Chapter One - Seen but Unseen

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Chapter One - Seen but unseen

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Chapter One - Seen but unseen


I never thought much about my future beyond the normal. I did think about if I would marry or if I would have children. But mainly what college I would go to when I finished high school. To go to college and get a law degree would be my dream but like everything else in life I would have to work twice as hard as anyone else.


I'm blind.

When I was a little girl I messed with some bottles that should have been out and I shouldn't have been touching. Let's just say it did not have a happy ending. I don't remember what it was like to see with my eyes but now everything is just.... well it's not a black obis but it's not HD colour.

Back to the point. I never really thought that much of the future, but as corny as it sounds. Everything was about to change. During my junior year my mom and step dad wanted to go on the road. So me and my sister Bella decided to go spend time with our Dad.

"Girls I love you but we've got a plane to catch." Phil called

"Cleo." I whistled. Cleo was my dog and best friend. an beautiful golden retriever who helped me. I got her when I was young and wanted independence. I never wanted to be handled like a fragile doll. I wanted to be a normal kid. If i had to work harder than everyone else, I was up for the challenge. So I went to an average school, and went out with friends. The only things that were different I had Braille books, guide dog and a cane.

Cleo nudged her nose into my hand and I smiled

"Are you ready sis?" I asked Bella

"As ready as I'll ever be." I slipped into the car and Cleo got in beside me. This is where I began my journey.

In the state of Washington there is a small town under a bed of cloud called Forks. This is where me and my sister would be living. Getting off the place I held onto my sister's arm.

"There he is. Hey...Charlie."

"Bella, Jackie."

"Hi Dad." I smiled we stood there a moment and I cleared my throat.

"Shall we?"

"Yeah, of course." We got our stuff and was taken home. Dad was the chief of Police in Forks he had this soft aura about him but he was too much of a awkward man to fully show it.

"Your hair's grown since the last time I saw ya." Dad said trying to make small talk

"Oh, I cut it out since the last time."

"Must have grown out again." I smiled slightly at the awkward bubble between the two. I stroked Cleo's head and she snoozed on my lap.

"How are things with the police Dad?" I questioned

"Good, as can be. How is everything"

"Same, I still look like I'm away with the fairies but beggars can be choosers." I tried to joke. When I was in school one of the kids didn't know I was blind and said I looked away with the fairies because it didn't look at him. I don't think he meant anything mean but to me I took it as a complement.

When we arrived Bella got her stuff and Dad got mine. The three of us went upstairs.

"Bells, this is your room. There's a pretty good work lamp. The sales lady picked out the bed stuff.  You like purple right?"

"Purple's cool. Thanks." There was a silence.


"Yeah, sorry. Come on Jacks." I turned and followed my Dad.

"Everything is pretty much how you left it. I know that you need things to be in the same place.

"Not all the time but it is a big help I felt out for my bed and sat down."

"I put a double in to erm, there's that to take account of. Cleo's bed is right next to you."

"Thank you Dad."

"Okay." He left and I un harnessed Cleo. I gave her a treat for her good work and began to unpack. Seen as everything was how I had left it I knew where to put stuff without help. Once I had finished  downstairs to feed Cleo. I heard a car honk and then there was Bella.

"Come on Jack." I got my cane  and followed her.

"Bells, Jack. You remember Billy Black."

"Yeah." I held my hand out and he shook mine.

"Wow, you're looking good." Bell replied

"Well, I'm still dancing.  I'm glad the two of you are here. Charlie here hasn't shut up since you told him you were coming." Billy chuckles

"Keep on exaggerating, I'll roll you into the mud." Dad mutters

"After I ran you in the ankles." I presumed they went of teasing each other.

"Hi I'm Jacob."

"I remember." Bell replied

"Yeah we used to make mud pies when we were little. May I." I asked handing my cane to Bella.

"Sure." he took my hands and placed them on his face. I got a idea of the older Jacob.

"Wow so, handsome. I felt down that he had longer hair than the last time we saw him.

"Long hair. Are you trying to copy me." He laughed and I took my hands away.

"Are they always like this?" Bell wondered handing me back my cane.

"It's getting worse with old age." I giggled hearing them come back.

"So what do you think?" Dad asked my sister I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion

"Of what?"

"Your homecoming present?" I tapped Jacobs arm and he saw my confusion

"Charlie got Bella a Truck." I ahhd now being caught up.


"Yeah, just bought it off Billy here."


"I totally rebuilt the engine for you" Jake added

"Oh, my gosh. This is perfect are you joking me?" She left my side to open the door which hit Jake.

"I told you she'd love it." Billy stated "I'm down with the kids." I laughed and went to stand next to my dad.

"Oh yeah dude, you're the bomb."

"Jack you wanna come with me? I got something for you two."

"You didn't have to." He took me away and handed me a pile of books.

"All your favourites. Your Mom helped." I Braille books of my favourites.

"Thank you Dad. It really means a lot."


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