Chapter Twenty One - Italy

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Chapter Twenty One - Italy

We took the earliest flight to Italy

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We took the earliest flight to Italy. When we arrived it was morning. I sat in the front with Alice as she was driving like a mad woman. In any other circumstances I would be laughing with joy.

"I'm guessing you didn't rent this car?" Bella exhaled from the back

"I guessed you wouldn't be opposed to grand theft auto."

"Not today." I reply.

"Alice what's happening?" Bella questioned

"They refused them."


"He's going to make a scene, show himself to the human's."

"No, when?" I protest

"He's going to wait till know when the sun is at its highest." She jumped a little

"Alice, hurry up."

"There's Volterria." We sped into the town. Honking people out of the way."

"Why are they all in red?" Bella asked

"San Marco's Day festival. They're commemorating the expulsion of vampires from the city. It's the perfect setting, the Volturi will never let him get far enough to reveal himself.

"We have five minutes

"Bella, breathe. We're going to be okay." I told my sister

"How can you be calm."

"Freaking out won't make us go any faster." We came to a halt I got out of the car.


"You two have to do it. I won't get close enough. He'll think I'm lying both of them will and rush into it." I took a deep breath. Focus. Where are you Edward. I smelt that homely earthy scent.

"Bells I got them Alice look after Cleo." I grabbed my sisters hand and we started running

"How can you do that."

"I was trained to use what I have smell." I yelled. I followed them

"I see the clock tower"

"Faster" I pushed myself when I caught them I heard the clock strike.

"Bella now." I ran through the fountain and jumped on him


"Heaven." He muttered I pushed him back

"Inside, get inside. I pushed him out of the sun. "Come on baby open your eyes. Look at me, I'm real. I'm alive."


"Move" He stumbled back and held me tight

"You're here."

"I'm here."

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