Chapter 12: Chaos in Hue City

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Suga is walking in the dark streets of their territory. Tonight, he's going to meet some people he's going to use for their plans. By the time he arrives at their meeting place, this group of sinister looking men is already there, waiting for him. Suga smirks behind his mask. He can already smell the bloodthirst they're all emitting from where he's standing.

One of them notices Suga. "Are you August D?"

Agust D is Suga's underground name. He uses it everytime he's making a transaction with his fellow criminals. Just like him, these men are also wearing their own masks to hide their identities from each other.

"That's me." Suga confirms.

The other one stands up and faces Suga. "Why did you call for us?"

Suga throws a bag full of money in front of them. "I have a job for you."

The group consisting of five exchange looks with one another. They eye the bag in front of them before crouching down to check the contents inside. They all widen their eyes, some of them even whistle. It was a huge of amount of money. They can even buy their own luxurious cars with that sum.

"What kind of job exactly?" One of them asks, getting curious.

"I want you to wreck some havoc within the city." Suga licks his lips hungrily. "The flashier, the better."


At the Blue Clansmen's Headquarters:

"Chanyeol-ah!" Baekhyun slumps against the long table inside their situation room. "I'm about to die!"

"Stop overreacting." Chanyeol scolds. "You're a Blue clansman."

"But i'm tired!" Baekhyun whines. "We've been running around the city for three days now without rest. I can't help but be suspicious of these incidents. As if they were planned and done deliberately."

"You're right." Chanyeol is also getting suspicious. "Even our own forces were spent while trying to help the authorities contain the damages of the situation they've caused."

"Right?" Baekhyun widens his eyes for emphasis. "I wonder if they're trying to wear us down."

"Or maybe they have some other motives that we aren't aware of." Chanyeol touches his chin, rubbing it. "Maybe it's not us they're after."

Baekhyun frowns. "What do you mean?"

"What if they're just a diversion?" Chanyeol asks. "To thwart us from their real goal?"

"We're back!"

Chanyeol and Baekhyun turn around and see Sehun and Kai coming in. Just like them, they also look tired. Behind them are Chen and D.O who also just came back from their patrol.

"Welcome back." Baekhyun greets them.

"Argh! I'm so tired!" Kai stretches his neck and shoulder before sprawling on the couch.

Sehun, on the other hand chooses to head for the vending machine to grab himself a coffee while D.O immediately reaches for his laptop. Not wasting any of his precious time, D.O quickly makes a report of their team's recent exploits. He starts typing furiously, eager to finish his work early so he can rest.

"What is it this time?" Chanyeol asks Chen who is massaging his aching temple.

"A bank rubbery." Chen asnwers. "This is actually the second one this week! You?"

"Arson." Chanyeol replies. "Baekhyun and i managed to catch the arsonists before they could've lighted the damn thing."

"What about you, Sehun-ah?" Baekhyun turns to look at their maknae.

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