Chapter 5

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(Reapers POV)

"Huh I suppose Your right" said My second In command he Looked up From the endless amount of lists so he could listen to what I have to say next "Of course I'm right" i said turning away Might as well try to sleep Before i get bombarded with more paperwork.

(genos POV)

"Children Please Don't Squash Him he just Got back from the infirmary I've Bin told" a Lady came in she was a bird vampire? i couldn't tell The kids scattered she shook her head at them slowly getting up careful of my arm i dusted My self off "Kids these days" she said with a chuckle I laughed nervously Ive Bin taught that Vampire will Bite you any chance they get So I'm still On guard No matter how nice they get.

She held Out her wing to me "I'm Miss Alice by the way" she said Kindly I took it hessintly "oh don't worry Dear I'm not a vampire I'm a monster Like you Basically the only other one besides the doctor I nodded Relaxing a bit, "I hope You don't mind sharing a room with the children Space is tight Since More children Keep coming in since.." she Looked left and right and whispered "There parents keep. Dying" she said sadly then turned for me to follow her Up the stairs I could hear the children laughing she Opened the door "Now children Introduce Your selves." she spoke swiftly Two Kids came Up to me first "I'm Layla" she was a sheep Vampire the one next to her Introduced him self as Thomas he was also a sheep, a Deer and another skeleton Introduced them selves as Blossom and Night More children introduced them selves once everyone was finished Alice showed me to a bunk I thanked her. "Your very welcome If you have any questions Please don't be frightened to ask, Children Treat Him nice and Don't overwhelm Him I have things  to do goodbye." and she left the room all the children's Eyes Locked On me.'

(Reapers POV)

Rude Knocking woke me back Up I sighed angrily and Walked to the door "What." i asked annoyed "Sorry to disturbed You Leader But the scouts came back with reported and Want you to Meet them By the Entrance" i sighed and Nodded Walking to the window and Jumped Quickly Transforming in to a little bat.

transforming back to normal I landed In front of the two scouts "leader Sir, There has Bin Reports Of hunters On the east Side Of our territory" I nodded Thinking of a plan "Are They anywhere close?" "They will be if they keep heading In our direction" "Scare them away Don't let them see You and be swift we can not afford anymore deaths." i said Calmly they both nodded and left in to the tunnel.

well Might as well go for a walk While I'm out, Strolling around the Houses Some People Waved at me and I nodded to them I came to the place Geno was staying at Better check he hasn't Wrecked the place yet, Knocking I waited till i heard Thumping then The door swung open Reviling the gapped tooth Night He Eagerly Looked up at me and yelled back "ITS OKAYYY ITS ONLY THE LEADERRR" I couldn't help But laugh "Ya Know You don't Have to yell there only Upstairs He nodded giggling The small child dragged me Up the stairs "Geno The leaders Hear!" We walked In to the kids Bedrooms Geno was On the floor Surrounded By the Kids He Looked Up at me with a glare.

eh Ill torment him Sitting down I crossed My legs and Waited for him to say something, Night sat down One of the kids said "So Geno? are You Going to finish Your story?!" he held His glare for a moment longer at me and Sighed "Fine" still not breaking eye contact i smirked This is going to be entertaining.

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