Chapter 5: Settling Things Down

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"Ah~ This is so tiring!" Baekhyun groans.

Baekyun and i are currently inside our patrol car, doing our rounds in the city. The incident concerning the Reds is getting worse. People are getting hurt and properties getting destroyed. To make the matter worse, we are forced to clean up their mess.

"Those damn Reds." Baekhyun continues to bicker. "Forcing us to take overnight shifts. This is slavery, you know."

I chuckle. I ignore him and just focus on my driving.

"How's your cousin by the way?" Baekhyun suddenly asks out of nowhere. "I haven't seen her in for quite some time now."

I glance at him. "Yah, you only saw her once."

"So what? I still saw here and besides, pretty girls like her are hard to forget."

"Don't go there now buddy." I warn. "I won't let her date a clansman."

Baekhyun gasps. "Why?"

"Because it's dangerous." I say. "The very reason why i convinced my uncle to admit Rosé to the dormitories is because i don't want her to get involved with us. And the school is actually one of the safest places here in the city."

"You're too overprotective, bro." Baekhyun shakes his head.

"Just watching out for Rosé, that's all."

Just then, we hear this huge explosion coming from the downtown area.

"Shit!" Baekhyun grabs the communicator. "What was that?"

"The Reds are attacking people again." The voice belongs to Sehun. "This time, it's a group of highschoolers."

"Alright." Baekhyun replies. "Chanyeol and i are on our way there now."

I frown, getting worried. The fire is spreading too quickly. I press the accelerator and drive through the rushing traffic. The people are screaming and running for their lives.

"There they are!" Baekhyun shouts, pointing at our comrades.

I stomp on the break and we skid, stopping a few meters away from the center of the commotion.

"Shit!" There's no end to Baekhyun's cursing. "They're up against the Red clansmen's vanguard."

We hurriedly get out of the car. We see Sehun and Kai fighting against Bobby. It's two against one but the fight is still in favor of the Reds, seeing that our fellow blue clansmen can't do anything but defend themselves. I can't blame them. Bobby is a good fighter. He's the most aggressive clansman they have. His battle instinct is already tested and proven. Even a King will have a hard time fighting him alone.

Bobby is bombarding them with his rapid fire. He looks like a madman, not caring whether he may hit something or worse, someone in the process.

I feel my jaw tighten. I want to help them but the safety of the people comes first. I concentrate and manage to summon a rain, extinguishing the fire around us. I turn to Baekhyun.

"What are you doing?" I shout. "Help me extinguish the fire!"

Baekhyun blinks before manipulating the water i summoned. The water moves at the very same time he raises his hands. I turn around and see a group of highschoolers clustered together behind Sehun and Kai.

"Hurry up!" I shout at them. "Come this way."

The young boys begin to move but their escape route suddenly gets cut off by another one of the Red clansmen, Song.

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