Chapter 20: The First Assualt

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I'm on my way to the library. I'm about to call Lisa to meet me there but a sudden explosion causes us to scream and run for our lives.

"What's happening?" I shout through all the ruckus happening around me. I grab one of the running students. "What's going on?"

"Sentinels are attacking and destroying the school!" The student answers before running.

I look behind, squinting my eyes. I see men wearing animal masks marching inside the school. In front of them is a guy wearing a black rabbit mask.

"It's TOP! Run for your lives!"

TOP? Isn't that one of the sentinels who are assigned to guard the WHEEL? What is he doing here? And why is he attacking the school? I unconsciously step back.

One of the students bumps me, making me stumble and fall. The horde of sentinels are coming closer and all i can do is crawl my way out of that place. I finally able to find a place to hide. It's behind the garbage dump near the cafeteria. I press myself against the wall and pray hard that they won't find me.

"Search the ground!" TOP, the head of the said attack commands. "Find the girl and bring her to me."

I frown. Who are they talking about? Just as i'm about to crawl out of my hinding spot, an image of Yang Hyunsuk appears above.

He blabbers on and on, talking about his unfulfilled dream of acquiring COLOR until he mentions a name, a name which is very familiar to me.

"Kim Jisoo." Yang Hyunsuk says, making me perk up. "I assure you, anyone who can bring Kim Jisoo to me will be rewarded handsomely."

"You!" A sentinel wearing a wolf mask suddenly appears from behind me.

I gasp, standing up. I hurriedly step back and start running. I didn't dare look back, afraid that someone might've followed me.

I'm already out of breath so i decide to take a break. I look around and see the destruction brought by the sentinels to our school, the only place that should've been safe from any attacks. I can hear people running and crying. Some are even shouting, begging for the sentinels to let them go.

"I finally caught up to you."

I scream when the very same man wearing the wolf mask grabs me by the arm, pulling me.

"Let me go!" I squirm. "I said let go! You're hurting me!"

"Then stop struggling." The man reprimands, still pulling me with him. "Or you''ll hurt yourself even more."

"No!" I brace myself before stomping on the man's foot.

"Argh!" The man screams, letting me go.

I take it as a chance and run.

"You!" My captor hisses. "Get back here!"

I can feel my heart hammering against my chest. My head is pounding really hard making me dizzy and it's making my situation worse. I stop in front of the library. When i hear some running footsteps behind me, i didn't think twice and decided to enter the building.

I crouch under the tables and hide there. I close my eyes and take a mouthful of breaths to calm myself.

"Be still my heart." I whisper, patting my chest. "Calm down and think."

I start rummaging through my bag to find my phone. I finally find it and immediately dial Lisa's number.

"Come on, come on." I rumble. "Pick up."

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