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The Storm
Warning: graphic descriptions of regurgitation

Dude, that was way longer than 7 minutes." Hank said with a childish giggle. "Did you two make it to first base?" He walked eagerly in front of the two, acting like a child in a way.

"I think they probably hit a home run." Teased Lance, making embarrassing kissing faces to which Keith punched him in the shoulder.

"Shut up man." Keith said rather sternly at first, only to be surprised by Shiro draping his arm across his shoulder in a casually romantic manner. Keith stiffened up as Shiro moved closer to him.

After a few moments of walking like this, the four reached the others outside who were gathered around the fire pit. Pidge, Allura, Lotor, Rolo, Nyma, Matt, and Shay we're comfortably seated in chairs and cushioned seats, some on the floor. Three girls sat next to Lotor and Allura, somewhat familiar but not enough.

Lance and Hunk cuddled together next to Pidge, who was obviously drunk and cuddling in a blanket. At first, Keith made his way to sit next to them but was stopped as Shiro grabbed his wrist, sitting down in a cushioned chair and pulling Keith into his lap. Shiro's arms slithered around Keith's stomach, hugging him lightly. Keith said nothing during the intimate moment, only shifted lightly in his lap. He glanced back at Shiro.

"..Is that a knife in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" He said with a small grin, glancing down at his crotch which was comfortably saddling Keith's rear. He felt comfortable talking about it since the other were so loud, nobody could hear.

"We both know that you're the knife addict. I'm always happy to see you, Keith." Shiro admitted softly, pulling Keith's collar up over the nape of his neck to prevent any more hickeys.

After a few seconds, Lotor stood. "Okay, kids. We're doing truth or dare. Everyone knows the rules, if you don't it sucks for you cause you'll have to drink this." Lotor smiled drunkenly as he held onto Allura's waist. She turned behind her to grab a pitcher of some.. beverage. It was a nauseating shade of tan. "If you pussy out on your dare, you drink this. Simple. Soo.. with that said.. I'll let my lovely over here go first." He cuddled up into allura's cheek, a wicked grin on his face aimed almost directly at Matt.

Allura rolled her eyes, almost uninterested. "Okay.. I choose.."

Multiple rounds of truth or dare passed, embarrassing secrets told and even more embarrassing dares completed. Disgusting ones and mild ones. Keith was having the time of his life, Shiro hanging onto him like he was the only guy in the world.

Emphasis on guy.

Everybody was getting drunker except Keith for what it seemed. Shiro downed red cup after red cup until the smell of poorly crafted beer outweighed his cologne. Keith could feel Shiro's warm chest pressing against his back as they breathed in almost unison.

But that didn't stop Keith from feeling human. He finally felt the aftermath of all of those beers.

"Shit.. uh.. I'll be back. I'm gonna get some water..." Keith muttered, mostly into Shiro's ear. He grasped Shiro's arm, pulling it away from around his stomach. "Don't get too much drunker without me." He stood, relieved that he was no longer slurring his words.

Shiro's attention turned to Keith, giving him a wide smile and a nod. "Okay!" He said loudly. He.. obviously wasn't there. Mentally, at least.

Regardless if Shiro was paying attention, Keith stood, pushing his way through everyone and making his way to the table of drinks.. hoping that there was a bottle of water or something.

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