Chapter 11

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(Reapers POV)

What was that? i looked around I glanced at geno He had fear written on his face,I glanced around Damn it why is the fog so thick? "R-reaper" he said Inching closer to me footsteps charged behind us it was quick but im quicker grabbing geno I swiftly moved us away  geno with the force of the movement stumbled but i caught him and pulled him closer Eyeing the enemy I couldn't believe my eyes.

The thing that attacked us was pure white and seemed to be melting? it walked on four legs and its Feet had knife like claws and a jagged gaping mouth it had black eyes that Sent chills down your spine for the thing to be so big i was shocked how fast it could move.

It ran full speed again towards us i heard a TING and the creature lifted in the air I faced geno his eye was flashing red and blue I stepped back slightly from his With a motion Of his hand he through the thing in the air and that back down it landed with a crack I stared at him a bit shocked the thing didn't move geno Relaxed "i-is it dead?" he asked me "I dunno" i said inching closer I gasped the thing swiped its paw under my feet and i felt my self falling if i fall im dead faster then i can say oops.

Turning in to the bat form before it hit the ground i flew out of the creaturs reach Now being able to see the creatures back I saw where its soul was located Right in the center the thing lunged at geno Who threw some bones at it but it dodged i got in position it was difficult the creature Moved quickly then switching back I fell to the creature summoning my scythe I plunged its blade in to its back Damn it! i missed! the creature let out a wail so loud it made the trees shake and Reared back on to its hind legs getting me caught in between its body and a tree Hanging on for dear life I took my scythe again and plunged it back in.

hearing the familiar Noise of the soul breaking I landed back on the ground with a thud as it dusted,i could feel the Adrenalin still and I glanced up from my knees Geno Was hurrying over to me "are You okay??" i nodded unable to get any words out My scythe Dissapired and I shakily got up For sure my back is deffintly messed up "What was that thing?" i asked "I have no idea But that must have Bin the thing that attacked me that day" i nodded but I jumped when i heard unknown voices "Shh what was that its coming from over hear!" 

(genos POV)

reapers eyes widen with horror I looked at him "Hide!" i whisper yelled at him he panicked and turned in to bat form He seemed to be Looking around for a hiding place frantically I saw torch light nearing panicking i  just grabbed Him and stuffed Him in my pocket I heard Him squeak  and Struggle but I tried to keep him still Pretending to Just notice them i whirled around putting on a act "W-who are you?!" i said with a fearful tone backing up I noticed they where hunters Stakes clipped on there belts and blades with them "Where hunters Who are YOU? one of them Replied Sharply taking a defensive position.Shoot trying to think quickly "I uh Im  a Hunter but Ive Bin lost out hear because i was separated from my group" i tried to say confidently but my voice shook.they gave a skeptical look and walked nearer grabbing me by the chin and Studying My eyes getting super uncomfortable "uh What are You doing?" making sure Your not a vampire he opend my mouth checking for fangs he turned back to his team "nope hes normal" i heard his team sigh in relief "Hi Im blue! and this is My hunter team" he gestured to them Its weird how come ive never heard of him? i thought has it bin that long "come On lets get you back how long where you out hear and Most importantly How did you survive?!" "Well ya see i uh..." thinking "Its a long story" i said.

Locking the door of the hotel room That They told me to stay at I pressed my back against the door Oh my gosh Reaper! I reached back in to My zipped pocket and took him out gently as soon as i did he jumped off my hand back in to his regular form coughing "GEE THANKS GENO" he said In between coughs "DO YOU EVEN WASH THAT JACKET" he said still hacking away I couldn't help but laugh "Well if You where quicker you  wouldn't have to go in my pocket" i said crossing my arms once he finally stopped he took a look around "Geno where are we?" i hesitated Realizing I brought a vampire to a village filled with Monsters who If they caught sight of one would kill and ask questions later but maybe this could work to my advantage Perhaps... No geno stop it He helped you Kill that thing if he didnt move you in time I would be dead. he sighed face palming "Im so gonna die." i shook my head "no where gonna figure this out it might take a Bit but we will but...." he whirled around "OH NO YOU DONT! IAM NOT GOING BACK IN THAT POCKET" he yelled I couldn't help it I laughed his reaction was way to funny.

hours passed and we talked Reaper Yawned he looked extremely tired I glanced out side and realized the sun was coming up Shoot! i thought I looked back and Reaper was nodding off "Reaper!" i said he jumped "WHAT" i suppressed a smile "You have to turn in to You bat form they wanted to move in the morning and I cant let them see you plus Its day time the sun hurts you dosnt it?" he nodded sleepily and Turnerd back in to a bat, i held My hand flat for Him to step on to it, Ill admit its a bit strange Having a vampire in My pocket and Holding him like this but Hey you gotta do what you got to do, "Ready?" i asked implying that hes got to go in the pocket His little bat eyes glared at me I couldnt help but giggle His bat forms adorable,WAIT WHAT THATS BASICALLY CALLING HIM CUTE IN GENERAL I nearly dropped Him from being so startled By my self but regained my composer as I zipped the pocket Right in time to the door open Reviling the Hunter I just met "ready to go new friend??!" 

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