Chapter Ten - Love Life

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Chapter Ten - Love Life

He grabbed me and swung me onto his back before jumping

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He grabbed me and swung me onto his back before jumping. The wind blew my hair.

"What the."

"Hold on my spider monkey." I was jolted up and down. I think he was climbing the tree, effortlessly. We stopped

"You trust me?"

"95%." I laughed

"Don't ever let go." We jumped again from tree to tree then up one until he stopped and sat me on a branch.

"Where are we?" I asked

"At the top of a very tall tree overlooking the town." I gasped

"Tell me, what does it look like?"

"Beautiful. The lakes go on forever. The tree's stand tall and cover ground like a blanket. There isn't a view like this for miles."

"This is insane. This is stuff only exist in books and films."

"It does in my world." my lips beamed with happiness.

"You know that even though you can't see you look right at me."

"Do I?"

"Yes. And their beautiful."

Back at the house I laid on his comforter while he played the piano. I wished I could stay with him forever.

When we got home I collapsed on my bed.

"Bella. I have irreversibly fallen for him." she flopped next to me

"I know the feeling."

"We're hooked"


The next day after school. Bells and I were doing a biology project and were late to the diner.

"Hey Arizona's. Yo, what's happening. You and the Cullen's, huh. That's...I don't like it. I don't know they look at you like you're some kind of meat."

"Mike, I know you care but our love life honestly has nothing to do with you. Now we're late. Come on." I sighed walking into the diner.

"Sorry we're late, caught up doing bio homework." I sat down and took Cleo's harness off.

"I ordered you the spinach salad, Bells and You the Steak and Chips like me, Jack."

"Thanks."I was put in front of me

"Maybe you should order one for you next time. Cut back on the steak."

"I'm healthy as a horse." Dad replied

"Say Chief, the boys wanna know did you find anything by Queets river today." Cora asked

"We found a bare human foot print but it looks like whoever it is, is headed east, so kitsap county Sherriff is gonna take over from here. "

"Okay, I just hope they catch him fast" she left and I started eating.

"Looks like your friends are flagging you."


"Mike, never mind. Go join them if you want. I don't mind. I'm thinking of turning in early anyway."

"Same." I nodded.

"Me too." Bella agreed.

"Girls, it's a Friday night. go out. Looks like the Newton boys have a big smile for ya."

"Yeah, he's a good buddy?" I nod

"What about the other yahoo's in this town. Any of them interest in you."

"Pease tell me you're not trying to have the boy talk with us Dad. "

"I guess you're right. I just feel like I leave you alone too much. You need to be around people."

"We're not alone we have each other. I guess were kind of like our Dad in a way." I smiled at Bella's comment.


I was on a three way call with my mom and sister.

"So how's all the baseball stuff going?" I asked

"Awh, Phil's working so hard. You know spring training. We're looking for a house to rent in case things become more permanent. You'd like Jacksonville babies."

"Yeah? We're really liking Forks." Bella told her

"What?" I could hear the smile in her voice

"Forks is growing on us." I repeated.

"Could a guy have anything to do with that." We laughed nervously

"Yeah." We set out mother off

"I knew it. Tell me everything. What is he? Jock? Indie? I bet he smart is he smart." I gasped feeling a cold hand touch my leg." I held out my hand and it was Edward he took it.

"Mom, I have to go"

"Come on we're talking boys. Are you being safe." I hung up the phone.

"How did you get in here?"I asked

"The window."

"Do you do that often?"

"Just the past couple of months. I like watching you sleep. I find it calming." I smile a little. "I just want to try one thing. Stay very still." I did as I was told. I felt his soft lips touch mine. I reciprocated. His kiss was like my favourite chewing gum. Addictive. I kissed back harder and he pushed me up against my headboard ad I threaded my fingers through his hear.

"Stop." he pulled away.

"I'm sorry." I cleared my throat

"I'm stronger than I thought."

"I wish I could say the same. You know you said I was like your drug. I think I get what you mean"

"I can't ever lose control with you." I got up

"Do you trust me."

"Of course I do, it's myself I don't trust."

"You should because I do. " I took his hand "Please, don't go." He turned around and slowly nodded. We stayed up talking till I fell asleep at whatever time

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