Chapter 13: The Missing King

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I look up as i try to gaze upon the King's Tower's magnificient view. Xiumen and i just got here to have an audience with the Gold King. Yesterday, after my clansmen told me about the possibility of targetting the tower, we immediately sent a message in advance to warn the Gold clansmen of our sudden visit.

"Welcome!" Jinu, the Gold clansmen's second in command greets.

The Gold clansman is smiling at us while waiting in the middle of the tower's entrance. I've already seen him once together with the rest of the Gold clansmen. It was the day when the Gold King summoned his fellow Kings to the King's Tower.

"Our King is waiting." Jinu makes way.

Upon entering the tower, the sentinels who are guarding the place bow at us in respect. We head to the elevator and ride it to head to the uppermost floor.

"By the way." Jinu turns, facing me. "I want to thank you for saving my sister the other day."

I frown. "Sister?" Jisoo's face suddenly pops up inside my head. "You're Kim Jisoo's brother?"

Jinu smiles knowingly. "Well, we didn't mean to hide the fact that we're siblings but yeah, i am her brother."

"I see."

We finally arrive at the Gold King's quarters. I can see Kang Seungyoon, the second Gold King across the room, sitting on his high chair. On either side of him are his Gold clansmen, Hoon and Mino. They are both smiling at us.

"Yo! Blue King." Hoon waves at us. "Long time no see."

Xiumen who is just standing right beside me glares. He grits his teeth and clenches his jaw. There's annoyance in the way he looks at Hoon.

"Watch it, Hoon." Xiumen hisses. "Just because you're a Gold clansman doesn't mean you can just address my King so familiarly."

"Easy now, Xiumen." I raise my hand, warning him. "We didn't come here to fight."

"You too, Hoon." Yoon scolds and the latter immediately purses his lips. "Don't stir problems."

"Sorry." Hoon mumbles.

"Now then." Yoon clasps his hands together and rests them on top of his mahogany table. "The Blue King and i are going to talk. The rest of you, leave."

"But—" Xiumen is about to protest but Jinu suddenly grabs his shoulder, shaking his head.

"The Gold King has given his order." Jinu tells him. "I suggest you follow it."

Xiumen bites his lower lip, hesitating. He looks at me and i just nod to reassure him that i'll be fine on my own. I know he's just worried of leaving me alone especially with the mysterious Gold King.

"Please, have a seat." Yoon gestures to one of the sofas in the middle of the room.

The Gold King also stands from his high chair and heads to join me. He takes the sofa opposite me. He crosses his legs and smiles.

"I'm grateful to you for accepting my request to see you." I start. "You might already have an idea of our reason for coming here."

"Ah, yes." Yoon closes his eyes, nodding. "I read it from your letter and it is indeed a very troublesome conjecture."

"Then is it safe to say that you already took some precautions?"

Yoon smiles smugly. "Rest assure that my sentinels are a very capable men. They will guard this place with their lives."

"Forget the tower. What about you?" I lean forward, my eyebrows furrowing.

Yoon blinks. There's surprise and confusion in his eyes. Then, he starts laughing all of a sudden. I frown. Did i just say something wrong?

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