negative emotion, let alone cry. Shiro was always the supportive role in Keith's life. The strong older figure that.. didn't show emotions.

"Called it off..?" Keith repeated, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Yeah. He said he couldn't handle me leaving and thought this ...was the best... for ...us." Shiro was practically breaking down. Tears streamed down his face, which he hid in his hands.

His safe haven was shattering before him.


Keith's eyes snapped open, only to flutter into a squint after being hit by bright sunshine. The light poured in from an unfamiliar window on the wall of an unfamiliar room. No,  not unfamiliar. Very familiar. 

A hospital room.


hi ;u;

i know its been like 69 years and this is a very short chapter BUT i have endgame plans so expect more updates soon! i just figured id post this lil backstory chapter for yall to have while i work on the major updates! be ready to have your hearts broken soon!

and like.. actually soon- not like.... two years soon ;v;

i just wanted to take a moment and say that i appreciate each and every comment ya'll leave! they all mean a lot! i also appreciate how patient everyone has been, since im really bad at updates ;n; i dont think i can say sorry enough ;c

lastly, thank you so much for enjoying this story! i love you <3


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2019 ⏰

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