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Warning: explicit content

The sounds of bass boosted music. Lights flashing. Screaming. Laughter. What sounded like some crying. All of that poured out of the ginormous house that the two cars had pulled up to.

"Are you sure this is the right place?" Allura meekly asked. She let out a shallow swallow and turned to face Matt, who's face looked like he was ready to barge in there. "Nevermind.."

Lotor looked up from his phone and to the house, pulling down his sunglasses and grinning with a somewhat.. mischievous look. He, without hesitation, climbed out of the car. Matt took follow. Allura glanced back to Keith and Shiro before letting out an annoyed sigh and getting out after them. The three watched as the second car pulled up next to them, greeting them and leaving Shiro and Keith alone.

The two sat in awkward silence, Shiro's arm wrapped around Keith's waist. No words spoken for a short period of time.

"..You wanna let go now?" Keith could barely get his sentence out before Shiro scrambled to pull his arm away, his cheeks reddening and his eyes averting.

"S-Sorry about that. It's just.. I.." He cleared his throat. Shiro rarely ever acted this.. flustered. Weird.

"It's fine.." Keith looked around for a brief
moment. "Takashi." He spoke Shiro's first name with a low, careful tone.

"So you're calling me by my first name now, Mr. Kogane?" Shiro leaned to the side, using his free hand to turn Keith's face towards him.

You're treading on thin ice, Kogane.

Thin. Ice.

..I can swim.

The two locked eyes before Shiro slowly began to lean in towards Keith. It was as if it was some.. Disney movie.

They were interrupted by a loud banging on the window next to their heads.

"Hey! Lovebirds! Get a room inside!" Lotor barked at them. The two looked up and to their surprise, the rest of the group had made their ways inside. With a roll of his eyes, Lotor began walking in as well.

The two instantly separated themselves, locking and getting out of separate doors. Keith shoved his hands into his jacket pockets, feeling around to calm himself and keep his scattered mind distracted.

Phone. Keys. Wallet.





Keith violently shook his head, beginning to walk inside. But walking away didn't solve his problems in the slightest. After a few steps, Shiro had caught up to him, walking fairly close to him.

"That didn't happen." Keith stated in a serious tone.

"If that's what you want to believe, Kogane." Shiro spoke with ease, a playful tone on his voice. Keith could tell he enjoyed toying with him. And he didn't like it. One bit.

..He really liked it.

As they approached the mansion, the music got louder and louder to the point where Keith had to cover his ears.

Two 'guards' stood outside of the double door entrance. They were both tall with crossed arms and check boards. They wore colorful swim trunks and slouched. Keith narrowed his eyes at the two as they walked towards the entrance. He opened his mouth to speak but was quickly cut off.

Autumn Crocus // SheithWhere stories live. Discover now