The Proposal- 5SOS

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Ashton: The two of you had only known each other a week, you were on a two week cruise in the Caribbean. On the second night of the cruise the two of you met at the night club, and ever since then you had been inseparable. It was a night you were docked in Jamaica and Ashton had set up a romantic dinner for the two of you. He set up a candle lit table, and had a white canopy above it. The sun was just about to set, it was the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for you. After dinner Ashton and you took a walk on the beach, he started to get all nervous and his hand started to sweat and he couldn't talk. He stepped out in front of you, and got down on one knee. "(Y/N) this is crazy. But that is how love is. Love is crazy and it happens at the most random time. I didn't expect to fall in love with you like I have. (Y/N) I wanna be with you for the rest of your life. I want to have a million more sunsets with you and I want to have a million more days like the ones we have been having." Tears started to form in your eyes. You couldn't believe that this was really happening. Ashton pulled out a ring box and dropped it, "Shit" he mumbled. He picked up the box, you lifted his chin so you could look him in the eyes. "Ash, don't be nervous. This is just you and me, it's just us. There's no need to be nervous." He opens up the box and the ring is the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. "(Y/N) will you marry me?" He stood up to put the ring on your finger, you kissed him and nodded yes. He lifted you up and twirled you around.

Calum: You were at an Ed Sheeran concert. He was your favorite singer, his music had saved your life countless times. During kiss me, Calum wrapped his arms around your waist. He kissed you on your neck and whispered "I have a surprise for you." You turn your head and face him. "At the end of the concert, just wait." And started to sing quietly sing along with Ed in your ear, still holding you in his arms and swaying with the music. And the end of the concert, when everyone had left. He went on stage, Ed walked out with his guitar, and Calum started to sing a song he wrote for you. You tried your hardest not to cry, but you couldn't help it. Calum finished the song and Ed gave him and encouraging pat on the back and left. Cal hopped off the stage and got down on one knee. "Spend the rest of your life with me (Y/N) and make me the happiest man alive."

Luke: For the past year you and Luke had been dating long distance. It was the point in your relationship where one of you moved, to be closer or you break up. You were feeling hopeless, after hours of trying to figure it all out, you just wanted to give up and end things. It would have been better you thought. "Marry me." Those two words Luke had said shocked you. "Marry me." He repeated. "Luke you can't just say that." He was being serious. "Marry me, move here with me. Be my wife." You sat there in silence. "I love you so much. And I think this is where are relationship needs to go. We're perfect for each other and I'm sick of not being able to hold you every night." You took a deep breath. "Yes." The next month you packed up all your stuff and sent it to Luke's place. When you finally flew out to Australia for good, he met you at the airport on one knee with an engagement ring.

Michael: You were standing side stage at his first arena headlining show. It was a huge step for the boys in their music career. They were so excited to play for thousands of fans at one time. Halfway through the set they started to play a song that wasn't on their set list. "This is a song I wrote for (Y/N). She's the most amazing person I have ever met, and has inspired me so much and has been the biggest motivation to succeed." You had never heard this song before, and it made you cry a little. You were so proud of Michael and all the other boys. After the song finished he put down his guitar and got down on one knee. The entire arena went silent. Luke handed him a mic, "(Y/N) come here." You walked over to him, your face was red from blushing and crying. "Marry me, we're meant to spend forever together." You were unable to speak so you just nodded. He put the ring on your finger and have you the biggest hug and then kissed you. You stood there looking into each others eyes, until Ash coughed, "Uh guys we have a show to finish."

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