Chapter 29: The Eight King

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The clansmen notice Jisoo's friends getting out from her room. They all look relieved. It can only mean one thing, Jisoo is finally awake. They all straigten, craning their heads in hopes of having a glimpse of the rumoured Silver King.

While Jisoo was still out cold, Jinwoo took it as an opportunity to fill them in with the details of Jisoo's current circumstances, including the history of the First Silver King. They were all surprised about it especially the Kings.

Among the people present there, Suho seems to be the only one who's really bothered about it. Maybe because he's still shaken about Seungyoon's death. He can't seem to grasp their current situation. He can still remember the Gold King's face before the Tower collapsed.

Now, he can finally understand what that smile stood for. It seemed like Seungyoon was telling him to take care of the rest. Suho unconsciously grits his teeth, feeling angry with himself.

"Hey." Xiumen shakes him. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Suho answers, his face looking stern.

"How is she?" Taeyong asks Jennie as soon as they got out from Jisoo's room.

"She's awake now." Jennie tells him. "And she's fine so—"

B.I suddenly moves, heading for Jisoo's room. Jennie's eyes widen. She immediately blocks the Red King's way.

"Didn't you hear me? I said she's fine." Jennie stares at B.I, not backing down.

"I need to see it for myself." B.I pushes Jennie out, making the girl stumble.

If it wasn't for Taeyong, Jennie would've fallen already. The Grey King pulls Jennie behind him, taking a warning step towards the heated Red King. He's glaring at him, a clear sign that he wasn't happy about it.

"That wasn't nice." Taeyong grits.

"I'm not the one who started it." B.I grits back. "She tried to block my way."

"B.i." Jay, the Red clansmen's number two tries to pull his King away. "Just calm down. This isn't the right time."

"Get your hand off me or i swear i'm going to break it." B.i warns, making Jay let go.

"Aren't you going to do something about them?" Xiumen asks Suho who's just watching them from the sideline.

Suho blinks. He too seems to be out of himself. There are a lot of things going on inside his head. He tries to shake it off. He knows that it's his clan's duty to maintain the peace around them.

Suho is about to say something to warn the two Kings but the door leading to Jisoo's room suddenly opens, revealing the Gold clansmen's Jinwoo. Behind him is Jisoo who frowns upon seeing the crowd in front of her doorstep.

"What's going on?" Jinwoo asks, eyeing both B.i and Taeyong.

"Jisoo." B.I bumps Taeyong's shoulder on his way to Jisoo's side.

Jisoo smiles at him timidly making the Red King hesitate. B.I stops on his track. There's something about that smile that bothers him. Is it really the same Jisoo he saved back then?



I can see the hesitation on Hanbin's face. I swallow and look around to see the very same expressions plastered on the other's faces.

"Jisoo." Jennie runs to my side. "What are you doing? Shouldn't you be resting?"

'I'm fine Jennie-ah." I tell her. I bite the bottom of my lip before turning to the others.

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