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Flashing Lights and Loud Music

The car ride into town was loud. Really loud. The combination of blasting music and arguing between the driver, Hunk, and the other two passengers, Pidge and Lance, was suffocating.

Keith sat quietly and awkwardly next to Pidge, who was yelling at Lance from the backseat. Lance shot back, just as loud. Hunk attempted to calm the two down while at the same time trying not to get into an accident.

Pidge was acting.. weird. It was almost like she didn't even want to go. Like she was..


Keith, like he did with almost everything, ignored it. He leaned his head to the right, letting his forehead lean against the window. Silently, he began to count the raindrops that sat motionless on the other side of the window.

Maybe.. Maybe he didn't wanna go either.

"Pidge, why are you always so argumentative?!" Lance's shrill voice somehow brought Keith out of his trance and back to reality.

"Maybe because you're always wrong so I have to prove you right, Lance!" Pidge's retort was quick and bold.

"G-guys.. please stop arguing! This is a pointless argument anyways.. cats and dogs are both great.." Hunk, as always, attempted to keep the peace.

"No, Hunk! Dogs are absolutely better than cats in every way. You can't prove me wrong , Pidge!"

"It's a matter of opinion! To each their own, even if they're wrong!" Pidge yelled at Lance, which only fueled Lance's anger.

"Well you-"

"Can you guys stop already?! We're here!" The yellow Mustang pulled into lot of a dingy looking liquor store.

Allura, Shiro, and Matt and Lotor were already standing outside. A cigarette dangled from Shiro's lips as Allura attempted to discourage him from smoking. Matt was having a conversation with Lotor. Judging by the gesturing and the laughing, it was probably about Allura and Shiro. A deep purple Ducati sat next to Matt's dark brown BMW.

The four climbed out of the car, Hunk with his arm around Lance. Pidge kept her hands in her pockets, still heated from the debate. Keith walked beside her, careful not saying anything so that she didn't explode at him. The group came together, exchanging hellos and high fives.

Matt instantly gave his little sister an irritating rub on the head while Lance and Hunk spoke with Allura and Lotor. That left Keith alone to stand awkwardly a few feet away from Shiro.

Please don't let him talk to me.. Keith couldn't help but pray for Shiro not o try to make awkward conversation.

His prayers, however, were ignored.

Shiro made his way over to Keith, his large build seemingly overshadowing Keith. "Hey." He spoke softly, his deep voice.. alluring. Keith would admit only that.

"..Hey." Keith spoke just a softly, his eyes focused somewhere out on the street, somewhere looking at a tree, the sky, a store, anywhere that wasn't looking at Shiro.

"You're not okay. I know you aren't. You can't lie to me." He drew in smoke from his cigarette, letting the smoke seemingly seep out of nose.

"I said. I. Am. Fine." Keith spoke with a testy tone.

"..I'm not trying to make you upset, Keith. I've known you for eleven years. Eleven, Keith. And—"

"You were gone for six of those years, Shiro. Six years. You.. it just hurt me, okay?" He mumbled quietly, hoping that the others didn't notice.

Autumn Crocus // SheithWhere stories live. Discover now