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Keith lazily opened his eyes. His body ached and his head hurt. He rolled around, attempting to muster any strength he could to sit up. His bed was noticeably softer this morning. It was odd.

This wasn't his bed.

He sat up slowly. His body still aching, he scanned his environment.

..It wasn't his room either.

The room smelled of flowers. He just couldn't put his finger on the scent but it was familiar.

Keith crossed his legs and rubbed his face with his palm. "God.. what.." he groaned. Inhaled deeply through his nose, collecting his scattered thoughts that raced around his head.

"Oh. You're awake. Morning." Said a higher pitched voice.

Keith's head whipped around to find the source of the voice. He was greeted by his best friend.

Pidge was sitting at her desk in a green tank top and black shorts. Her hair was messy and she had a cup of tea in her hand.

Keith was silent. He narrowed his eyes."..Did we fu—"

"No, Keith. We didn't have sex." She said as she rolled her eyes. She took a sip of her tea before closing her laptop. She turned around in her swivel chair to face Keith.

"So. You like my room?" She asked, gesturing to the space around them.

Keith took a brief moment to look around. Paper lanterns hung from the celing. White Christmas lights hung on her walls, which were painted pale green. She had posters of aliens and movies on her ceiling and a bookshelf in the corner. Keith could've sworn that every book on the planet and then some was on there.

The floor had a green carpet with an alien on it. There was a shelf with different kinds of plants. That must've been the flowery scent Keith smelled earlier. To his side was a window with a small cactus on the windowsill accompanied by multiple books.

"It's.. really nice." Keith shrugged. It was the best compliment he could give. "I take it you like books? And plants? And the color green?"

"Yep. Cmon Ho-gane, you should shit." She took another sip of her tea. "We've been friends for like.. years."

"Yeah, but I've never been in your room. Your brother is too fucking overprotective." Keith said, sighing and looking up to the ceiling.

"Oh whatever. You talk about him like you hate him or something. But look at yourself! You're wearing his clothes." She smirked into her cup. She pointed to Keith's body, which to his surprise didn't have on the clothes he wore last night. He was now wearing a baggy orange T-shirt and baggy black shorts.

"Pidge, what the hell." He said, pulling on the shirt. "What happened last night?"

"Nothing much. You knocked on my door really hard and when I opened it you were standing there, soaking wet and crying. You didn't tell me what happened though. I brought you some of Matt's clothes and made you shower. Then you drank a can of beer and passed out on my bed after hugging me and crying into my shoulder for like ten minutes. How much snot can one dude make? Like jeez.."

Keith's face reddened as Pidge explained his actions. It made sense that she would be confused.

"So. You gonna tell me what happened?" She set down her almost empty mug. She moved her chair closer to her bed. She crossed her legs in the seat and rested her arms on her knees. "I'm all ears."

Keith sighed deeply. "Well.. I was with Shiro yesterday.. and he sorta kinda.. told me he liked someone." Keith said, looking down. His bangs covered his face. "I sorta freaked out on him and ran away. It was dark and rainy and.." Keith laughed weakly. "God.. this sounds like a fucking romance novel."

Pidge was silent.

Keith put his face in his hands. "I ran away from him, Pidge.. he likes someone else.. probably Allura or some other slut-"

"Hey.. don't talk about Allura like that. She's our friend!" Pidge snapped.

"I know! But she's pretty! And she's nice and smart. And she's a she!" Keith's shoulders shook a bit. "Shiro's probably into chicks anyways! I'm an idiot for assuming he'd feel the same.." The tears finally came. They were hot and heavy. It hurt.

It hurt a lot.

Suddenly arms were wrapped around him.

"Keith.. uh.. it's..okay..?" Pidge said almost soothingly. She shifted so that she was sitting next to him. She rubbed his hair, trying to calm him down as much as possible.

Keith continued to cry, hugging Pidge's small waist and leaning his head on her shoulders. It felt good to be held, even if it was kinda awkward.

"Hey Ho-gane.. er.. Hey Keith. I'm gonna call Lance and Hunk and ask them to bring takeout. You want anything?"

"..egg roll."

Pidge laughed quietly. "Okay."

Autumn Crocus // SheithWhere stories live. Discover now