You Sneak Out To See Him- 1D

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Harry: The headlights shined in on your wall as you wiggled into your jeans. You glanced at your phone and it lit up with Harry calling you. "I'm coming" you whispered, and a low chuckle responded. You hung up, grabbed your bag and started to head down stairs. Harry was here but it was way past your curfew. You were sneaking out to spend some alone time with him, without the prying eyes of parents or photographers. As you slid into your shoes, you heard a light footstep behind you. "Y/N" your little cousin asked. You totally forgot your parents were watching him, and he must have heard you get up. "Oh, hi" you said as he walked towards you. "Where are you going?" he asked, his light voice a little louder. "Out" you said simply, putting on your other shoe. "If you don't tell, I will bring you a treat for tomorrow" you said, and he smiled. "Deal" he said, sticking his hand out to shake yours. You smiled and shook his hand before sneaking out the front door.

Liam: 'I don't know about this' Liam texted you, and you smiled. Typical, Liam was nervous with you rebelling. 'You want to see me, don't you?' you texted back as you gathered up your sweater, purse and keys. You started down the stairs, but quickly froze. Your mom was up, and was sitting in the chair in your tv room. You weren't sure how you were going to get past her. You looked up and, through the window, you could see Liam pull up. You slowly and carefully stepped down the stairs. You got to the bottom when your mom got up. She started towards the door and immediately made eye contact with you. "What are you doing?" she hissed as you stared like a deer in headlights. "I-uh" you started, but there was no viable reason. "I was going to go see Liam" you said, defeatedly. "It's midnight" she said, and you nodded. "Be careful, take this" she said, handing you a $20 bill from her pocket. You hugged her and went for the door. "Y/N," she said, and you turned. "Don't corrupt that boy. And don't forget, I was a teenager once too" she smiled, and you smiled and waved as you went out. Needless to say, Liam felt a lot better about you having permission.

Niall: You and Niall never got much in the way of alone time, so when you parents went to sleep one night, you called Niall to come over. You quickly got dressed when you heard a tap on your window. Niall was throwing rocks up to get your attention. "How 1980s of you" you smiled, and he smirked as you crawled out your window and started climbing down. You were almost to the ground when you lost your grip and fell. "Shit" you whispered, and Niall laughed but muffled the sound so not to wake anyone. You both lay frozen on the ground on top of each other, waiting to hear any movement. After a few seconds, Niall smirked. "Hey" he said, leaning up to kiss you. "Hi" you smiled, kissing him back before running to his car hand in hand.

Zayn: "You're such a bad influence on me, getting me to sneak out" you laughed as you grabbed your wallet from your backpack. "Don't even start with me, babe" Zayn laughed, his giggles muffled by the poor reception your phone was getting. You slipped on your shoes and started down the hall towards the bathroom. "Are you almost here?" you asked, shutting the door behind you. "I am pulling on your street right now" Zayn replied, and you hung up the phone. You climbed through the bathroom window and started down the garage roof. "Shit, my keys" you whispered, going back to the window. You got there and nearly screamed at a face staring back at you. "You're such an idiot" your brother said, and you smirked. "Can you get my keys?" you asked, nodding at the chain on top of the toilet. "You owe me" he said, throwing them to you. You waved as you crawled down the garage roof, climbed down the brick and ran to Zayn's awaiting car, excited for your forbidden adventure.

Louis: "Ready?" Louis called through your window. You looked down and smiled. Louis was standing at the bottom of your wall, his hands out to catch you. "Take these" you whispered, throwing your purse and coat down. "It's a couple hours, not a weekend get away" you heard him grumble as he caught the purse. You smiled as you started down the side of the wall, Louis anxiously waiting with his hands out. You felt his hands wrap around you when a light flashed on you two. "Y/N?" a voice asked, and you turned to see your neighbor standing in your yard with just a robe on. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Mr. Frindberg. I was just-" you started, but he was already nodding. "I'm not here to bust you, I'm here to make sure nobody's robbing your parents. Have fun, and son" Mr. Frindberg said, turning to Louis. "Uh, yes" Louis said. "You might be a superstar, but if you hurt this girl I was hunt you down. She's a good girl, good morals. Treat her right or you will be going in one direction alright. Down." He said, before walking away. Louis stood frozen, shell shocked. You started giggling as you dragged him to the car. "That was terrifying" he whispered as you pushed him into the car. "Imagine my dad had caught us" you smirked, shutting the door and running to your side of the car.

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