Chapter 18: Step Two

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I'm passing by the corridor leading to our King's chamber when i notice Suho, standing over the glass wall which is overlooking the busy streets below. I approach him.

"See something interesting?"

Suho turns and smiles. "Nope. Just admiring how peaceful the city is." The Blue King pauses. "I wonder how long it'll last."

What he said leads me into thinking. Shouldn't the people be panicking right now after learning the truth of the Gold King's disappearance? I'm about to say something as a reply when GD suddenly shows up, cutting me off.

"Sir, we have urgent news to report."

"What is it?"

"We found the place." GD says, catching my full attention. "The place where they might be keeping the Gold King."



"We're all going." Seunghoon says with finality in his voice. "And that's final."

We're inside the King's Tower's Situation Room where we're currently discussing the Gold King's rescue mission. Among the people present are the Gold clansmen, the Hue City's Head, Yang Hyunsuk, Teddy Park, the Overall Head of the Sentinels, Tablo, the Overall Head of the Tower's security team and lastly, Psy, the Head Researcher who's in-charged of monitoring the WHEEL.

"But no one will be left here to guard the WHEEL." Head Yang Hyunsuk appeals.

I squirm inside. This is all part of his plan. He intends to divert the Gold clansmen's attention somewhere else while he and the FCA try to raid the tower. The Head just wants to look like he cares.

"I understand your concern but rescuing Seungyoon is our first priority as his clansmen." Jinwoo says.

"No." Tablo disagrees. "Your first priority as Gold clansmen is to guard the WHEEL."

"I'm sorry. Let me rephrase it in a sense you can all understand." Jinu woo stares at Tablo. "The Gold clansmen's job is to prioritize the people's safety. Rescuing Seungyoon first will guarantee that."

The others begin to nod.

"What if it's a trap?" Tablo insists. "I mean, come on. Am i the only one here thinking that it might be a false information?"

"Are you doubting GD's loyalty?" Teddy growls. "He's a sentinel. "He swore an oath. We swore an oath."

I bite my lower lip.

"I know that but—" Tablo is cut off by Yang Hyunsuk.

"Please, gentlemen. Let us all calm down." The Head fakes a frustrated sigh. "We're talking about a life here. Not just anyone's but the Gold King's. Can't we all agree about something for once?"

"I agree." Psy says. "We can no longer stabilize the WHEEL on our own. The Blue King's power is somehow keeping it at bay but not for much longer. We need the Gold King's help."

"Well, there's your answer." Mino leans back from his seat, crossing his arms. "We're going."

"And besides, GD and his team will be here." Jinwoo adds. "I'm sure they'll take care of things here while we're gone. I trust him."

The kind clansman smiles at me and I grimace. My conscience are starting to eat me inside and i really hate this feeling. What is wrong with me? I already made my decision.

"We'll do our best as the sentinels in-charged of guarding the WHEEL." I answer. "You can count on us."

I turn to the Head and he gives an approving smile. It looks like he liked my acting. Well, i didn't.

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