Chapter 10: The Colorless Clansmen

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It's saturday and I'm currently waiting for the girls to arrive. I set down the book i'm currently reading and pull my earphones out of my ears. I look up and check the time on the watch hanging inside the cafe.

When we heard of Jisoo's involvement in a fight between the three Kings from Jennie, Lisa and i immediately reached for our phones and dialed Jisoo's number but before she could've picked up, Jisoo was already standing in front of our doorstep.

We bombarded her with questions but she seemed kind of out that day. That was when Jennie stepped in, saying Jisoo needed her rest. For some unknown reason, Jennie too seemed kind of distracted that day and that was why i proposed this girls' dayout to them yesterday while we were having our breakfast.

I look around to check for any signs of my friends but only a group of girls gossipping with each other and a couple arguing with one another are present at the moment.

"I heard the Greens are holding another party." One girl says. "And they said that everyone's invited."

"Jinja?" Girl two asks. "Are you going then?"

Girl one shrugs. "I don't know. After all, they're still clansmen."

"Yah, why waste such an opportunity?" Girl three finally joins in. "This may as well be our only chance of hooking up with them."

I roll my eyes, scrunching up my nose. Ugh! How can they think about hooking up with one of them? Well, i don't mind dating one as long he's a blue clansman.

I raise my cup of coffee but realize that it's already empty. I look for the waitress to ask for another refill but she's still busy with another customer. I can see the pitcher on the counter.

"May as well walk and stretch my numb legs." I stand up from my seat, smoothing my rose patterned dress with my empty cup on hand.

I'm about pass through the arguing couple when the guy suddenly stands up, pulling me towards him. I gasp.

"You're finally here!"

I gape. Oh. My. God. Why is June of the Red clansmen doing here? And why the hell is he talking to me? We don't even know each other! I want to say something to him but my damn mouth just won't move!

June snakes his arm around my waist. "She's the one i'm talking about, Jihyo."

The girl who i assume to be Jihyo glares. She narrows her eyes at me before standing up from her own seat. The people inside the cafe are starting to stare at us now.

"Oh really?" Jihyo smirks. "It looks to me like you just pulled her out of nowhere. Do you even know this girl's name?"

June gulps. He looks down on me while i just stare at him, unmoving.

"Of course." June says.

He does? I frown. I don't remember sharing any classes with him. Jihyo perks up. She crosses her arms, waiting for him to tell her my name.

"Her name's Rose." June says and i actually flinch, feeling surprised.

How did he know? I mean, it's Rosé but it's still close to the original one. I gape at him.

"I don't believe you." Jihyo deadpans. "You're lying."

"I'm not." June also deadpans. "I already told you, i'm trying to change now starting by breaking up with all of you."

Hold on. Does that mean he has other girlfriends except for her? Oh my god! What a player.

"It took me for a while but Rose's the one who made me realize that i can still change for the better."

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