Chapter 3

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(Genos POV)

They all Looked down at me The Wolf vampire Kneeled down He reached his hand out to me but I slapped it away "G-get away from me!" the Bunny woman sighed "Look where not going to hurt you in fact Just come with us And we can help you" she said calmly almost to calm Looking at My options I thought well either way I'm a goner There vampires there gonna get me Some where and then drink my blood and turn me to dust Looks like ill be the next pile they find.

We walked in silence and stopped at a mountain  it was Extremely High I looked Up "Why did we stop" I said Fearfully "Do you have any weapons" asked one of the vampires Lucy was peering at me from behind her mother Then a thought hit me I have a stake in my boot I shook my head no "I swear if we find one on you" growled the wolf "Lets just go" said the Bunny "Where?' I asked We all walked further And came to a waterfall I was still utterly confused when they  motioned me to follow Cautiously I followed till we where practically next to the waterfall feeling the mist hit my face I had to squint They dissapierd behind it Taking a deep breath I followed I didn't really have a choice did I?

It was so dim Trying to get My eyes to adjust I realized it was sort of light torches where lit hear and there was Houses everywhere The mountain Was hollow looking up at the celling I noticed a few gaps Filtering just a small bit of moonlight "Mommy mommy! can I take the strange person to the doctors!" The bunny shook her head "he might be dangerous sweetheart we don't know exactly what he is" she said looking at me "We will have to ask the leader" "leader?" there was a thump behind me and I froze The leader I've heard tales about him how he Got his name Reaper Because he Reaps Monsters and Is a ruthless killer.

"Well well well Whos this?" said a bit of a snarky tone I froze afraid to move "Its rude to ignore someone ya know Turn around and shake my hand" I turned slowly and Saw the outstretched hand and hessintly shook it his hands where ice cold. Looking up slowly I was met with the hooded figure he didn't really have a expression on his face just blank it sent chills down My spine His one eye Was white But There was a clear unmistakable  Red outline to it.

Stepping back I tried to get My hands to stop shaking "what's the report" he asked Sounding bored "we where scouting when we got the Scent of blood thinking it was a animal we followed it but came across this guy He is injured we assume" "well yes and No the Blood is fine just a normal thing for me But My arm.." I shrugged Edging away from the Cloaked skeletons stare he shrugged Ill take him to make sure there's No trouble." he said and turned away swiftly I followed him and looked behind me Lucy waved goodbye as this Reaper Took me to Who knows where.

I kept stumbling it was so hard to see I realized My jacket On the sleeve it had the symbol of a hunter if they found that out they would surly kill me I slid off the jacket and tucked it to my chest trying to hid My blood stained shirt "great" I muttered We both stopped out side a building he knocked and soon the door opened Reveling a Hurried Lizard? "l-l-leader! W-what B-brings y-y-you hear?' jeez she seems very nervous He Pointed to me saying nothing "o-Oh! ill get h-him patched Up right a-away" she pushed me in to a very bright room almost Blinding me, Reaper followed grimacing at the Brightness and he took a seat sighing .

the lizard lady patted The table for me to sit On I did so ugh I really hate doctors I studied her She was Deffintly not a vampire was she a monster?! "p-please u-uh set Y-your j-jacket down" "huh?" I looked down oh I realized I was still clutching it I dropped it to the side of me making sure the symbol was Hidden I glanced at Reaper in the corner he didn't React to My blood stained shirt Just sat there blankly staring at me "O-Oh my gosh! I-" "don't worry About that Its normal I just need a new shirt and some bandages so I don't ruin it and ill be good Its just my arm that's injured" She looked at me in disbelief but nodded then quickly took My arm Which I pointed to Wincing when she touched it "L-looks like I-its just Got p-popped Out o-of place I-I just h-have to put it back In place" I nodded this is probably gonna hurt like a lot but I took a deep breath and closed My eyes "R-ready?" I nodded Then I heard a Click and agonizing pain in my arm I hissed with pain "son of a oh my gosh" I Said clutching My arm Opening My eyes I tried moving my fingers Slight pain but it seemed okay for now "t-time F-for the bandageds" she said just great.

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