Chapter Thirty One - Train Together

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Chapter Thirty One - Train Together

Edward skidded to a stop ad we arrived in the forest clearing

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Edward skidded to a stop ad we arrived in the forest clearing. I told Cleo to stay where she was and got out. Edward took my hand. There was growling and I turned my head, the wolves had arrived."

"They don't trust us enough to come in their human forms." Edward relayed to Carlisle

"They came that's what matters. Will you translate?" Edward let go of my hand. Rebekah and Kol took my side as I put my arms around their waist and they did the same.

"Jasper has experience with newborn. He'll teach us how to defeat them." Carlisle started

"They wanna know how the newborns differ from us." Edward translated

"They're a great deal stronger than us because their own human blood lingers in their tissue. Our kind is never more physically powerful that in the first several months of this life."

"Carlisle's right." Jasper came in "That's why they were created. A new born army doesn't need thousands like a human army. But no human army could stand against them. Now the two most important things to remember are. first. Never turn your backs on them, they'll crush you in an instant. And second, never go for the obvious kill, they will anticipate that and you will lose." Kol sat me onto of the jeep as they trained.

When they finished Elena and Hayley came and sat with me.

"So what's his story. Jaspers. Apart from he's your sister's boyfriend." Elena asked

"I don't know."

"Now's the time to ask, he's heading this way."

"Jasper, is there anything else me and Bella can do, to help."

"You're already doing enough. You presence, your scent will distract the newborns. Their hunting instinct will take over and drive them crazy."

"How do you know so much? We were just wondering?" Hayley questioned

"I didn't have the same upbringing as my adopted siblings."

"It looks exactly like Jackie's bite." Elena breathed jumping down I did too and ran my fingers over them it was eerie

"It all changed when I met Alice. She told me that she would help me and one day I would find love. She gave me hope."

"Sorry I took so long." My sister arrived

"No apologies nessacery, ma'am."


"That night I had a nightmare. Victoria, ordering Jasper to kill me. I woke up with a jolt.

"What's wrong?"

"The intruder, the newborn army. They're all her puppets. Victoria."

"Alice would have seen if she wanted to make an army." Edward replied

"Unless, she's hiding behind them and letting someone else decide." I retorted

After I got dressed I followed Edward out.

"I'm not just gonna hide while you're taking the risks. I can fight."

"This isn't some playing around, Jackie. If it's Victoria involved I need you as far away as possible. I get it you can fight, but this is not a nightwalker fun night."

"Jasper said I could be of help."

"We won't need your help. With the other vampires and the wolves, it's an easy win. The rest of us aren't gonna have enough to do."

"Okay it's either so dangerous that I have to hide or so easy that you're sidelines. "Which is it"

"It's dangerous for you, easy for us."

"Well I think it's dangerous for us to be apart. How many times have we proven that? I'll worry, you'll worry and we'll be vulnerable."

"Your right."

"So I'm fighting with you."

"No we'll be away together."

"I can't make you choose between me and your family."

"You're not and there is your family too. I can protect you better if I'm with you." I sighed and nodded


"You two not fighting? What, you pull a muscle or something." Jacob teased. Jasper and Bella had come to the same conclusion as we had.

"They're doing it for us, okay." I huffed in annoyance.

"Whatever, just tell me the plan."

"This field will give us an advantage. We need to lure the newborns with their scent, but it need to end here."

"The four of us are going on a campsite. Up in the mountains. Even if he carries us they'll still catch our scents.."

"Your stench however is revolting." Edward joined in

"Dude, you really don't wanna start comparing stinks." Jacob retorted

"What he means a wolfs scent will mask our if you and Paul carry us."

"This is not a good idea." Edward protested

"Edward they won't want to go anywhere near their odour." I was picked up by Paul I'm guessing

"Eau de wolf coming up."

"Run." We took off away from our boyfriend

"So you're a wannabe vampire." Paul said

"And you're a shape shifting dog."


"I've met wolves and they're a lot more scary than you. And the bite."

"I bite."

"No a real bite. One that hurts." I chatted my teeth at him.

"Vampire girl."

"And proud. You know I'm sure before your change you were nice. But all shape shifting dogs are becoming rather annoying." He growled.

"Awh sad puppy." He took me back.

"It worked." Bells informed me

"Good, come on Bells."

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