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The Calm
Warning: explicit content

"Sevur.. minutes in heaveeeen?" Asked Pidge, slurring her words. She was.. quite the lightweight. Only three cups in too.

"Yes, seven minutes in heaven. Specifically for our two last contestants of the last game. Shiro and Keith." Lotor said, shooting Shiro a noticeably dramatic wink, to which Shiro smiled back.

"What..? Are you crazy?? I'm not going into uh.. room alone with Shiwo." He said with drunken movements, leaning forwards and swaying with each slurred syllable.

Shiro took a moment to turn away, hiding his blush. The blush that Keith couldn't see and couldn't register.

"What, are you scared? Is big and tough Keith Kogane afraid to get locked in a closet with Shiro?" Lotor teased, snaking an arm around Allura's waist, causing Matt to huff.

Keith, obviously not one to back down from a challenge, took a step towards Lotor. "As. If. I'll go in there with him right. Now." He said, breathing out of his nose in Lotor's direction like a wild animal. He then stepped back, sinking into the water next to Shiro.

He was hammered at this point, leaning slightly in Shiro. He knew in the back of his little drunken head that he'd regret the decision he made.

"You heard him, Shiro. Let's take you two over there." Lotor grinned, showcasing his.. rather threatening fangs. He let go of Allura, stepping out of the pool. "You coming?" He asked, turning to the others.

Shiro grabbed Keith's arm gently, helping the drunk out of the jacuzzi. "Upsy daisy." He said the two climbed out. He rested a hand on the small of his back, earning a glare from Pidge.

A few moments later, the group were collected in a hallway upstairs, away from the collective yelling and music downstairs.

"Here we are bros!" Rolo grinned widely, hitting the door with the palm of his hand. "The closet of the hour.. knock yourselves out. It's a little.. Er.. cramped in there, just so ya know." He rubbed his face, draining the last of his cup. "And don't uh.. don't do anything you wouldn't want your grandmother to know about. Mkay? Later dudes!" He smiled toothily before jogging away and back down to his party.

Keith stared at Shiro with dazed eyes. "Are we doing this or what? It's only sheven minutes.." He said, pressing his body against Shiro's larger body. Pidge clenched her fist from a few feet away.

Shiro's attention shifted from the boy leaning on him to the others. "Please tell me you're not gonna all wait out here." He face slowly began to redden.

"Uh.. yeah, we are." Pidge said in a somewhat defensive manor, causing Matt to gently hold her shoulders in fear that she may attack.

Shiro let out a soft sigh. "It's not gonna be anything serious. Just seven minutes." He reassured Pidge.

"Okay okay! Enough talking, in you two lovebirds go!" Allura rolled her eyes, annoyed from how long they were taking. She opened the door, pushing Shiro's arm towards the small looking closet. All Shiro could do was let out a sigh in return.

"We'll be out in seven minutes.." Keith snapped at Lotor, turning into the closet and pulling Shiro in with him.

As soon as the two were in, they locked the door behind them, leaving them in the cramped closet with only the light seeping in from under the door.

Awkward silence filled the space for a moment. Seconds passed. The two stared at each other through the darkness.

"Um-" Keith began but was soon interrupted by Shiro.

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