He Overhears His Friends Talking About You Sexually- 1D

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Zayn: Zayn was having the boys over to watch a game while you went shopping with friends. Before the game started Zayn offered the boys a drink which they'd all agreed on having. Zayn was in the kitchen getting the drinks when he overheard the boys conversation. "Did you see how good Y/N's boobs looked before she left this morning? She is so hot" an Irish accent said "mm she is.. do you reckon Zayn's hit it yet?" Harry's deep voice chimed in "come on guys I really don't think we should be talking about Zayn's girlfriend like that" Liam said "says the one who was practically drooling at her when we went swimming last week" Louis piped in causing all the boys to giggle. Zayn had heard enough. He walked back into the room and set the drinks down. The boys had fallen silent and were staring at Zayn. Zayn flicked on the telly and began going through the sports channels to find the game. "Oh and boys, if I ever hear you talk about Y/N like that again, I'll kill you." Zayn said clearly with a straight face staring at the TV while the boys faces reddened.

Niall: You and Niall were cuddled up in bed watching films. Niall had been invited to a guys night with the boys but he wanted to stay home with you. You were half way through your favourite film when Niall's phone went off. You groaned thinking it could be management and they'd be on the phone for hours. Niall picked up his phone and Zayn's name read across the screen. He answered the phone and screams and laughter filled his ears. "Butt dialled" Niall said to you before going to hang up "no don't! Lets put it on speaker" Niall smirked at you before putting his phone on speaker. "Harry did you see Y/N's bum looked in those jeans last week?" Louis said "she is well fit" Harry replied "she has incredible boobs as well" Zayn spoke. Niall didn't want to listen any more and hung up the phone. He then sent Zayn a text "Try not to butt-dial me if you're going to talk about my girl." Before returning to watch the film with you.

Harry: Harry and the boys were back on tour. They'd just finished an amazing concert at the O2 arena in London and were now on the tour bus headed to their next stop. The boys were all sitting around chatting while Harry had his eyes closed trying to sleep. Just as Harry was about to nod off he heard your name been mentioned. "Did you see how good Y/N's bum looked in that dress she wore to that awards show the other day?" said an Irish accent. "That girl is proper fit" Louis said. "I'd hit it" Zayn said. That was enough for Harry. He opened his eyes stood up and walked to the fridge getting himself a bottle of water. The boys all looked at each other wondering whether Harry had heard them or not. "Next time you want to talk about Y/N like that again, don't. Oh and Zayn, she's mine." Harry said before going to bed.

Louis: Louis was over at Zayn's with the other boys watching a football game while you went out with your mum. It was half time and the boys were chatting about the game when Louis' phone rung. He went out of the room to answer it. After ending the conversation Louis started to walk back to the lounge when he heard your name. "Harry did you see how good Y/N's boobs looked the other night?" Niall said "she has got an incredible body" Harry's deep voice replied. "Would ya bang her then Harry?" Zayn asked "well... if she wasn't Louis'" Harry replied causing the boys to erupt in laughter. Louis walked into the room and the boys went silent. "What did I miss that was so funny?" Louis asked. The boys nervously looked at each other. "Never talk about Y/N like that again. You can talk about any other girl like that just not Y/N. Got it?" The boys all nodded. "Good" Louis said just as the second half of the game started.

Liam: Liam was invited to Niall's with the rest of the boys to check out Niall's new apartment while you went to a friends baby shower. After dropping you off at your friends house Liam headed for Nialls. Walking up the steps to Nialls flat he could hear the boys yelling and laughing. Just as Liam got to the door he heard your name being mentioned. "Did ya see Y/N's ass the last night?" Louis said "it looked incredible in that dress" "What about last week when she wore that low cut top and tight jeans.. so fit" Harry responded. Liam began to feel uncomfortable listening to the boys talk about you and knocked on the door to Nialls. "Come in" Niall called out. Liam let himself in and went into the lounge "Hi boys" "Hi Liam" they all replied. "Please don't ever talk about Y/N like that again." Liam said like it was just a casual conversation. The boys all mumbled an apology before Niall started showing them the flat.

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